Did Robert Hur Just Blowup the Delusion that We Have a President?

A note to readers: this is an old post on the archive website for Promethean PAC. It was written when we were known as LaRouche PAC, before changing our name to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on www.PrometheanAction.com. Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at www.PrometheanPAC.com.
On Thursday afternoon, the Biden Justice Department dropped Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents. It hit official Washington like a special kind of weapon, the kind that violently swallows up all the meticulously constructed barriers preventing the mainstream media from reporting what everyone in America already sees clearly. Hur says Joe Biden is a delusional senile old man with diminished capacities. But Americans had already overwhelmingly concluded that as Biden tanks in all polls. Hur’s official account of the two days he spent interviewing Biden on October 8 and 9, of 2023, and similar accounts of Biden’s mental struggles dating back to 2017, have now made reality official, a telling blow from Biden’s own Department of Justice at that. But this admission of reality turns out to be the excuse for not indicting Biden for clear criminal acts.
Hur writes that “Mr. Biden’s memory also appeared to have significant limitations both at the time he spoke to [his ghostwriter on two autobiographies] in 2017, as evidenced by their recorded conversations, and today, as evidenced by his recorded interview with our office. Mr. Biden’s recorded conversations with {Mark]Zwonitzer from 2017 are often painfully slow, with Mr. Biden struggling to remember events and straining at times to read and relay his own notebook entries. In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden's memory was worse. He did not remember when he was vice-president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended ("if it was 2013 - when did I stop being Vice President?"), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began ("in 2009, am I still Vice President?"). He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died. And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him. Among other things, he mistakenly said he ‘had a real difference’ of opinion with General Karl Eikenberry, when, in fact, Eikenberry was an ally whom Mr. Biden cited approvingly in his Thanksgiving memo to President Obama.”
Biden’s mental unfitness to be the President and the grave national security crisis that represents is, of course, the day’s headline. The internet is filled with the speculation that Hur’s language is part of an orchestrated plot to remove Biden from the 2024 ticket. There were numerous calls to invoke the 25th Amendment.
But the report itself is a lawyerly coverup. The recognition of Biden’s senility is the excuse not to charge him on a far worse set of alleged facts than that presented by Torquemada Jack Smith in his bogus Espionage Act case against Donald Trump. As Hur documents, Biden willfully retained and mishandled classified documents as a Senator, as Vice-President, and as a private citizen from 2013 until his 2020 theft of the presidency. This gives President Trump a well-founded selective prosecution case in Florida. The quantity of classified documents in Biden’s possession as a private citizen resident dwarfs the number of documents in Smith’s Florida indictment of Trump.
In declining prosecution, Hur claims that Biden’s senility would make Biden “sympathetic” to a jury, who would refuse to convict him. He does not mention that any case would be tried in Washington, DC, where jurors are so Trump deranged that they have completely lost all touch with reality and where judges have joined them in abject insanity.
Apparently panicked by the report, the White House rolled Biden out at 7:45 p.m. on Thursday night, well past the four-hour window where the drugs which make him presentable work. The performance was cringe worthy and sparked even more internet speculation that Biden was being set up by his staff. He lied outright three times about what Hur’s report said in a twelve-minute speech, each time denying that the Special Counsel said he possessed classified documents and disclosed them. He told the press that he was the most fit man for the presidency in the United States, and tried to refute Hur’s claim that he could not even remember when his son Beau died by angrily referencing the rosary he carries for Beau. But when he tried to say where he got the rosary, his brain froze. He then proceeded to state that Egypt’s Adbel Fattah el-Sisi is the President of Mexico.
This came in a week in which Biden claimed to be having conversations with the dead French President Mitterrand and Germany’s dead Chancellor Helmut Kohl. At a fundraiser in Manhattan, he claimed he got asthma as a kid from non-existent burn pits in Scranton, Pennsylvania and that Beau died in Iraq from burn pits. Beau Biden died at Walter Reed in Bethesda from a brain tumor. During the same fundraising tour, he claimed that climate change was a far worse catastrophe than nuclear war and that a nuclear war would damage the sacred environment less.
Contrary to Hur’s assessment that Joe Biden is a “well-meaning” aging person with major memory problems, Biden has always been an arrogant narcissistic fool of no meaningful intellectual depth who makes up personas and reality as he goes along. The court jester, Biden’s entire career has been putting on the costume assigned to him by his oligarchic masters every day and performing his assigned role. His long-winded stories in which he appears as the hero have been disproven by reality over and over again. He manipulated his drug addicted son, Hunter, to become the bagman for his family’s corrupt foreign dealings, sucking in millions in a foreign influence scheme. He has weird sexual appetites involving sniffing women’s hair and taking showers with his adolescent daughter. Like any intellectually deficient striver, Biden sucks up and kicks down, berating staff and those he considers beneath him. That is what he did in his presser on Thursday night. He blamed his staff for the documents he illicitly possessed. But Hur’s report portrays a staff which tried for years to keep Biden compliant with classified procedures to no avail. Classified documents just kept disappearing.
