Davos, 2021 —The Oligarchy Frets as the Crisis Deepens
A note to readers: this is an old post on the archive website for Promethean PAC. It was written when we were known as LaRouche PAC, before changing our name to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on www.PrometheanAction.com. Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at www.PrometheanPAC.com.
Day 1 of the World Economic Forum’s 2021 Davos Conference featured a breathtaking display of oligarchical intention to eradicate all national sovereignty and remake the world with the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy in the driver’s seat. This year’s Davos Agenda is a "virtual" conference, taking place on-line. Postings include video presentations, accompanying transcripts, as well as additional supporting material that has been posted on the WEF website.
In this, only the first day of the week-long conference, several major themes were presented, including:
- A Kinder Gentler Dictatorship
- Good-bye Nation States
- China Makes its Peace with the Empire
- Global Malthusianism
- Using COVID to Re-make Human Culture
1) We do this for Humanity
In preparation for the conference, a musical video created by the WEF was posted, titled "See Me: A Global Concert,” which "fuses performances by orchestras and choirs from around the world, during the pandemic." As visual images of soaring birds, waves breaking on the beach and glowing sunsets flit across the screen, Yo-Yo Ma performs Bach, and young musicians from orchestras and choirs in Beijing, Drakensberg, Florence, Kabul, Philadelphia, São Paulo and Vienna deliver a performance of Beethoven’s Pastorale Symphony. This is described as "hundreds of voices celebrating our beautiful planet." Have no fear, the global oligarchy will defend and rescue our endangered Mother Earth.
In a special video, "Stakeholder Capitalism: Building the Future," WEF Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab stressed the moment of opportunity for a global Mindset Change, one where a new society based on Stakeholder Values can be established. As part of this all governments and all corporations will operate based on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria. The planet will be saved from human destruction, societies will be made more democratic and free from racism and misogyny, and old outmoded values will be swept away.
Another video, "What is the Great Reset?" directly addresses the "conspiracy theories" that the Great Reset is a plot by oligarchs to run the word. In soothing tones, a voice dismisses these worries and assures the viewer that the Great Reset is simply the benign result of visionary individuals from all over the planet coming together to create a better world.
2) Ending National Sovereignty
In the speech of UN Secretary-General António Guterres, he explicitly rejects the role of sovereign national government. He says "A New Social Contract within societies is needed to enable people to live in dignity,” and "a New Social Contract between Governments, people, civil society, business and more, must integrate employment, sustainable development and social protection, and based on equal rights and opportunities for all." He calls for "a New Global Deal—a new model for global governance." Local governments, NGOs, corporations and national governments will all have equal standing within a global system wherein the new agenda can be realized. The driving force which mandates this needed change is Climate Change. He states "Humanity is waging war on nature. This is suicidal. Nature always strikes back—and it is already doing so with growing force and fury." He also states "I think the climate risk is the most important systemic risk for the near future. I believe we are losing the race. Climate change is running faster than we are. And we have this paradox: the reality is proving to be worse than scientists had foreseen, and all the last indicators show that." And "Every country, city, financial institution and company needs to adopt credible plans backed by intermediate goals for transitioning to net zero emissions by 2050, and to take decisive action now to put themselves on the right path."
In addition to the remarks by Guterres, many other of today's speeches made clear that "nationalism" and other efforts to assert national sovereignty are obstacles which must be overcome.
3) The New Paradigm?
Xi Jinping's speech included very harsh attacks on the policies of the Trump administration (without mentioning Trump by name), as well as several other unsavory elements.
The major theme of the speech was "multilateralism." He states "Multilateralism is about having international affairs addressed through consultation, and the future of the world decided by everyone working together. To build small circles, or start a new Cold War; to reject, threaten, or intimidate others; to willfully impose decoupling, supply disruption, or sanctions; and to create isolation or estrangement, will only push the world into division and even confrontation."
He also says, "Multilateral institutions should have their authority and effectiveness safeguarded. State-to-state relations should be coordinated and regulated through proper institutions and rules. The strong should not bully the weak. Decisions should not be made by simply showing off strong muscles or waving a big fist. Multilateralism should not be used as a pretext for acts of unilateralism. Selective multilateralism should not be our option.
"We need to stand by the core values and the basic principles of multilateralism. We need to give full play to the role of the World Health Organization in building a global community of health for all. We need to follow a people-centered and fact-based policy orientation, exploring and formulating rules on global digital governance. We need to deliver on the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and promote green development. We need to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It serves no one’s interest to use the pandemic as an excuse to reverse globalization and go for seclusion and decoupling.
