A note to readers: this is the archive website for Promethean PAC, created before we changed our name from LaRouchePAC to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on www.PrometheanAction.com. Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at www.PrometheanPAC.com.
The Star Chamber’s Chief Lawyer Remarks on the Proceedings Against Donald J. Trump
The Monday Brief - Join the Wall of Fire Around The Republic - April 15, 2024
Where Are We After April 12-14? Not Where You Are Being Told
FISA Goes Down in Flames; Now Defeat Ukraine Funding
Ukraine/FISA Bulletin No. 3, the FISA/Menticide Part of It
The Morning Brief - The Times That Try Mens' Souls - April 8, 2024
The Ukraine/FISA Refresher Course — Bulletin No. 2
The Ukraine/FISA Refresher Course — Bulletin No. 1
The Ukraine War is Spinning Out of Control; Congress Must End It Now by Refusing Aid
Again, a Most Prescient Easter Reflection in Our Time of Crisis
The New Roman Empire and the Thirst for War
The Monday Brief - "A Wider Ukraine War If We Don't Stop it" - March 25, 2024
U.S. Supreme Court Apparently Imbibed the D.C. Kool-Aid
Last Week’s Developments in Republic Killing Lawfare
The Monday Brief - "Don't look down!" - March 18, 2024
Over Target, The New York Times Rails Against Free Speech Warriors
A Big Week in Review, Now Comes the Hard Part
How the Real Monroe Doctrine Could Block Biden's War Drive
The Monday Brief - March 11, 2024
Biden’s State of the Union, An Exercise in Mass Psychosis
In the Cradle of the Holy Land: Civilization is Burning
Open Letter to President Biden: Beware a Nuclear Afghanistan Disaster! Pull all Americans Out of Ukraine Now!
Super Tuesday, A New Morning in America
The Monday Brief - March 4, 2024
The People, it is Your Turn at Bat, Stop these Wars Now
Where Globalism Goes to Die
Javier Milei Really Ain’t MAGA, Quite the Opposite
CPAC—A Collision of Conservative Dinosaurs with MAGA’s Principles
The Prometheus Principle and Election 2024
A Bombshell Week in Defining Our Nation’s True Enemy Within and Without
The Week in Republic-Killing Lawfare
Building Civilization Anew
Tucker and Putin Puncture the “Big Lie” as Millions Watch
Did Robert Hur Just Blowup the Delusion that We Have a President?
End of the Post-World War II British Imperial Order?
Who’s Behind the Drive for War with Iran and “Apocalypse Now”?
Nikki Haley! Mean Girl Bushie Pushing Iran War and WWIII
This is a "Kairos" Moment
We Are Changing Our Name
Yet Again, the U.S. is Headed into Another Mideast War
Bombing the Houthis in Yemen, Biden Walks Right into the Trap of Regional War
Davos 2024—Oligarchs Waiting for the Shoe to Drop
The MIGOP Internal Fight–Chaos and a Circular Firing Squad; Who Benefits?
Globalism Be Damned
Weekly Trump Lawfare Roundup: All Roads Lead to Biden White House
Desperate Biden Initiates Third War Front
Marjorie Taylor Greene Outlines Explosive Fight in House
Biden Visits Valley Forge; Reprises Hitler in Speech Attacking Hitler
It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents
MI6-CIA Blob Eats RFK, JR.
2024: Global Showdown
The Obscurantist Green Order and its Peace Agenda
A Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents: Part 5—The British Kill John F. Kennedy
A Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents: Part 4—The British Kill William McKinley
A Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents: Part 3—The British Kill Abraham Lincoln
A Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents: Part 2—The British Threat to Donald Trump
A Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents
Looking Back to the “Ballot Exclusions” of 1860; or the Democratic Party’s Old Bag of Dirty Tricks
Colorado Trump Ruling: Desperate, Paranoid, Fascists Attempt to Cancel Presidential Election
Counteroffensive! The Fight Against the Deepest State
A Turning Point: Stop the NDAA
Desperate Anglo-Fascists Issue Assassination Threat Against Trump
COP28: The Coming Fall Of Babylon
As Globalist System Fails, Oligarchs Go for Dictatorship
A Manufacturing Revolution in Defense Production? DEW, Hypersonics and Next Generation Interceptor
The Obama-British War Against Your Mind
Bombshell Censorship Docs Indict Barack Obama and His British Sponsors
Expect the Unexpected; Enemy is in a Panic
Trump's Missile Defense: Strategic and Economic Priority
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Some Real Facts About the Current Mideast War
LaRouchePAC Memo to APEC Summit Attendees
President Trump Will Build War Ending Missile Defense, Igniting Economic Renaissance
Eyes Wide Shut, Walking into the Trap
Why Is Dante Critical to the MAGA Movement? Part 2: Dante's Divine Comedy
The U.S. House Can Stop Looming Armageddon
Halloween Foretells a Looming Terrorist Attack: We Can Stop It
Ghosts of Past Geopolitical Sins Threaten World War
When Idiots and Lackeys Head to War
Can America Bear another War Now? We can Prevent it as we Did in 2014! Return to President Trump’s Policy!
Col. Doug Macgregor tells Tucker Hot Emotions May Lead to World War III
Battle in Congress, War in Mideast; Who's in Control?
Trump Held and Holds the Key to Middle East Peace
Racing against Time in the Mideast—Will a Stolen Election Lead to Another War?
Who Can Overturn the British Chessboard in the Middle East?
Atrocities for a Purpose — Filmed by the Perpetrators
LaRouche: For Middle East Peace, Change the World in Which the Middle East is Located
Sucker: Don’t Let Manufactured “Opinions” Justify World War
The Turbulence You are Feeling Signals the End of the System
Exposed: The FBI Gestapo Is Now Targeting All Trump Supporters
On the Knife Edge, the Dynamic Driving Manipulated "Chaos"
The Water Revolution that Cannot be Postponed in Mexico, Thinking Big Is Key to the New Mexican-American Alliance
What Joe Biden Just Called “Very Dangerous... ULTRA MAGA”
Donald Trump Calls for “Ultimate Strike Against the Globalist Class”
Is The Alliance Of Sahel States The Beginning Of An Anti-Globalist Revolution In Africa?
A New Absurd and Very Dangerous Phase of the Ukraine War
How the Oligarchy Rules: Foundations and Non-Profits
Why You Must Stop the Trump Prosecutions Now
The Evil of 9/11: What Must Be Done Now
Two Weeks that will Live in History
The Injustice Department on Steroids — Not Our First Rodeo
Trump Sets Agenda To Win The War And Build The Peace
To Shutdown Dope Inc., Bankrupt Them
The Current War for the Future: Dispatches from Two Battlefronts
Know Thy Enemy: The Modern Oligarchical Democracy - Part II
Know Thy Enemy: The Modern Oligarchical Democracy
End the Central Banking System Before It Ends Us
Beyond the BRICS
It's Not about Donald Trump; It's about our Constitutional Republic
Who Are Financial Godfathers Behind the Empire of Dope?
Last Week in the War for the Republic, What We Analyzed and What We Read
A War on Drugs to Save the People of America
New Book Calls for Annihilation War on Drug Cartels
Bullshit! Trump Indicted for Third Time as Campaign Surges, Unprecedented Criminalization of the First Amendment
The Anglo-Dutch Oligarchs Flip Out: Trump Notified of Third Indictment
Franklin Roosevelt’s Critical Alliance With Mexico At Bretton Woods: An Inspiration For Patriots
Scott Ritter Bombshell: Zelensky is a British Agent. Otherwise, the NATO Death Cult Continues
The Antidote to NATO’s Forever Eurasian War: Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Powers
Who are the Millions the Cartels are Shipping into the Country? No One Knows!
The World Economic Forum versus Donald Trump’s Agenda 47
What is Required to Win the War on Drugs
Trump Pledges to Use Constitution to Obliterate Deep State
The War and Economics: President Putin at St Petersburg Forum
Hunter Biden Bull Pucky; They’re Sticking You in the Eye and Hoping for a Violent Response
A Declaration of War to Defend our Nation and Civilization
The "Rule of Law" Triumphed in Nazi Germany — Is That What They Are Setting Up Today?
Rogue DOJ Rampage — First Trump Fed Indictment
Washington Plays Kabuki While World War III Looms Large — SitRep June 2, 2023
Time For MAGA To Get Real — Only Then Can This War Be Won
Ukraine Attacks the Kremlin — Another Step Up the Nuclear Ladder?
Down with King Charles — Let the Globalists be Damned!
Can the Approaching Dark Age be Reversed?
The Zombie Apocalypse: How Adam Smith was Raised from the Dead. . . Again. . . and Again. . . and Again
Threats To The Institution Of The Presidency And The Republic In Mexico
Patriotic Security Officials and President Trump Fight To Head Off Disastrous War with Russia and China
Russia and America:—Shall it be War or Peace?
Know Your Enemy—And Your Friends
U.S./British Incompetence, Not Putin, is Out to Destroy the Dollar
What Putin and Xi Really Talked About
Read Putin’s Address to See Through the Lies
Concerning MTG’s Divorce: Victory is the Only Option
On the Coming Anniversary of War, Three Presidents Speak
New Republic Takes Another Big Swing at LaRouche and Whiffs Again
Sitrep USA, 2/12/2023
Tucker Carlson Gets Snookered by Convention of States
Chapter 4: The Train Salon: Who Was There, What They Did
The Collapse of an Empire in the Graveyard of Ukraine
Chapter 3: The Train Salon, Public Diplomacy, and the New “Operation Mockingbird” (continued)
Panic in Davos: The Coming Ukraine Disaster Can Sink the Whole Utopian Project
Chapter 2: The Train Salon, Public Diplomacy, and the New “Operation Mockingbird”
The Future Belongs To Sovereign Nations
The British, Using George H.W. Bush, Destroyed the First Church Committee’s Achievements: A True Crime Story and Lesson for Our Times
2023, The Year To Slay Fake Bots and Similar Evil Illusions
The Twitter Files: Some Sunlight on the American Panopticon
Sit Rep USA November 20, 2022
Garland, the Milquetoast Torquemada, Appoints NATO Thug to Destroy Trump
COP 27—No Joy at Sharm el-Sheikh
To Prevent Nuclear War, End the Special Relationship
The Midterms and the Coming Defeat of the Empire: A World Turned Upside Down
Climate Change: the Zombie that would not die
The Ukraine War and Our Mission as Americans
An American Political Organizer Visits An Italy in Transition — Conversations With Gianluca
Will Biden’s War Deliver Humanity’s Very Last October Surprise?
Along with President Trump, Bring Elon Musk into Ukraine Peace Talks
Trump’s Offer to End the War, or Something Similar, Should Be Accepted About Right Now
British Economy Crashes; Bank of England Pleads Insanity
Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil
Who Will Rescue Us When the Economy Falls off the Cliff?
Lessons from Europe: What Is at Stake November 8th
Sitrep USA, August 29, 2022
A Reflection by Lyndon LaRouche On Our Present Circumstance; Or, Why, Both LaRouche and Trump Are Ruthlessly Suppressed
August 8, 2022 at Mar-a-Lago -- Herald of the New American Revolution
Sitrep USA, August 5, 2022: Washington Now Lives in Augmented Reality; A MetaVerse Which Plays with Nuclear Fire
Support the Dutch Farmers; Their Protest is Our Own
Putin’s Defense of Nation-State Sovereignty Signals Globalist Defeat
Global Feudalists Panic, as Nation Builders Advance
Stop Freaking Out: Learn the Principles & Practice of National Banking
Trump Takes on War Party; Time to Take on "Deeper State"
President Vladimir Putin at the Eurasian Economic Forum: National Sovereignty, Resistance to Imperial Rule, and the Pathway to Economic Development
The British Snookered the U.S. Again In Ukraine—Will This Carnage Finally End the Special Relationship?
World Economic Forum 2022: Arrogance Fades as Elite Panic Begins
How Long Will This War Last?
Our Saturday “Hot Takes” on This Week’s Developments
Call Off the Snipe-Hunt; America is Not About to Surrender its Sovereignty to the WHO
Before Our Young Are Wiped Out Completely, It’s Time for an Actual War on Drugs
Why is the Economy Not Working? Don’t Just Kick the Tires, Look Under the Hood
The Potentially Fatal Return to Endless War
Biden Seeks More Money for Ukraine and More Power for Himself; Congress Should Refuse!
U.S. and British Officials Go Full-On Dr. Strangelove
Did George Orwell Know the Minds of Our Present Oligarchs in 1944?
President Trump Gets Ukraine Right
Yoda’s Evil Deluded Twin, Janet Yellen, Declares World Bankers’ Dictatorship
Will a Patriot Replace a Financier as France’s President on April 24?
Sitrep USA: Looks Like the War Will Be Brought Home for the Midterms
Biden's 'New World Order' Looks More Like Orwell's 1984
Permanent War, Permanent Revolution; A Foreign War against a Domestic Enemy
Purge the Neo-Cons, Dropkick the Dwarf Kings
Saner Voices: Get Rid of the RINOs and Neocons for Good at Last!
Thinking About Volodymyr Zelensky’s Minstrel Show Before Congress; It’s Time To Cancel the Uniparty
The City of London’s Murderous Sanctions Policy: Targeting the American People!
Atrocity Propaganda, The Last Stage of the PsyOp Aimed At You
Saner Voices on Russia and Ukraine: Our Elites Are Waging This War Against Americans
Saner Voices on Russia and Ukraine: Russia’s “Red Line” Security Demands
The Nazis Among Us — The Nuclear War Threat Isn’t Coming from Russia
The Fog of War is Manufactured, Will It Go Nuclear?
Washington’s Republicans Feast on a Radioactive Meal Provided by Hillary Clinton
Globalists' Expansion of NATO Stopped by Russia; Now, Break The Imperial Grip on the U.S.
Globalist Expansion of NATO Stopped by Russia; Now, Break the Imperial Grip on the U.S.
Putin Exposes Global Elites’ “Empire of Lies” and Perpetual War Policies
Biden and His British Controllers Now Have the War They Created
Scratch a liberal, you get a fascist; scratch a fascist and you get the British Crown!
The Information-Warfare Hoax Behind the Ukraine Invasion Hysteria
Durham’s Revelations: Destruction of the National Security State—or Just Hillary Clinton?
Biden, the Empire and the Bat Queen in a Panic
Friday Afternoon’s War Escalations - As Usual the U.S. Is Being Led to Catastrophe by the British Empire
Another Day, Another “Dictator” for Washington’s Chicken Hawks To Fight
Drive the Barbarians Out of Washington!
The Ukraine Crisis is More Fake Than Saddam Hussein’s WMD; Tell Congress We Won’t Go to War for Hillary Clinton’s and Hunter Biden’s Neo-Nazis
Washington’s Delusional Warriors Don’t Really Want You Dead, It’s Just an Unfortunate Consequence of Their Thinking
Davos 2022—Why are Sovereign Governments Still Listening to these Imperial Failures?
As Putin Prepares His Surprise; the Time to Dismantle Our Deep State Is Now
Biden Flails in Atlanta; Reviving LaRouche’s American System Will Defeat His Fascism
Dick Cheney, the One True Link Between September 11, 2001 and January 6, 2021
Why the Worldwide Hysteria Around January 6?
Biden Admin Steps Up Euthanasia Program for Political Vaccine Opponents
The Third Wave of Electrification has Begun
More People is the Metric! Genocide by any other name is still genocide.
Are Unvaccinated Lives Unworthy of Life? We Are Slipping into the Space Addressed at Nuremberg
U.S./British Campaign to Suicide Julian Assange Moves Forward
Elon Musk Challenges Zero Growth Axioms
Concerning War with Russia and the Absurd "Democracy Summit"
News Shorts: War Clouds Over Ukraine? & Omicron, Mandates, and Therapeutics
Don’t Fall for the Hype Around Ukraine
War Clouds over Ukraine? Real, or the Tory Cancer at the Center of U.S. Foreign Policy?
What the Oligarchy Hates about Trump and the USA
It’s Time to Learn Real American Economics
The Only Rational Response to Green Insanity: Others Go Nuclear, What About the United States?
LaRouchePAC News Shorts, November 13, 2021
Finishing What Lincoln Started
COP-26 Overview: Nation States say “Nyet” at Glasgow, while British Imperialists demand Mass Murder
The Oct. 30-31 G20 Meeting in Rome: Rome Fiddles While the World Burns
The Great Reset Is a “Great Trainwreck” of Civilization
Will the Halloween Climate Summit Trigger an Economic Heart-Attack Even Before it Opens?
Biden’s British Afghanistan Adventure: Liar, Liar Pants on Fire
Biden’s Afghanistan Day of Infamy: The Long and Short of It
Afghan Killing Field Is Deliberate—Replace Everyone Who Created It
President Trump Gives His Sitrep on Afghanistan
Class #2: Plato's Pursuit of the Good or Adam Smith's Pursuit of Pleasure?
Plato's Dialogues, The Tragedy of Athens, and The Complex Domain
A Timely Definition of American Citizenship from Lyndon LaRouche
While Dems are Outright Traitors, Patriots' Ignorance Can Also Kill Us
Class #3: What Domain of Human Mind Can Profile America's Globalist Enemy and Defeat It?
January 6th: Orchestrated by Globalists for Further Surveillance?
January 6th: An Orchestrated Event Fully Played By the Globalists?
The New Dispensation from London
Biden-Putin Summit Joe Biden's Flight Forward Crashes Into Reality
Joe the Avatar at G7; Rejoins British Empire
Class 1: Do you know where you are and where you are going?
Joe Biden’s Very Ugly Foreign Adventure
Financial Cartels Assault Progress and National Sovereignty
Part II: Their Vision Versus Ours
Part I: The War the British Financial Imperium Now Directs Against Us
The British Crown, COVID and a Web of Lies
Two US-Russia Summits Seen from Memorial Day
A Memorial Day Reflection & Urgent Message from Lyndon LaRouche
Kissinger & Silicon Valley: The Artificially Intelligent
Inflation Explodes: Time for LaRouche's Firewall
As Israel & Palestine explode, look to LaRouche's 2009 warning
Biden and the World Economic Forum: A Conspiracy of Satanic Morons