New Book Calls for Annihilation War on Drug Cartels

A note to readers: this is an old post on the archive website for Promethean PAC. It was written when we were known as LaRouche PAC, before changing our name to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at
We present below the Table of Contents and Chapter 10 from Robert Ingraham’s new book, Unconditional Surrender: Winning the War on Drugs in the 21st Century.
In the last three years, over 350,000 Americans have died from drug overdoses. That is more deaths than our combat fatalities from World War I, the Korean War and the Vietnam War combined. Meanwhile our elected officials do next to nothing. States and cities act to decriminalize or legalize drugs, even though everywhere this has been done it has resulted in expanded drug usage and more deaths. Mr. Ingraham’s book discusses what it will take to defeat this drug scourge. Chapters cover the Mexican drug cartels, Chinese organized crime, the history of global drug trafficking, the creation of the drug culture in America, the role of Big Pharma, money-laundering, drug financing, and the role of the major banks and offshore financial centers. Especially revealing is Ingraham’s examination of the shadow economy involving trillions of dollars in laundered drug and other criminal funds circulating in unregulated offshore and U.S. state financial havens with the full complicity of major Wall Street and London bankers. Bob Ingraham will be our guest for LaRouche PAC’s Strategic Overview on Monday, August 7.
Unconditional Surrender is available on Amazon here.
PART I - Victory Requires Leadership
1 - Lyndon LaRouche’s 1985 Proposal
2 - Donald Trump’s Initiatives
PART II - Narcotics and the British Financial Empire
3 - The British Empire Creates Dope, Inc.
4 - Creating America’s Drug Culture
PART III – The Situation Today
5 - The New Reality
6 - Fentanyl, Chinese Organized Crime & the Mexican Cartels
7 - Modern Money Laundering
8 - Drug Usage and Legalization
PART IV – Winning the War
9 - Saving the Victims
10 - Shut Down Dope, Inc.
11 - Restoring Economic Sovereignty
12 - War is Hell
TO RETURN TO THE PROPOSALS OF LAROUCHE AND TRUMP, a victorious war on drugs will involve multiple flanks. These will include, but are not limited to:
- Operations directly against the Mexican drug cartels. These will be primarily military in nature and will require a partnership with the Mexican government.
- Controlling the production and shipment of fentanyl pre-cursors. This will likely involve difficult negotiations with China and other nations.
- Wiping out the murderous drug gangs in the United States. This will require going beyond mere local law enforcement and, again, will be military in nature.
- Dismantling the money laundering apparatus. Domestically, this means no more “deferred prosecution agreements” for violators. Jail-time, seizure of assets and other measures will be applied on everyone, from the lowly mobile phone money-launderer to the largest Wall Street banks.
- Stopping the flow of fentanyl and other hard drugs from entering the country. The approach to accomplishing this has already been defined by both LaRouche and Trump. Measures include—but are not limited to—sealing the border, and naval blockades where appropriate.
- Measures to break the power of the larger banking and financial network which makes it possible for the financial wheels of Dope, Inc. to run smoothly. This will involve a particular focus on the offshore financial havens. More will be discussed on this below, in Chapter 11.
The Need for Partners
The United States can not act unilaterally in a War on Drugs that extends beyond our borders. Nor, can we allow neo-con war-mongers in Congress to use the excuse of “fighting drugs” to justify military action against China, Mexico or any other sovereign nation. In this War on Drugs, we need allies, not adversaries.
The truth is that, during the Trump presidency, significant progress was accomplished in securing cooperation with both China and Mexico in combating the drug cartels and stopping the flow of fentanyl into the United States. Some of the details of that cooperation were reported above in Chapter 6. Those successes were real, and with the right leadership in the United States they can be revived and built upon today.
Since 2021 all U.S. efforts to pursue an anti-drug alliance have ceased, as the Biden administration has taken America down the path of military adventurism, with threats, bullying and sanctions against those very nations that we need as partners to combat the drug manufacturers and traffickers.
Americans must also comprehend the internal difficulties that China and Mexico face. The Mexican government declared war on the drug cartels in 2006. During the last 17 years more than—and almost certainly many more than—300,000 Mexicans have lost their lives in this war. During the last ten years, the enormous profits from fentanyl-trafficking have made the cartels even richer and more powerful. Many in Mexico can now only be described as “war-weary.” They want the violence to stop, and as a result there is growing pressure to make peace with the cartels, to allow them to operate, semi-legally, as was done in Colombia.
In China, the problem is one of money, corruption and organized crime. The Chinese financial system—particularly the shadow banking system—is overflowing with dollars obtained through illegal means. Hundreds of billions, or more, of illicit currency now circulate. The corruption surrounding this reaches high up into the ruling class of that nation. Many high-ranking CCP members have become extremely wealthy through—shall we politely say—questionable ventures. The Chinese government is very cognizant of this problem, and several anti-corruption campaigns have been conducted—with far more draconian measures than those applied in the United States— but the corruption is very widespread and not easily expunged.
For those who complain that China is not doing enough, they should ponder the biblical command, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.” Consider what it would take to eliminate the financial corruption and drug-pushing of the Wall Street institutions in the United States. They operate with impunity, and—when caught—get a slap on the wrist. Their CEOs dine at the White House. The reality is that China and the United States both have utterly failed to eliminate the financial structure of the drug trade. We should concentrate on cleaning our own house.
The only way that a sustained anti-drug alliance can be forged is if all the nations involved recognize that there is a shared good will—a common aim—among them. Whatever trade, economic or other differences exist, even if they seem intractable, common ground can be found in ending the drug scourge. Much like World War II, however, such an alliance will only function if there is a commitment to total victory, to unconditional surrender of the enemy or his obliteration. Light at the end of the tunnel is a necessity.
It is in the interest of the Mexican people to wipe out the drug cartels. It is in the interest of the Chinese government to break the back of organized crime—and all of its tentacles—inside China. In the United States, where our people are suffering and dying and the financial institutions have been transformed into criminal enterprises, our task is daunting. But it is in the interest of all three nations that this war succeed.
The Mexican/American Paradigm
On July 18, 2023, the author Leonardo Espitia Jordan posted an article, “Franklin Roosevelt’s Critical Alliance With Mexico At Bretton Woods: An Inspiration For Patriots,” on the website of LaRouche PAC. This article defines the precise approach to a winning anti-drug alliance today.
What Jordan documents, in irrefutable detail, is the partnership between the United States and Mexico in combating the British Financial Empire at the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference.
The first priority of the United Kingdom and the British Crown—was to recover all of its pre-war colonial possessions and to keep the British Empire intact. Moreover, the leader of the British delegation, John Maynard Keynes, was determined to prevent the sovereign U.S. dollar from becoming the basis for the new monetary system.
Jordan shows that the role of Mexico—together with other Latin American nations—was critical in defeating the British designs. As a result, what was created was “a monetary system based on a dollar backed by gold reserves, with the universal Development Bank that Roosevelt had envisioned.”
As Jordan states, this “showed what the principled alliance of Mexico and the United States is capable of doing for the good of humanity.”
The 5th Column in the United States
Any state or local government official, elected office-holder or law enforcement official who defies federal law in regard to the War on Drugs— i.e., commits treason—should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of war-time law. The same approach might be necessary for some within the nation’s major news media as well.
Responsible individuals, again including top corporate officers, within the Pharmaceutical industry who have wittingly participated in the mass drugging of the American people should be indicted and prosecuted. Procedures which govern the availability of powerful psychiatric drugs must be radically overhauled.
The paramount question of what to do about the drug-pushing “citizens above suspicion” within the banking establishment is the subject of the next chapter ...