"I have announced China’s goal of striving to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. These targets will require tremendous hard work from China. Yet we believe that when the interests of the entire humanity are at stake, China must step forward, take action, and get the job done. China is drawing up action plans and taking specific measures already to make sure we meet the set targets. We are doing this as a concrete action to uphold multilateral and as a contribution to protecting our shared home and realizing sustainable development of humanity."
4) Culling the Herd
Almost every speech given today declared Climate Change to be the greatest crisis facing humanity. It was stressed over and over that no nation will be allowed to stand in the way of global action to "save the planet." Some of these speeches focused on the issue of carbon emissions; others addressed the issue of "sustainable development." This included Haakon, Crown Prince of Norway, who proclaimed "I love the Sustainable Development Goals. It's a roadmap that will take us to where we want to go as a global community."
5) Welcome to the Re-education Center
Within the context of the Covid pandemic, the potential to use the crisis to remake human culture was addressed. One panel discussion took up the topic of "Reimagining education - call to action." Henrietta H. Fore, Executive Director at United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) called for “A gender-diverse digital reset”—on behalf of the Gender Equality Forum. Another panel discussed "Accelerating Racial Justice in the Workplace." Yet another panel was titled "Covid-19's Widespread Impact on Mental Health." A new coalition was announced at The Davos Agenda, with 48 companies teaming up, to bring racial justice to the workplace.
The Covid pandemic was also discussed from the standpoint of changing economic policy. Another panel asked "New metrics for inclusive, sustainable growth: What policies, incentives and new metrics are needed to steer economies towards greater inclusivity, sustainability and resilience?"
Day 2: Europe Leads the Way to Fascism
The shape of the intended new Imperial Order became more clear on the second day of the Conference. Although a number of "special guests,"— including Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa, Ursula von der Leyen (President of the European Commission), Angela Merkel (from the Administrative Region of Germany) and Emmanuel Macron (from the Administrative Region of France)—all delivered individual presentations, with the exception of von der Leyen these were all window dressing. Merkel and Macron were particularly pathetic in their obeisance to the new Imperial Order, declaring their fealty to the agenda of multilateralism, net-zero carbon emissions and opposing economic nationalism. Von der Leyen basically voiced the same themes, but given her higher position in the command structure, she spoke with more authority. She declared that the scientific evidence which shows the clear linkages between biodiversity loss and global pandemics is conclusive, and she stated "We must learn from this crisis. We have to change the way we live and do business to be able to keep what we value and hold dear." She also said "I am delighted the US has now rejoined the Paris Agreement," and she stated that social media is eating away at society and called for greater regulation.
The meat of the day's proceedings, however, was in the Panel Discussions, not the speeches. Essentially what was put forward, from several different angles, was a plan to compel every nation and all of the productive economy (industry, agriculture, mining, etc.) to submit to the new Green Agenda.
A listing of some (but by no means all) of the participants in the Zoom panel discussions is revealing: the IMF, BlackRock, Bank of America, People's Bank of China, the Central Bank of China, the Financial Times of London, Banco Santander, Unilever, Axa SA, UBS AG, Salesforce, Bloomberg, The Carlyle Group, Barclays, the Central Bank of France, JP Morgan, etc. Participants were overwhelmingly European, with China, Silicon Valley and Wall Street as supporting players.
Anna Botin, Executive Chairman of Banco Santander, stated that "Europe will lead the way." and she pointed to the recent issuance of EU debt and the $750 billion European Reconstruction Fund as examples of Europe's resolve. She stated that Europe's two priorities will be monetary digitalization and "energy transition," under the new paradigm of decarbonization.
Yi Gong of the Central Bank of China, stated that China is now committed to a consumer economy model, which will soon make up the bulk of their investment, as they move away from non-performing loans. He announced that given the "imminent risk" of Climate Change, China will impose green financial standards, issue green bonds and carbon futures, force CO2 emission disclosure requirements on all businesses and collaborate with other nations on Green Finance.
A fair amount of time was taken to discuss measures to compel enforcement of a green agenda on the private sector, including manufacturing, mining, transport and agriculture. An entire panel was devoted to "How blockchain can help the mining and metals industry track and reduce emissions," and a Special Report was released "Net-Zero Challenge: The supply chain opportunity." They state that 8 supply chains (Food, construction, fashion, fast-moving consumer goods, electronics, automotive, professional services and freight) account for more than half of all global greenhouse gas emissions, and say that collective action will be required to "decarbonize supply chains." They also declare, "A new effort uses distributed ledger technology to trace emissions across the value chain. Called the COT, a Carbon Tracing Platform, the platform is the work of the World Economic Forum's Mining and Metals Blockchain Initiative, which was created to accelerate an industry solution for supply chain visibility and environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) requirements."
They say "Companies should set science-based targets consistent with limiting global average temperature increase to 1.5°C and reaching net-zero emissions by no later than 2050." Essentially, the goal is to force every industry to submit.
