A note to readers: this is the archive website for Promethean PAC, created before we changed our name from LaRouchePAC to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on www.PrometheanAction.com. Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at www.PrometheanPAC.com.
IM-1 Odysseus Moon Mission: A Major Victory In Human Ingenuity. Now Let’s Increase Our Power
Where Globalism Goes to Die
Building Civilization Anew
Replacing Endless Wars with Endless Frontier
This is a "Kairos" Moment
The Success of NASA's Artemis Mission, and America's Future In Space Is Hanging By A Thread–Only A Change In Our National Priorities Will Save It
Globalism Be Damned
2024: Global Showdown
Take Down the Blob, End the Wars, Rebuild the Nation
Expect the Unexpected; Enemy is in a Panic
Time to Change the World, and Give Thanks!
Biden's March to Green Destruction or Trump's Agenda47
The Turbulence You are Feeling Signals the End of the System
Bidenomics versus the Economics of Production
Mass Strike America: American Working Class shall "Rise like Lions"
Two Weeks that will Live in History
End the Central Banking System Before It Ends Us
It's Not about Donald Trump; It's about our Constitutional Republic
The New Moon Race; Different Context, Same Amazing Discoveries
A War on Drugs to Save the People of America
The Irrepressible Nature Of The Human Spirit
Stop the Prosecutions of Donald J. Trump NOW
Lyndon LaRouche, Donald Trump and the Coming Nuclear Fusion/Space Revolution!
Who are the Millions the Cartels are Shipping into the Country? No One Knows!
Fusion Power: Key to Becoming a Multiplanetary Species
Our Founders' Republic vs. Biden's Wannabe Dictatorship
Trump's Pivot to Development: America's 21st Century
America Turns 250 — This is the New Presidency
The Meaning of the Bond Between Trump and the American People
The Battle Is Not What You Think - Beyond the DC Kabuki Theater
The Ax-2 Space Mission and Memorial Day: Grounds For a Bodacious Future
How Does America Deal with $90 TRILLION in Debt?
America Needs More Than Energy Independence — It Needs Energy Advancement!
The Power of Fusion: Making America Energy Independent!
It's Not Just the Banks That Are Failing
Down with King Charles — Let the Globalists be Damned!
Trump's New GOP; Biden's War and Censorship
President Trump’s First Term Leap Into the Future
Donald J. Trump’s Meaning in the Long Reach of Human History
Nazi Bragg Queen Story Hour vs American People
Trump’s Triumphant Artemis Announces Crew for Second Mission
Globalists Panic, Banks Tremble, Trump Rallies—Build the 21st Century!
Bank Runs, Insane in Ukraine, and Dems Go Full Goebbels
Trump Launches Ultimate Flank vs Globalists: Progress and Beauty
Donald Trump’s Bold Challenge: The Future Belongs to the Beautiful City Builders
Biden's World War is Trotsky's Revenge
Fusion Energy Builds A Wondrous Future; Biden’s Utopians Would Obliterate It
Trump, Reagan, LaRouche and the SDI—Then and Now
Biden, Balloons & Nordstream—Americans Need Strategic Courage
Think Big, Build Big—Building America for the 21st Century
Trump Launches and So Does NASA
Nuclear Rockets, Forging A Path To New Space Frontiers
The Collapse of an Empire in the Graveyard of Ukraine
Who Is Sinking Joe?
Now! We Dismantle the Deep State!
Biden’s Greenies Attack the TVA
The Myths That Died in 2022 & The Movement That Came Alive
We Need the Truth!
Why Was Fusion Blocked Until Now?
Twitter Dee, Twitter Dum—Ending the Tyranny of Globalization
Artemis 1: The First Step Toward A New Era of Giant Leaps In Space Exploration & Discoveries
Trump Declares for 2024, Globalist Cabal Declares All-Out War
Take Back the Nation for MAGA and for the Future
Martian Equator Holds More Water than Biden’s Economy!
How to Win an Election and Defeat the Enemies of Mankind
The Third American Revolution: November 8 and Beyond
A Coalition for Victory, A Campaign to Build the Future
Putin and Trump: Why Nations Rise and Ideologies Fall
The Science Behind President Trump's Leadership
The Key to Peace: U.S. Russia Cooperation on the International Space Station Continues Despite Growing Tensions On Earth
New Moon/Mars Discoveries! The Human Potentials of Space Are Opening to Us!
Power to the Grid: Unleashing the Energy to Grow
Escalated War with Russia Provides Nazi Cover for Man-Made Energy Collapse
Lyndon LaRouche and the Future
Globalists Lose Big, Patriots Look to the Future
The Drought Isn't Man-Made, The Solutions Are
Will Republicans Blow the Midterms, or Fight Like Trump?
FBI Raid on President Trump Signals Political and Cultural “Total War”
A Tale of Two Presidencies: Profiles in Courage and Senility
Build a Political Army—Armed with Ideas, Founded on Principle
Our Universe Is Changing and Our Enemies Are Not
What The Heck Is Really Going on With Texas Energy?!
The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
The Pursuit of Happiness: Artemis Will Create More of It; Faster
Death Cult Throws a Tantrum; Let's Build a Renaissance of Creative Life
The Real Mission of Education: Creating a Workforce for the Future
Battle Report From the Texas Republican Party Convention: Abolishing the Fed; Establishing the Third National Bank
As Biden and Fed Fail, Our Fight to Replace Fed Advances
LaRouche PAC On the Ground At Texas Republican Convention
How to Build Our Way Out of Approaching Doom
Global Feudalists Panic, as Nation Builders Advance
Trump Takes on War Party; Time to Take on "Deeper State"
How Stupid Do They Think We Are?
Crypto Mining + Heat Waves Causing Major Power Grid Failures in Texas
Biden's Breakdown: Uniparty Makes Sandcastles, as Tsunami Looms
The Nation-State Strikes Back
Defeating the Empire's Strategy of War, Drugs & Usury
3D Printing Transforming Rocketry, Hypersonics, & Propelling Us All the Way to the Moon, Mars, & Beyond
There is No Justice in the Globalists' Climate Justice
1 Million Barrels of Oil Per Day, Biden's Energy Scheme Before the Midterm Election
The Rising of American Genius
Biden's Sanctions & the Climate Agenda Destroying the United States
Biden's 'New World Order' Looks More Like Orwell's 1984
Purge the Neo-Cons, Dropkick the Dwarf Kings
The War is Against the Globalists, The Future is Defined by Patriots
LaRouche's Economic Revolution
Americans Aren't Buying It
LaRouchePAC at CPAC 2022!
Scratch a liberal, you get a fascist; scratch a fascist and you get the British Crown!
Why Space is the Secret to Wealth
Biden, the Empire and the Bat Queen in a Panic
Central Banking is Satanic!
Generation Artemis Has A Mission to Fulfill, Is This Delay Legitimate?
Schumer Chicanery Pulls 14 Million from NASA For Vote Cheating Scheme
The Spectacular James Webb Telescope—An Update
As Globalist System Collapses, It's Great to be an American!
James Webb Telescope Launches: A New Birth of Optimism! For Unto Us Many Galaxies Are Born!
Build Back Better Tries Using NASA as a Carbon Snitch
Treason in High Places: "Build Back Better" Bill Will Destroy NASA
Will Mission Artemis Rescue Our Nation and Its Youth From the Biden Harris Horror Show?
LPAC Shorts: The Exciting New World of U.S. Manufacturing
LPAC Shorts: Human Creativity & The Inspiration of Space Exploration!
20 Years of Endless Wars Didn't Increase Your Living Standards. What Has?
What Did SpaceX Dragon CRS-23 Deliver To ISS? How Will It Benefit You?
Outright Sabotage! The Delay of NASA’s 2024 Artemis Moon Mission Is No Accident
The Mask of Anarchy, Today
Afghanistan: End Game for Our Tory Traitors?
INTERVIEW: What’s Happening w/the Texas Energy Grid & Climate Insanity
LPAC Shorts: Inspire Kids to Look Up to the Sky, Not Down in Their Pants!
Biden, Pentagon Implode; Admit Military Coup and White House-Directed Censorship
LPAC Shorts: Defeat The Left’s Drive Towards Fascism—Join the America First Revolution
While Dems are Outright Traitors, Patriots' Ignorance Can Also Kill Us
Don't Play Games With America's Space Program: Human Lives Are On the Line
Texas Grid Still in Shambles as Summer Heat Waves Hit! ERCOT Says, “Conserve!”
Class #4— Why Do We Have To Go To Mars?
Can NASA Launch Humans to Mars Under A Crashing Green Agenda?
Incompetent Biden Attempts to Launch Rockets—Tethered to Earth—Into Space
Defeat Biden's Hyperinflation—Class#1: What is an economic 'platform'?
A Wright Brothers Moment of Great Ingenuity Flying On Mars
Class #4: Transforming Our Horrible Schools
Defeat Biden's "Jobs" Boondoggle with a Space Platform
Does Senator Bill Nelson Have The Passion to Lead NASA?
Secure the Border and Build the Sovereign Nations
Creating a Future with LaRouche's Economics
"We're Focused on Success"—An Interview with Apollo Pilot Charlie Duke
Building a Platform on Mars, An Update on Perseverance
Trump Takes Charge of Political Fight, LaRouchePAC Must Lead Policy Fight
Don't Fear Climate Change, Master the Laws of the Universe!
Kesha Rogers Reports on the Mars Perseverance Rover Mission
Special Report from Texas on Historic Arctic Blast & Threat of Rolling Blackouts
Three Nations Headed to the Red Planet Right Now
Lincoln and LaRouche Can Guide Trump Takeover of Republican Party
Tell Creepy Joe: Hands Off Artemis! Don’t Let the Fake President Crash the Future
Trump Assumes New Leadership Role for Nation, Despite British Occupation of White House
Class #2: Bruce Director on LaRouche's Economics
President Trump Issues Major Executive Order Promoting Nuclear Power
New Phase in Fight to Defend President and Nation, as Trump Movement Stands Firm
What It Means to Be an American, LaRouchePAC Southwest Activist Meeting with Bob Ingraham
Make Space Great Again! LaRouchePAC Midwest Meeting
Americans Must Rediscover Their Past, LaRouchePAC Southwest Meeting
Bound For the Moon and Mars With the Artemis Generation! Giant Leaps for the Progress of Humanity
NASA’s Experiments Now Underway on ISS Prepare the Way for Moon/Mars Colonization
Artemis and the True Science of Human Advancement
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