The Water Revolution that Cannot be Postponed in Mexico, Thinking Big Is Key to the New Mexican-American Alliance

A note to readers: this is an old post on the archive website for Promethean PAC. It was written when we were known as LaRouche PAC, before changing our name to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at
by Leonardo Espitia Jordan of the LaRouche Veterans of Mexico
As opposed to the empty concepts of the "Global South" and the "Global North," a sovereign alliance between Mexico and the United States, based on republican principles, demonstrates a true universal principle.
Instead of promoting that universal principle, the globalist establishment insists that “We will neither allow an industrial Mexico, nor allow an Abraham Lincoln or a Franklin Roosevelt back into the US presidency!”
This establishment and its British Imperial plans were shattered by the arrival of Donald Trump in the White House in January 2017, and then by the overwhelming triumph of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) that made him President of Mexico in December 2018.
The establishment’s fear was well-founded. AMLO and Trump established a firm friendship and strengthened an alliance of principle between Mexico and the United States that allowed AMLO to regain Mexico’s sovereign control of its oil.
That relationship was interrupted by the establishment’s electoral coup against Trump. But today, Donald Trump is back, committed to ending the threat of nuclear war and to stopping environmental globalism from destroying the world. He faces relentless persecution to get him off the ballot.
In Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum has been chosen as the 2024 presidential candidate of the party founded by President AMLO. She has declared that she will continue AMLO's legacy, even though she identifies herself as an “environmentalist,” a commitment that conflicts in principle with AMLO’s projects for industrialization.
Unlike the "anti-establishment" movement that made possible the triumph of Donald Trump in 2016 and that of AMLO in 2018, today's globalist movements, even those called “anti-imperialist,” turn a blind eye to the fierce battle that Donald Trump is waging in the United States. Worse, those movements hope for the downfall of America. And what is more, all these globalist movements champion the green agenda.
What they overlook is that the coming American election is not just an American affair. It is the battle between the Republic and the Anglo-Dutch Empire.
From the electoral processes that are underway leading into the 2024 Presidential elections in Mexico and in the United States, we need to build the pathway towards a new alliance of principles around a New Bretton Woods world monetary/credit system.
That is why we cannot allow Mexico’s industrialization project to be destroyed, using the tactics of irregular and financial warfare as during the government of President José López Portillo (1976-82)—now combined with a green environmentalist vision of fake economic development. This time the consequences would be fatal. A wave of pessimism and confusion would grip the population, paving the way to an oligarchical parliamentary dictatorship.
In this Mexican Presidential campaign, it is urgent to define the great infrastructure projects of the next government, to be able to deepen the industrialization project while establishing a new principled relationship with the United States.
Mexico's survival depends upon development of water projects. To move from merely enough water for survival to the necessary abundance of water, we must revive the water infrastructure project presented by a team from the Secretariat of Water Resources during Luis Echeverría’s government (1970-1976), as updated. This project represents the historical legacy of the principled sovereign relationship between Mexico and the United States.
The Paradigm of Franklin Roosevelt
An outstanding leader in planning and building large national water infrastructure projects was the late Engineer Leandro Rovirosa Wade (1918-2014), Secretary of Water Resources during Luis Echeverria Álvarez’s term (1970-1976) and governor of the State of Tabasco (1977-1982).
Rovirosa Wade, "The Water Man,” was responsible for the construction of large dams such as La Chicoasén, La Angostura, and La Villita, built by the Secretariat of Water Resources and the Federal Electricity Commission. The Cutzamala System, a large-scale project to provide water to Mexico City, was conceived and begun under Rovirosa Wade’s leadership. For the first time in Mexico, a National Water Plan was drafted, designed to take advantage of the enormous volumes of water that are concentrated in specific regions. The project included the Northwest Water Plan (PLHINO), the Gulf Water Plan (PLHIGON), and the Southeast Water Plan. Rovirosa Wade’s plan was designed to provide for the growing agricultural, industrial and urban demand for water that was projected for more than 50 years into the future.
Also during President Luis Echeverría’s term, the construction began on the Laguna Verde nuclear power plant. Water and energy are inextricably linked.
Rovirosa Wade belonged to the generation of builders sprung from the strong influence of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s projects in Mexico. Roosevelt's greatest project of water and electrical infrastructure was built in the Tennessee River basin; a region mired in poverty, pounded by recurrent and catastrophic floods, and ravaged by malaria. Roosevelt created the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) corporation, in charge of directing an intensive investment into water and electrical infrastructure, accompanied by communications, sanitation, agricultural programs, and industrial and urban infrastructure. From a poverty-stricken region, the greater Tennessee Valley, covering all of Tennessee and parts of six other states, became a prosperous global model that created a new paradigm.
Mexican President Miguel Alemán Valdez traveled to the United States in 1947 to meet with President Harry Truman and learn about the TVA’s operation. Influenced by the TVA, President Alemán elevated the National Irrigation Commission to the Secretariat of Water Resources, with a considerably greater budget. Taking the TVA as a model, he created the Papaloapan Management Board in charge of an intensive investment in water and electrical infrastructure in the Papaloapan Basin. At that time the Tepalcatepec, del Fuerte, and Grijalva Commissions were also created.
As part of this same programmatic impulse, numerous dams were built during President Miguel Alemán’s term, such as the Solís dam in the State of Guanajuato, the Sanalona dam in the State of Sinaloa, and the Álvaro Obregón dam in the State of Sonora. One million hectares were irrigated and brought under cultivation. Mexico became self-sufficient and a food exporter. To this was added an important road and rail program.
This "Mexican Economic Miracle" became possible thanks to the financial system that had recently been created by the Bretton Woods agreements, in which Mexico played a remarkable role alongside President Roosevelt.
In the 1950s, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, a core builder of President Roosevelt’s water projects, planned out the North America Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) following the principles of the TVA. NAWAPA was intended to manage the great thaws and water runoff from Alaska and Canada, bringing the flows through the great mountain ranges to supply the agricultural, industrial, and urban water needs of the West Coast and the Great Plains.
President John F. Kennedy resumed President Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy toward Latin America in his Alliance for Progress, in which Mexico remained a pivotal nation. Presidents Adolfo López Mateos and John F. Kennedy forged a solid and fruitful friendship for the benefit of both nations. President Kennedy, advised by David Lilienthal, the first head of the TVA, promoted the TVA’s successful model of infrastructure investment in Latin America. It is worth noting that David Lilienthal went on to head the Atomic Energy Commission. Water and energy are part of the same paradigm.
The three dams in the Yaqui River Basin in the Sonora are directly linked to the policies of President Roosevelt. Their construction took place under Mexican governments which adopted the model of President Roosevelt’s water and electrical infrastructure, to develop the physical economy of the Republic. The same can be seen in other parts of Mexico.
These intense periods of large investments in infrastructure, directly linked to the paradigm set by Roosevelt, enriched the skills of labor and raised the level of Mexican engineering. They forged generations of planners and builders, capable of facing new challenges in infrastructure. An example is Engineer Leandro Rovirosa Wade and his team, who not only envisioned a national water infrastructure project, but also had the technical capacity to carry it out. The principle is still valid today.
The Plot Against Thinking Big
The assassination of John F. Kennedy marked a paradigm shift. The British Empire moved to impose the pessimistic, anti-scientific paradigm of "limits to growth.” The tragic Malthusian vision of "limited resources" and "overpopulation" invaded academia and circles of political and economic power. The globalist financial elite promoted their lacky personalities. Suddenly, next to TVA founder David Lilienthal, was Club of Rome founder Aurelio Peccei, in a show of oligarchic revenge and humiliation.
In the midst of this pessimistic Malthusian vision and economic regression, the governments of Luis Echeverria (1970-1976) and José López Portillo (1976-1982) were honorable exceptions. Both were committed to a plan to industrialize the country, taking the oil industry as the foundation. Luis Echeverría laid the foundations from which José López Portillo started, by continuing the investment in the oil platform.
The López Portillo-Lyndon LaRouche Alliance
The close friendship between Mexican President José López Portillo and American statesman Lyndon LaRouche was decisive in the process of industrialization undertaken by that President. Under the economic strategy of "oil for technology,” Lyndon LaRouche developed the physical-economic guidelines for the industrialization of Mexico. President López Portillo channeled abundant oil revenues into doubling the industrial base of the economy in just six years. The plan contemplated an intensive investment in nuclear energy, rails, ports, and the construction of 30 new cities. In this period, the Mexican movement associated with Lyndon LaRouche made the National Water Plan into a popular national campaign.
The North-South Summit and Operation Juarez
After Ronald Reagan’s election in 1980, he maintained open channels to Lyndon LaRouche. LaRouche called on both Presidents to convene a summit meeting to promote a New International Economic Order. The result was the North-South Summit held in Cancún, Mexico, on October 22-23, 1981, with the participation of leaders of 22 nations.
But the Anglo-American establishment would not accept the industrialization of Mexico. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor, said "We will not allow a new Japan south of the border." They orchestrated a relentless financial war against Mexico that finally ended up derailing the industrialization project.
The economist Lyndon LaRouche undertook the defense of Mexico and its right to economically develop. He proposed “Operation Juarez”—a Latin American Alliance to form a Debtors Club, with debts of enough destructive power to force the creation of a New Financial Order. But the efforts of López Portillo and Lyndon LaRouche were defeated by the despicable betrayal of the governments of Brazil and Argentina. This began the long, dark, "neo-liberal" period in Latin America.
After the coup against José López Portillo, all national industrialization projects were stopped. The nuclear development plan and large investments in the national oil company PEMEX and national electricity company CFE were suspended.
Then came the electoral coup of 1988, where a political-business cabal was installed in power, described by José López Portillo as an "evil entity," that ran the next five Mexican governments. It dedicated itself to systematically dismantling the institutions of the nation-state and the Republic.
AMLO Changes the Direction
From the beginning of his term in 2018, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) reestablished his Constitutional Presidential powers and applied the republican economic planning principles of his political mentor, Leandro Rovirosa Wade, and the generations who had built the basic infrastructure of modern Mexico.
The President took the bull by the horns in strategic Southeast Mexico, a region historically forbidden to participate in Mexican development by Imperial pressures, a region turned into a protected environmental cathedral. There he decided to concentrate large investments in basic economic infrastructure: railway, port, petrochemical, and industrial projects.
Some of these large projects are already in the testing stage, such as the refinery in Dos Bocas. Others are a few months away from being inaugurated, such as the Trans-Isthmus Railway and the Mayan Railway, while the reconstruction of PEMEX and CFE is producing results.
PLHINO, PLHIGON, Water Desalination, and Nuclear Energy
A continued investment in basic economic infrastructure generates an exponential increase in the power of labor. The building of AMLO's great projects has created a corps of civil and military engineers and technicians with the capabilities to face the next challenge in infrastructure to activate an exponential (anti-entropic) process in the physical economy.
The powerful figure of Rocio Nahle, Minister of Energy, in charge of the construction of the refinery in Dos Bocas and an open defender of nuclear energy, represents this new generation of Mexican engineers.
Unlike nuclear power, so-called renewable energies represent an entropic, regressive element in the physical economy.
Today Mexico has the technical capabilities to face the challenge represented by a National Water Infrastructure Plan such as the one proposed by Mr. Rovirosa Wade and his team in the 1970s. Today, a national seawater desalination program and the reactivation of the national nuclear power plan must be added.
Only such a project contains the power to activate an exponentially expanded (anti-entropic) process in the physical economy.
In turn, the generation of an anti-entropic process in the physical economy has a powerful impact on the reestablishment of the republican principles shared by Mexico and the United States.
This great historical moment in which the Presidential electoral processes are running parallel in Mexico and the United States, reminds us of the words of the statesman Lyndon LaRouche: "At critical moments, the electorate is like the owl that in the midst of the mist knows how to follow the footprint."