In 1987, when Biden’s presidential campaign speeches turned out to be plagiarized from Britain’s Neil Kinnock, Lyndon LaRouche wrote “The Deeper Grounds for Philosophical Doubts with respect to the Existence of Joe Biden.”
“So much of Senator Biden is now attributed to be a carbon copy of other persons, LaRouche wrote, “that a humorist might be forced to speculate whether or not ‘Joe Biden’ were merely a computer-synthesized laser-hologram, pieced together out of entries taken from Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. Wit begs thus philosophical doubts that ‘Senator Joe Biden’ actually exists; his birth certificate is probably genuine, but his public personality is an empty shell of borrowed rhetoric. Biden tried to rally the Democratic Party’s ‘McGovernite left’ around his candidacy. His qualification for appealing to so diverse an aggregation of ‘new agers,’ was his effort to say nothing which might offend any faction within that collection; this he accomplished by saying nothing which was not plagiarized bits of tested rhetoric, thus gaining adherents’ applause for saying really nothing at all.”
Hur’s report mimics the method of coverup in John Durham’s similar lawyerly coverup. Salacious details distract from the relevant questions which should have been asked. For instance, why did one of Joe Biden’s personal attorneys, Patrick Moore, go looking for forbidden classified documents in Joe Biden’s former Penn Center offices in Washington on November 2, 2022. That consequential question does not appear to have been asked by Hur. Moore’s mission followed the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago for classified documents allegedly retained by President Trump. Discovery in Trump’s Florida case has shown that Joe Biden was directly involved with the Justice Department and the National Archives in that case. Moore found classified documents at the Penn Center and notified both White House Counsel and the National Archives which, in turn, notified the DOJ and FBI.
Biden’s personal attorneys conducted subsequent searches some seven weeks later at Biden’s Delaware home, again resulting in the discovery of classified documents in the garage. Did Hur ask Biden whether he or anyone else told his attorneys to look in the garage? That question again, appears to never have been asked or answered. On January 12th, additional documents were recovered by the lawyers in Biden’s Delaware study. At that point, Hur was appointed special counsel. Subsequently the FBI found even more classified documents from Biden’s Senate years at his University of Delaware archive.
Hur notes that the Senate documents involved Biden’s foreign trips as a Senator and his retention of them appears to be part of an effort to write his first book and prove his foreign policy bona fides for his first Presidential campaigns, Their most important point seems to be documenting that arch British agent, Averill Harriman, was Joe Biden’s mentor. Hur nowhere attempts to explain how Biden obtained these documents or why his retention of them is excused. Senators are bound by strict rules regarding obtaining and reading such documents only in classified SCIFs.
What Hur does document is that numerous staffers during Biden’s tenure as Vice-President engaged in attempting to get Joe Biden to comply with classified document procedures and his resistance to those efforts had even resulted in aides writing memos to file to protect themselves. At one point over 30 classified presidential briefing books Biden had taken went missing and Hur could not determine whether they were ever recovered. With this notoriety on this issue, it appears that someone either threatened to go public, or Biden staffers were spooked and decided that they had to fess up about Biden and classified materials, or someone was setting Biden up, sending Patrick Moore out on the original search at Penn/Biden.
While Hur claims that the difference between the Biden case and that of President Trump involves Trump’s alleged obstruction rather than Biden’s cooperation, when he learned of Special Counsel’s appointment, Biden’s ghost writer, Mark Zwonitzer destroyed his tapes of conversations with Biden. Hur had the tapes reconstructed and obtained Zwonitzer’s cooperation. But his explanation for exonerating him based on some “innocent” explanation of the destruction hardly passes the smell test.
Biden maintained three classes of classified materials as a private citizen at various unsecured locations: notebooks containing his notes as Vice-President on meetings of the National Security Council, the Cabinet, Foreign leaders, and the President, notecards in which he took notes which similarly contained classified materials and assorted marked individual classified documents which he kept. Some of the individual documents involve Biden’s dispute with President Obama about surging troops into Afghanistan, a stance which earned him the famous quote from Bob Gates that he had been wrong on every foreign policy issue brought before him. While Hur implies that the motive for all of this was to inform his writing of his two books and to protect his reputation against attack and that he only disclosed classified materials to the ghost writer Zwonitzer, he provides no evidence for that conclusion. Moreover, Biden snidely remarked to Zwonitzer that his staffers did not know that he has kept the classified notebooks despite their efforts to turn them over to the Archives and he makes similar remarks about the note cards. Biden even tells Zwonitzer that he has just found a trove of classified documents in the basement of his Virginia home and offers one of them up for discussion. He tells Hur that even though they are filled with classified information, the notebooks are personal, are his, and he was never required to turn them over to the Archives. According to Robert Hur, Joe Biden’s charming senility makes all of this go away.