Chapter 2: The Train Salon, Public Diplomacy, and the New “Operation Mockingbird”
A note to readers: this is an old post on the archive website for Promethean PAC. It was written when we were known as LaRouche PAC, before changing our name to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at
The British, Using George H.W. Bush, Destroyed the First Church Committee’s Achievements: a True Crime Story and Lesson for Our Times
In the first post in this series, we detailed how we learned about a salon of journalists and government officials meeting in the Manhattan townhouse of famous Wall Street financer John Train in 1983, to plot the political assassination of Lyndon LaRouche.
As outlined by participants, this full spectrum-information warfare operation would first strip LaRouche of his reputation. Through this operation, LaRouche, the genius of our time, would be transformed, in the public mind, from his actual beautiful soul into an unrecognizable cartoon character—an evil zealot working feverishly on behalf of either the KGB or raving Nazis, depending on the audience receiving the planned formatted defamations. After “extremist” became his public middle name, as LaRouche often joked, prosecution in a political frameup could readily succeed.
It was, in all essential respects, the same as the operation conducted later against Donald Trump. Only its scope and deployable personalities were different.
Before telling you, in Chapter 3, just who was at the John Train salons and the deeper dynamics governing them—an investigation which took us years to fully understand and pin down—I need first to set the table for you.
Ronald Reagan and Lyndon LaRouche met in Concord, New Hampshire during the 1980 presidential primary campaign. As LaRouche later characterized it “that meeting between us changed world history in ironical ways which are reverberating still today.” LaRouche was running as a conservative Democrat against Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Carter. Reagan’s main opponent there was George H.W. Bush.
In a surprise, Bush, the former director of the CIA and chairman of the Republican Party, won in Iowa and was leading in New Hampshire, with a campaign apparatus which included a core of present and former CIA agents. LaRouche, campaigning in New Hampshire, was pounding Jimmy Carter and the Democrats, along with George H.W. Bush, for their allegiance to the Trilateral Commission, the central bankers’ policy group, like today’s World Economic Forum in its intent to impose world government and deindustrialize and abolish nation states, particularly the United States. Reagan picked up LaRouche’s campaign against Bush and the Trilaterals, culminating in his destruction of Bush by dramatically illustrating his Tory character in a famous confrontation at the Nashua candidates’ debate.
So, how did Bush, then, become Reagan’s vice-president? Well, that story illustrates the challenge to patriots today. You might ask the same question about Mike Pence and Donald Trump. You will fail in saving the country unless you have a totally loyal and competent contingent of patriots ready to govern once you assume the presidency, along with a similar contingent in the Congress. Building that is the challenge we face between now and November 2024.
Once Reagan secured the nomination, his crew of nominal loyalists, led by campaign chairman and future CIA Director Bill Casey, went all-in on negotiating a co-presidency with Gerald Ford as Vice-President. Ford was demanding that Henry Kissinger be named Secretary of State and Alan Greenspan be installed at Treasury. These bizarre negotiations continued right up to the time Reagan had to take the stage at the Republican Convention in Detroit to accept the nomination and name his Vice-President. After Reagan rejected the Ford co-presidency treason, his “friends” gave him no other ready options. Then, Richard V. Allen, who was to become Reagan’s first National Security Advisor, approached Bush, got him to swear a phony allegiance to Reagan’s platform, and permanently, as we shall see, poisoned Reagan’s presidency and the future course of the nation.
Reagan did not forget his New Hampshire experience with LaRouche. From 1981 until early 1983, LaRouche served as a back channel to negotiate with the Soviets what Ronald Reagan called the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)—first under the auspices of the CIA, and then under Reagan’s National Security Council.
If directed-energy weapons could be developed as a shield against incoming nuclear weapons, the insane Mutually Insured Destruction (MAD) doctrine which had imprisoned the world would be overthrown, and the advantage would shift, at least temporarily, to the defense. Nuclear war would not be immediately possible. Both sides should share in developing this technology, Reagan and LaRouche offered. Both sides should then work on industrially developing the underdeveloped nations, which had become a resource looting-ground enmeshed in deliberate backwardness and poverty. This sane policy would replace the completely insane British imperial policies of MAD, détente, and permanent colonial impoverishment of large sections of the earth’s population.
On March 23, 1983, to the shock of almost all of his “advisors,” President Reagan announced that the United States would pursue the SDI. Unable to figure out or illustrate what the President was talking about, the national news media turned to LaRouche’s Fusion Energy Foundation to explain what the SDI was all about. Six weeks later, the first meeting of the Train salon occurred.
Next: Chapter 3 The Train Salon, Public Diplomacy, and the New “Operation Mockingbird (continued)