All of the financial reforms will be driven by this green agenda. The financial stimulus packages will continue for a while (Roula Khalaf of the Financial Times call this the "Magic Money Tree"), but increasingly new financial opportunities and financial instruments will be created around the transition to a green economy. Jes Staley, CEO of Barclays, stated "The fiscal response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been unprecedented. High levels of liquidity have kept financial markets going through the crisis, and the financial resiliency on display is quite remarkable given the scope of the pandemic," but "As economic policy interventions are transitioning from economic life-support measures to the stimulus phase, governments have a unique opportunity to influence the direction of economic progress through far-reaching innovation and investment strategies."
This famous wind farm, The San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm, is located between the San Jacinto and San Bernardino mountains in Southern California. (2016) Photo: Erik Wilde, Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 2.0
DAY 3: The New Anglo-Dutch Model
January 27—To truly grasp the wrenching experience of stepping through the Looking Glass into the Land of the Fantastique, consider that on Day Three of the World Economic Forum’s 2021 Davos Conference, a Panel Discussion, titled “Mobilizing Action on Climate Change” took place, a discussion devoted to building a popular movement to “save the planet” and to rescue humanity from the crisis fast approaching. Among the “progressive voices” heard on this panel were: Ben van Beurden, CEO Royal Dutch Shell, Feike Sybesma, Honorary Chairman, Royal DSM NV (Netherlands), Rebecca Blumenstein, Deputy Managing Editor, The New York Times, Jesper Brodin, CEO Ingka Group (IKEA), Alok Sharma, President of the (COP26) UN Convention on Climate Change and Cabinet Office in Her Majesty’s Government, Børge Brende, President, World Economic Forum, Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations, and John F. Kerry, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. Not exactly a working-class uprising.
BlackRock Speaks
The alleged topic of discussion on Day 3 was “Fighting Climate Change”—what the WEF program
gently refers to as “stewardship of our global commons”—but in the land where “Snow is Black” the alleged content of the discussion had, in reality, an entirely different agenda. The star of the Day 3 proceedings was none other than Mark Carney who appeared on two panels, gave an interview on the Radio Davos podcast and was referenced, in reverential language, by several other speakers. The Davos Agenda 2021 Website is available here.
In the Radio Davis podcast, Carney (United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance, former Governor of the Bank of England, former Chairman of the Bank for International Settlements’ Committee on the Global Financial System, UK finance advisor for the upcoming Glasgow COP26 United Nations Climate Change conference) focused on the demand that the procedures for Green Finance and decarbonization must now be made mandatory for every nation and every component of the private sector. He referenced the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), an organization created by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative. For several years the TCFD, whose Chairman is Michael Bloomberg, has compiled climate-related financial risk disclosures, based on an array of investments, “for use by companies, banks, and investors,” but participation in this venture has been voluntary. What Carney proposes is that governments must be compelled to impose this approach on all businesses and corporations. He says, “As part of COP, what we’re looking for from countries is to establish pathways to make it mandatory over the next few years so that this is a consistent disclosure around the world.” New Zealand, Switzerland, the United Kingdom have all announced that they will make compliance with the TCFD mandatory, and the European Union is pursuing legislation which will do the same.
Asked if the cost of emitting greenhouse gas emissions can be embedded into the price of things, Carney pointed to the current $3 per ton price of carbon, saying that measures could be taken to increase this to $75-100 per ton. He also adds, “Lots of other policies, lots of other regulations, lots of other things can help. But we’re a long way from where the carbon price needs to be in order to get there.”
Carney also appeared on a Panel Discussion “Carbon Markets: A Conversation.” Participants included Carney; Bill Winters, CEO Standard Chartered Bank; Annette L. Nazareth, former Commissioner US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); and Bill Gates, Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and former Chairman of Microsoft. On this panel the emphasis was on getting the world to “net zero” carbon emissions by 2050. The question of establishing a “carbon offset market” was discussed, with Winters of Standard Chartered Bank stating that the “offset” financial markets were key to getting billions of dollars to move from the hands of banks like his into the hands of people that can actually remove carbon from the environment. He stated, “The next step is getting people to monetize those things and put the money into things that have a provable impact.”
There were other panels which explored these topics of Green Finance, but space precludes a full report here. Briefly, the panel “Transforming Food Systems and Land Use” provided a dystopian vision of a world where all food production will be subordinated to “Food Innovation Hubs,” all food production will be rated by the carbon emissions involved in producing it and consumers, using a phone app, will be able to scan food labels and learn information on the product’s environmental footprint.
On the panel “Net-zero: take a leap of faith,” China’s Environment Minister Huang Runqiu reiterated President Xi Jinping’s pledge to get China’s greenhouse gas emissions to stop growing by 2030 and to become net-zero by 2060. He stated that China will accelerate the building up of China’s carbon market. Other leaders, including Christian Mumenthaler, CEO of Swiss Re, Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, Hak Cheol Shin, CEO of LG Chem and Teresa Ribera, Deputy Prime Minister of Spain all declared their intention to ensure that governments will determine all policy “through the lens of climate action.”
Mark Carney appeared on yet another panel, this one called “Financing the ‘Net-Zero’ Transition.” Other participants included Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), Oliver Bäte CEO Allianz SE; Stephanie von Friedeburg Managing Director of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Al Gore, former Vice-President of the United States and Co-Founder of Generation Investment Management LLP). The question that was immediately posed is that “trillions of dollars are needed to finance the transition to zero emissions,” and where is this money going to come from? Carney stated that “Net zero commitments are cascading down through the private sector, and we must unlock blended finance flows, a mixture of public and private money.” Von Friedeburg said, “There are a lack of bankable projects. How do we take critical operators and bring them into our countries of operation?” We need blended finance, and we need to de-risk these projects.” Bäte demanded “It cannot be an elective; it has to be a must... we need public-private projects.”
Essentially, what is under discussion, and already agreed to by the Davos participants, is a “blended” model in which governments and corporations will surrender all individual sovereignty and agree to be governed by the new policies and mechanisms that Carney and his cohorts will put into place. This is not a public-private partnership as people usually think of such things, but rather a truly Orwellian updated version of the old Dutch imperial model where the Dutch legislature, the East India Company, the Bourse and the Bank of Amsterdam were fused in one single oligarchical purpose which ruled supreme over the axioms of the Dutch Empire—and where the difference between public and private became meaningless.
Other Diversions
The obligatory issue of racism could not be ignored, if even for a single day, so this became the focus of the panel “Delivering Social Justice in the Recovery.” Here we find such prominent Civil Rights leaders as Gabriela Bucher, Executive Director, Oxfam International; Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of the City of London; Anisa Kamadoli Costa, Chairman and President, Tiffany & Co; and Darren Walker, President of the Ford Foundation voicing pearls, such as “The challenge of white supremacy is real,” “Tinkering at the edges won’t do... we need to abolish inequality,” “The best antidote to populism in recent times has been the election of Joe Biden,” and my personal favorite “”If capitalism is to be sustained, we must put a nail in the ideology propagated by Milton Friedman.”
Comic relief for the day was provided by a video clip from Greta Thunberg, the participation of “climate expert” and Greaser’s Palace star Robert Downey Jr., and the bumbling performances of failed U.S. presidential candidates Al Gore and John Kerry.
Both Benjamin Netanyahu and Moon Jae-in (President of South Korea) delivered speeches. Moon’s speech was a fairly non-descript endorsement of the goals of the conference, and Netanyahu focused almost entirely on Israel’s success in combating the Covid-19 pandemic.
Enter Russian President Putin
By far, the most important individual speech—and the only discordant note—given at the Conference was delivered by Russian President Vladimir Putin. [It is notable that outside of Putin’s speech there is almost no Russian participation in the Davos Conference]. Putin barely touched on the issue of Climate, did not mention decarbonization or the CO2 reduction target dates, nor did he mention any aspect of “green finance” Instead, his speech focused almost entirely on strategic and physical economic matters. Drawing a parallel with the crisis of the 1930s, Putin warned of a resurgence of both strategic and social dangers, saying that the situation “might develop unpredictably and uncontrollably if we sit on our hands and do nothing.”
On economic policy, he attacked the current policy of financial bailouts, disguised as “economic stimulus efforts,” saying that “Economic stimulation by traditional methods through greater private lending becomes “essentially impossible, while the quantitative easing only inflates the bubble of the financial assets value and leads to further stratification of the society.” He further stated that “While the problem could be solved 20-30 years ago, through stimulating macroeconomic policy, such mechanisms have actually reached their limits and do not work; their resource has been exhausted.”
He said, “There is a chance that we will face a formidable break-down in global development, which will be fraught with a war of all against all and attempts to deal with contradictions through the appointment of internal and external enemies and the destruction of not only traditional values such as the family, which we hold dear in Russia, but fundamental freedoms such as the right of choice and privacy. I would like to point out the negative demographic consequences of the ongoing social crisis and the crisis of values, which could result in humanity losing entire civilizational and cultural continents.”
Putin pointed not only to the situation in the “developing” countries” but the growing crisis in the “developed” countries, where in both Europe and the United States, “the real incomes of over half of the citizens have been stagnating, not growing. Meanwhile, the cost of education and healthcare services has gone up... In other words, millions of people even in wealthy countries have stopped hoping for an increase of their incomes. In the meantime, they are faced with the problem of how to keep themselves and their parents healthy and how to provide their children with a decent education.” Putin announced his “four priorities” for economic policy:
- Everyone must have comfortable living conditions, including housing and affordable transport, energy and public utility infrastructure.
- Everyone must be sure that they will have a job that can ensure sustainable growth of income and, hence, decent standards of living. Everyone must have access to an effective system of lifelong education, which is absolutely indispensable now and which will allow people to develop, make a career and receive a decent pension and social benefits upon retirement.
- People must be confident that they will receive high-quality and effective medical care whenever necessary, and that the national healthcare system will guarantee access to modern medical services.
- Regardless of the family income, children must be able to receive a decent education and realize their potential. Every child has potential.
The other major warning in Putin’s speech was against the growing power of high-tech and social media. He stated, “Modern technological giants, especially digital companies, have started playing an increasing role in the life of society. Much is being said about this now, especially regarding the events that took place during the election campaign in the US. They are not just some economic giants. In some areas, they are defacto competing with states. Their audiences consist of billions of users that pass a considerable part of their lives in these eco-systems. In the opinion of these companies, their monopoly is optimal for organizing technological and business processes. But society is wondering whether such monopolism meets public interests. Where is the border between successful global business, in-demand services and big data consolidation and the attempts to manage society at one’s own discretion and replace legal democratic institutions and essentially usurp or restrict the natural right of people to decide for themselves how to live, what to choose and what position to express freely? We have just seen all of these phenomena in the US and everyone understands what I am talking about now. I am confident that the overwhelming majority of people share this position.
DAY 4: The Grandchildren of H.G. Wells Announce Their World Dictatorship
January 28—Day 4 of this year’s World Economic Forum Davos Conference presented, in a microcosm, the dangerous and unstable dynamic that characterizes the current world situation. On the one hand, the bulk of the proceedings was a mixture of pure evil and even worse incompetence. On the other hand, featured speeches were delivered by three world leaders: Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India; Alberto Fernández, President of Argentina; and Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein, King of Jordan. These three speeches, much like the presentation given on Day 2 by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa were vivid examples of the death-trap within which almost all of the “less-developed” nations now find themselves.
At the time of the break-up of the Soviet Union, Lyndon LaRouche warned world leaders that a second, far more devastating collapse was imminent with the bankruptcy and physical economic breakdown of the Trans-Atlantic financial and monetary system. He stated, repeatedly, that the only solution to this danger was the creation of a New Bretton Woods Monetary System, to be negotiated among sovereign nation states. Almost uniformly world leaders failed to understand the urgency of LaRouche’s warnings, and his advice was perhaps looked at but filed away.
Now we find ourselves, in 2021, where the failure of sovereign nations to act as specified by LaRouche has led to a world reality in which the axioms and policies of Empire are near hegemonic. This underscores the catastrophic nature of the ouster of President Donald Trump from office. At last year’s Davos conference, Trump not only emphatically rejected the “green agenda” of the global elites, he pointed to the magnificent accomplishment of the construction of Brunelleschi’s Dome in Florence as the inspiration for how humanity must move forward today.
Repeatedly, throughout the Davos conference, speakers have pointed to the Biden Presidency as the “golden opportunity” to transform the world, under the crisis conditions of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic. In reading the speeches of Modi, Fernández, Al Hussein and Ramaphosa, the effect is heart-rending. These are all leaders who are facing desperate problems within their nations. Repeatedly, they reference the challenges of food supply, health care, poverty, infrastructure development and other human and physical-economic priorities. Yet, in every case, they endorse the oligarchy’s green agenda and the god of multilateralism.
The wrong question to ask is: “Do they believe what they are saying about climate change and decarbonization?” Rather, consider that these elected leaders are now confronted with a world agenda, a world reality, where the oligarchical powers gathered at Davos are dictating what is and what is not allowed. The most powerful people in the world have said, “This is the path.” Leaders such as Ramaphosa and others, and the nations they represent, are being herded, like errant cattle, into the oligarchy’s stockade, some willingly, others because there is no other option. Think of Laocoön, unable to free himself from the serpents’ death grip.
The Digital Utopia
The theme of the proceedings today was “On Harnessing the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution for good,” and most of the panel discussions were devoted to digital technologies and the implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Again, the participants included many tech and banking heavyweights. These included: Susan Wojcicki, CEO YouTube Inc.; Bradford L. Smith, President, Microsoft Corporation; Arvind Krishna, CEO IBM Corporation; Martin Baron, Executive Editor The Washington Post; Martin Wolf, Chief Economics Commentator at The Financial Times; David M. Rubenstein, Co-Founder, The Carlyle Group; Nicholas Thompson, Editor-in-Chief Wired Magazine; Ajay S. Banga, Executive Chairman, Mastercard; Hans Vestberg, CEO Verizon Communications; Henrietta H. Fore, Executive Director UNICEF; Michael Casey, Chief Content Officer, CoinDesk (owned by the Digital Currency Group (DCG), a venture capital company focusing on bitcoin and the digital currency market); Marietje Schaake, the Cyber Policy Center, Stanford University;—as well as many other representatives of think tanks, venture capital funds, foundations and financial institutions.
One panel, titled “Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution” was comprised almost entirely of representatives from the Peoples Republic of China, including reps from the Yicai Research Institute (Shanghai), Huawei Technologies (Shenzhen) and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (Beijing). Another panel, “Advancing Digital Content Safety,” was devoted to improving “harm reduction” in internet and digital content. Yet, “harm reduction” was not defined, e.g., as protecting children from predators, drugs or pornography; rather the one concrete example that was presented was the “harm” caused by claims that the U.S. Presidential election was fraudulent, claims that were allowed to spread. Marietje Schaake of Stanford said that digital content safety is making sure that content shared online doesn’t result in harms offline, anywhere in the world.
Another panelist said that digital content safety meant protecting its users against real-world harm and doing so in a scalable manner and all areas. The discussion was focused on how to censor and remove all such “harmful” content. Another panel, “Resetting Digital Currencies,” which included individuals from London, New York and Singapore, as well as Zhu Min, Chairman of the National Institute of Financial Research (Tsinghua University, China), proclaimed the unstoppable emergence of global digital currencies, intended to be outside the power of any sovereign government.
Michael Casey of CoinDesk stated, “We are at a critical time to examine the future of digital currencies. With digital currencies, the money itself is software, It’s programmable. When that happens a lot of our assumptions about what money is and how it functions may need to be re-examined.” Zhu Min stated that “China is currently developing a central bank digital currency (CBDC), The potential for using central bank digital economy is huge.” And the speaker from Singapore said “The majority of central banks are actively exploring the potential of CBDCs.
Many of the other panels dealt with Klaus Schwab’s fantasy of a “Fourth Industrial Revolution, focusing on AI, quantum computing, robotics, “smart” appliances, the “internet of things,” digital education, digital medicine, etc. All of this was presented in glowing terms, but what was left unspoken is that this scenario will place enormous power into the hands of Silicon Valley and like-minded tech giants, as well as the financial interests they are partnered with. A de-facto power structure is envisioned in which the role of sovereign government and the rights of citizens will vanish.
As well, all of these ventures, combined with a mandatory policy of decarbonization and perhaps the introduction of digital currencies will provide “financialization” opportunities which will all flow to the private financial oligarchy. One panel, “Shaping Post-Pandemic Politics,” made very clear the intention to prolong and intensify the current COVID crisis as a means to ram through much of the Davos Agenda. David Rubenstein of The Carlyle Group stated: “The pandemic has helped usher in a new world, with the United States declining in prominence. New President Biden could rebuild the country’s status, but only after he gains credibility (by rejoining the Davos Agenda) and can be seen as a symbol of reconciliation. The ‘biggest winner from this past year will be China," Rubenstein said.
No More Mister Nice Guy
Today’s proceedings concluded with two nightmarish events. First was an interview with Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and its parent company Alphabet, on the role of AI in the COVID pandemic and future crises. Pichai stated, “Just as the world has the Paris Agreement to tackle climate change, we need countries to unite to come together to solve the bigger and longer term safety issues from technologies like AI and quantum computing,” i.e. we need a COP-26 for new digital technologies. He ends with a bit of mystical gibberish that would have made Steve Jobs proud: “There is something about the notion that the physical world as we perceive it doesn’t represent the underlying reality, and as a humanity we have a long way to go before we understand the true nature in a deeper way. What excites me about quantum physics and quantum computing is that it gives us chance to get closer to that understanding one day.”
This was followed by a “call to arms” in the final panel, titled “Mobilizing Climate Action for COP26.” Representatives from the SwissRe insurance giant, the Iberostar hotel conglomerate, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the President of COP 26, “celebrated environmentalist” Al Gore, and Nigel Topping, the UK’s “Climate Action Champion” basically removed their benign masks and demanded that the Davos and COP agendas were non-negotiable and must be accelerated, with one participant demanding “We have to halve emissions this decade.” Al Gore had the last word, saying that energy markets are already transitioning to green solutions and solar and wind energy is spreading across global markets.
