A note to readers: this is the archive website for Promethean PAC, created before we changed our name from LaRouchePAC to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on www.PrometheanAction.com. Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at www.PrometheanPAC.com.
Whether it was Lyndon LaRouche’s fight against the modern-day British Empire or Donald Trump’s fight today against the globalists, the heart of the fight is a conflict between two images of man—that of man as a creator versus that of man as an animal.
LaRouchePAC’s “Project Prometheus” brings that conflict to the fore, with the intention to unleash the productive powers of our people (as Prometheus did when he gave mankind the gift of fire) by creating the quantity and quality of energy needed for the United States to become a manufacturing super-power once again. This further demands that we be free of the green insanity of the current Administration and their globalist controllers.
This will start with a commitment to building hundreds of nuclear power plants, which will fuel our march into the future with an aggressive space program and with the development of nuclear fusion. The critical swing-states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania will play a pivotal role, as the reborn "arsenals of progress."
Learn more in our announcement article, in related content below, and let us know what you can do to help!
The Prometheus Principle and Election 2024
Why Did We Choose Promethean for Our New Name?
We Are Changing Our Name
Wind and Solar Energy Will Destroy the Economy
LaRouchean Economics Class 2: The End of 500 Years of Stupidity
Ignore the Climate-Change Cultists, Mankind Improves Nature
SLS, Starship, AI, and the Future
Breaking Through The Barriers to Progress
How Dante Rescued Europe and What this Means for Us Today
Why Is Dante Critical to the MAGA Movement?
Plato's Republic: Cornerstone of Western Civilization
Washington Swamp Gnaws Away at Divine Space Mandate; FAA/Fish & Wildlife Hold Moon Mission Hostage
How the National Bank Will Work
Benjamin Franklin, The American Prometheus
How to Confront Idiotic Woke Education: Embrace the Classics!
Sucker: Don’t Let Manufactured “Opinions” Justify World War
A Promethean Vision for the Future
Putting the "Republic" Back into Republican
What Joe Biden Just Called “Very Dangerous... ULTRA MAGA”
Donald Trump Calls for “Ultimate Strike Against the Globalist Class”
How the Oligarchy Rules: Foundations and Non-Profits
Trump Sets Agenda To Win The War And Build The Peace
On Lyndon LaRouche’s 101st Birthday: A Short Intellectual Adventure
Know Thy Enemy: The Modern Oligarchical Democracy - Part II
Know Thy Enemy: The Modern Oligarchical Democracy
Rise Like Lions after Slumber—America Responds
From High Above Jackson Hole: The Real Choice is Trump or Dope, Inc.
The New Moon Race; Different Context, Same Amazing Discoveries
Not Seeing is Believing
Reply to Charles Benoit: Green Energy Is Not the American System
Plato Looks at the 2024 Presidential Candidates
Lyndon LaRouche, Donald Trump and the Coming Nuclear Fusion/Space Revolution!
The Culture that Shaped the Fight for Independence
Only Technological Attrition Will Work
Fusion Power: Key to Becoming a Multiplanetary Species
Biden and DeSantis Respond to Trump's Agenda 47
President Trump Makes Himself the Personal Rallying Point for the Principles of 1776
The Battle Is Not What You Think - Beyond the DC Kabuki Theater
The Ax-2 Space Mission and Memorial Day: Grounds For a Bodacious Future
A Friendly Sputnik Reminder? Japan Aims to be First in Commercial Fusion
America Needs More Than Energy Independence — It Needs Energy Advancement!
The Power of Fusion: Making America Energy Independent!
Vivek, the Fed, and the Octopus in the Room
How and Why the American System Will Replace Imperial Poverty and Conflict
Great Expectations for a Launch Today Or the Very Near Future
Why Does Trump's Agenda 47 Terrify the Bankster Globalists?
President Trump’s First Term Leap Into the Future
Trump’s Triumphant Artemis Announces Crew for Second Mission
Trump’s Nation Transformed: New “Freedom Cities” to Inspire our Nation
The View from the Other Side of the Crisis
A Quantum Leap in American Standards of Living
Trump’s “Freedom Cities”—A New Frontier
Fusion Energy Builds A Wondrous Future; Biden’s Utopians Would Obliterate It
Jump Starting a Recovery with America's Hidden Store of Skilled Manpower & Manufacturing Pt. 2
Nuclear Rockets, Forging A Path To New Space Frontiers
Anti-Entropy: The Only Sustainable Path for Planet Earth
The Future Belongs To Sovereign Nations
Biden’s Greenies Attack the TVA
Operation “Bacchae”
Why Was Fusion Blocked Until Now?
A Sight For Sore Eyes: Helion Energy’s Exciting Approach to Fusion
The Fusion Watershed Event
Eureka! Fusion Ignition! Now Let’s Realize It in a Crash Program
The National Laboratories: A Place for Team Science and Fusion Discoveries
We Have Ignition: At the Threshold of Fusion Energy!
Project Prometheus: America’s Future Is Nuclear
Donald Trump, The Visionary, Can Build The US Nuclear Renaissance
Project Prometheus: Building Hundreds of Nuclear Power Plants to Make America Great Again
Introducing Project Prometheus: Make the Leap to the Future; Build a 2024 MAGA Shock Wave in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan