A note to readers: this is the archive website for Promethean PAC, created before we changed our name from LaRouchePAC to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on www.PrometheanAction.com. Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at www.PrometheanPAC.com.
In 2000, during a visit to New England as he campaigned for President, Lyndon LaRouche discussed the principles upon which this Republic was founded, that which forms this nation’s actual Manifest Destiny. In his speech he presages one of Donald Trump’s major missions—the scientific and industrial revival of the United States. LaRouche says that our mission is to ensure the General Welfare and to nurture the creativity of every American through unending economic progress. Our mission, our “Manifest Destiny,” is to export that drive, to push the frontiers of science and technology in order to develop the vast areas of the earth now plagued by ancient forms of empire and colonialism. Joe Biden banks on his repeated claims that Americans are too stupid to figure this out, and will willingly embrace a new Dark Age of continued de-industrialization and endless wars, rather than fighting the fascism which his fraudulent presidency is determined to impose.
Why they falsely imprisoned LaRouche
The use of political hit men—acting at the behest of the British government and an out of control White House—didn't start with the recent illegalities conducted against the campaign and transition of Donald Trump. Now, as a reckoning begins to occur for those who sought to take out the President, that reckoning must include the exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche if it is to be true and faithful to the cause of justice and freedom in the United States.
LaRouche, a genius and a visionary, was intended to be consigned to the realm of bad guys and crazies by the calculated smear campaign which accompanied his prosecution. An objective and fresh examination of his ideas now is vital to the survival of this country and its President, an examination which would follow, most naturally, as the result of removing the completely unjust stain of this prosecution. This is the story of the legal atrocity against this man concocted by Robert Mueller, among others.
Content from LaRouche:
LaRouche's Breakthrough Class on Economics - The Power of Labor, Part 1
In the Garden of Gethsemane
LaRouche: For Middle East Peace, Change the World in Which the Middle East is Located
Lyndon LaRouche and the Future
A Reflection by Lyndon LaRouche On Our Present Circumstance; Or, Why, Both LaRouche and Trump Are Ruthlessly Suppressed
The Mar-A-Lago Panty Raid, a Timely message from Lyndon LaRouche
Inflation, Shortages, Breakdown ... How Can We Survive?
"We are the fire bringers!"
LaRouche Excerpt: LaRouche Declared Fed Bankrupt in 2009; Bury it Now
Why Credit Can Be Greatly Expanded Without Adding to Inflation (Excerpt)
LaRouche: Only a Four-Power Agreement Can Defeat the “Globalist” World Empire
Are We Suffering Hyperinflation or Are We in a Breakdown Crisis?
Lyndon LaRouche excerpt, "Mandate of Heaven"
A Fitting Birthday Present for Lyndon LaRouche: Put That Woman On Mars
A Timely Definition of American Citizenship from Lyndon LaRouche
A Memorial Day Reflection & Urgent Message from Lyndon LaRouche
As Israel & Palestine explode, look to LaRouche's 2009 warning
Special Thursday Event—Defeat Biden's "Jobs" Boondoggle with a Space Program
Remembering LaRouche's Role in the SDI
The Household and the Physical Economy: Lyndon LaRouche’s Heuristic Bar Diagram of the Physical Economy
LaRouche on MLK & Real Leadership
Celebrating Our Founder, Lyndon LaRouche
Lyndon LaRouche on America's Mission: Why the British Really Launched the Coup Against Trump
LaRouche Shocker—The American System Is Neither Capitalist or Communist—Why Didn't You Know That?
LaRouche Addresses Coronavirus Crisis in 1998
LaRouche's Mission, and Yours—On the Anniversary of his Passing
Storm Over Asia (1999)
LaRouche: A 50-Year Mars Mission Determines Today's Policies
The Four New Laws to Save the USA Now! Not an Option: An Immediate Necessity