Temple of a million years of Rameses II, Luxor, Egypt. Ozymandias statue. Photo: Steve F-E-Cameron (Merlin-UK) / Wikimedia / Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
DAY 5: The Fate of Ozymandias
January 29—The dilemma now confronting today’s would-be Olympian rulers was revealed in stark images presented on this, the 5th and concluding day of the World Economic Forum’s 2021 Davos Conference. Once again, there was a plentitude of panel discussions, with heavy representation from global power brokers, such as: HSBC Holdings, Bayer AG, Deutsche Welle, Bloomberg LP, the European Commission, the World Wildlife Fund, Merck KGaA, Siemens, the Economist, Volvo, Siemens, BBC News, the World Health Organization, Hewlett-Packard, Zoom Video Communications, Oxford University, Harvard University, and a slew of others from governments, corporations and think tanks.
The discussions throughout the day followed along the lines of what this reporter has already described from the first four days of the conference, although with a heavier focus today on the subject of “geopolitics” and the urgent necessity of combating resurgent nationalism.
In this report I will not delve into the numerous panel discussions. A mere listing of the titles of some of the panels should suffice to convey the gist of the subject matter: Greening Trade, Boosting Europe’s Green Transition, Building on Europe’s Edge in the Green Transition, Fixing the International Trade System, Accelerating Digital Trade, Reimagining Manufacturing for Growth, and Resetting Geopolitics. There was also a moral lecture “Renewing the Moral Foundations of a Post-COVID World,” and a panel comprised of four U.S. Congressmen—all of whom voted for Donald Trump’s impeachment—discussing the glorious potential of the new Biden administration, their commitment to work with the World Trade Organization, and how Trump was responsible for the “insurrection” on January 6th.
However, something else surfaced in the course of the day’s discussions,—something of decisive importance. A critical problem facing these neo-imperialists,—one which had already appeared in fleeting glimpses on the previous days—emerged very clearly. I will discuss this later in this report, but before we get to it, first let’s take a look at three individual presentations which were of a particularly perverse nature.
Another Surrender?
First was the speech by Suga Yoshihide, Prime Minister of Japan. As in the speech by Xi Jinping, it is impossible to peer within the mind of a world leader to determine why he says what he says. Nevertheless, Mr. Suga’s speech presented an unapologetic and fervid endorsement of the Davos Agenda. “My administration declared last year that we go carbon neutral by 2050,” Suga said. “We will be moving forward with decisive enhancements of renewable energy, such as hydrogen and ocean windfarm, and regarding electric vehicles we plan that by 2035 all new vehicle sales will be 100 per cent electric.” He said the country’s green growth strategy should deliver some 15 million jobs by 2050, when Japan aims to become carbon neutral. He also emphasized Japan’s “unwavering” commitment to free trade and its endorsement of digitalization, saying that a digital agency will be established as the command center directly reporting to him and it will commence its activities in autumn.
The Subservient Colony
Fitting Singapore’s heritage as a British Crown Colony, the Special Address by its Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong differed in tone from Suga Yoshihide’s apparent bleak acceptance of the new agenda. Lee’s boosterism for the new imperial order was manifest in the marching orders he enunciated. On Climate Change, he said “Climate change is clearly accelerating dangerously. And it’s late in the day. But if countries work together, humankind can hope to avoid a catastrophe. We can take comfort from the fact that countries are taking climate change more seriously. The US has rejoined the Paris Agreement and China has announced new targets. But more has to be done.”
On the fate of the economy, he opined “The pandemic has exposed businesses and jobs that won’t remain viable. They have to be let go to allow better jobs and businesses to take their place. Hard decisions will need to be taken.” On the new “digital world,” he stated “The sustained growth of the digital economy means we need to develop new e-trade regulations. Singapore has concluded digital economy agreements with like-minded countries. We hope this is just the beginning.”
And, acting in true British Empire fashion, he proceeded to lecture both the United States and China, “Both countries have adopted more assertive and uncompromising positions. But, it’s not too late to reset the tone of their interactions, particularly with the new administration in the United States. The strategic landscape has changed significantly, as a result of the emergence of China. Concessions made to China when it was small remain, but these need to be reconsidered and recalibrated. China needs to take a greater responsibility for providing global public goods. For the U.S., it’s a very difficult adjustment.”
Strip away the deliberately misleading verbiage, and Lee’s recipe is that both China and the United States must be brought within the fold of the new imperial agreements which are fast approaching.
A World of Artificial Intelligence
The third of the trio of unsettling presentations was a two-way discussion between Laurence D. Fink, CEO of BlackRock Inc. and Masayoshi Son, CEO of Softbank Group Corporation (a Japanese multinational conglomerate holding company headquartered in Tokyo). BlackRock is the largest money-management firm in the world and Son is the second richest person in Japan, so this discussion, in essence, was one of power speaking to power. BlackRock has been in the forefront for promoting “green finance,” and Fink has proposed that all financial investments must be based on environmental sustainability. Masayoshi Son graduated from UC Berkeley in 1980. Shortly thereafter he returned to Japan.
Today, Softbank has assets of over $32 trillion and holds 30 percent of the stock of the Chinese e-commerce site Alibaba, among other investments. Son has emerged as the fiercest critic of Japan’s nuclear industry, calling for its abolition. He also has invested heavily into “the biggest ever solar project,” a 200GW development planned for Saudi Arabia, as well as into a planned 275 GW renewable energy project in India.
Softbank also invests huge amounts in “emerging technologies” like artificial intelligence, robotics and the internet of things. In singing the praises of his hoped-for AI future, Son seems remarkably indifferent to actual human suffering. Speaking of the lives lost in the COVID pandemic, Son asserted “Tragedy is tragedy. It’s a disastrous situation. But technology-wise, (tech) is now evolving quicker.” He then proceeded to enthusiastically discuss how the crisis (including the loss of lives) has opened the door for world transformation. Parenthetically, Son—like several of these AI freaks—seems particularly enamored with the introduction of driverless “autonomous” vehicles, a product which no one within society seems to have asked for.
The reality is that if you look closely at all of these AI approaches to manufacturing and trade, they are largely simply high-tech versions of the old “Just in Time” (lean manufacturing) methodology and are designed to manage an economy characterized by scarcity and declining real wages. Son ended his remarks by saying, “For us to get to a zero-carbon future, it’s estimated we need to spend $40 trillion.” He points to the combination of Solar and AI as the key technologies to achieve the necessary transformation.
Briefly on Geopolitics
Several of today’s discussions took up the issue of geopolitics. The one which dealt with it in the most straightforward way was titled “Resetting Geopolitics.” In that panel Kang Kyung-Wha, the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Korea, enunciated a four point program of “musts”:
- Strengthen the WHO.
- Tackle misinformation and disinformation.
- Strengthen the multi-stakeholder approach to benefit all, to tackle the SDGs and climate change. 4. Each country must also take responsibility to restore multilateralism. We need to shore up the multilateral institutions.
The other speakers, both on this and other panels dealing with the topic of geopolitics, all stressed the urgent need to prevent a resurgence of “nationalism” and all welcomed the new opportunities that now exist as a result of the election of Joe Biden.
Reality Intervenes
I stated at the beginning of this report that a monumental problem confronts the neo-imperialists who gathered at Davos, as well as their other elitist cohorts who were there in spirit. Actually, they have two problems. The first, which will not be gone into in this report of the Davos proceedings, is that everything they are doing is being driven out of desperation. They are in an all-out panic mode. Their system, which after all is an imperial financial system, is sinking before their eyes. “Panic” is the scientifically rigorous term to be used. The financial system and all the Central Banks are hopelessly bankrupt, and everything that has been done since the crisis of 2008 has only made matters worse.
What I will focus on here is the second problem confronting the imperialists. This was most apparent in a conference panel titled “Building Inclusive, Sustainable and Job-creating Growth in Africa.” That panel was composed of government and business leaders from several African nations. A number of erroneous things were stated on this panel and a few of the participants gave the required lip service to Climate Change, but the overriding emphasis was on the human and physical economic destruction they are now facing. The most forceful speaker was Ghanaian President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, and I will quote briefly from his remarks:
“The gains African countries have recorded in trying to create societies of opportunities for all our peoples are being seriously threatened. Hopes of a second Africa rising narrative are fast evaporating... We in Africa should make every effort to generate for ourselves the additional funds we need to advance, and hopefully our external partners—private and public—will lend their backing to the priorities we set.”
He also said:
“Africa cannot lead the recovery from this pandemic by leaving more than half its population behind and underproductive. In 2020, only 47% of women of working age participated in the labor market, compared to 74% of men,” and “Africa must stop, again, with the support of our partners, the illicit outflow of resources that cost each of our individual countries, and the African continent as a whole, such huge amounts of money. The transformation if these resources could stay in the African continent would be dramatic.”
These words define the problem for the oligarchy. People all over the world are being driven downward. They want a productive future. This requires productive physical economic development. The prescriptions of the Gods of Davos promise the opposite. In 2016 the oligarchy dismissed Donald Trump’s chances for election to the Presidency, but it was the “forgotten men and women” who propelled him into the White House. Now, at Davos, a coterie of billionaires and their well-paid underlings think they can dictate the fate of 7 billion people. They believe that they have “fixed their American problem” with the removal of Donald Trump, but they have not fixed their problem in the U.S., Africa or anywhere else (except perhaps with the subservient population of the EU),—because human beings will not submit to the destruction of their lives, their nations and their futures. Imperial arrogance is not a beneficial human trait. Those who practice it shall suffer their just fate.