A note to readers: this is the archive website for Promethean PAC, created before we changed our name from LaRouchePAC to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on www.PrometheanAction.com. Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at www.PrometheanPAC.com.
The New Frontier and Fusion Rockets
Starship/Super Heavy Test 3, Is 90% Successful. As Usual, the 10% Encompasses the Discoveries We Need to Make
IM-1 Odysseus Moon Mission: A Major Victory In Human Ingenuity. Now Let’s Increase Our Power
The Success of NASA's Artemis Mission, and America's Future In Space Is Hanging By A Thread–Only A Change In Our National Priorities Will Save It
SLS, Starship, AI, and the Future
A Manufacturing Revolution in Defense Production? DEW, Hypersonics and Next Generation Interceptor
Time to Change the World, and Give Thanks!
Breaking Through The Barriers to Progress
Washington Swamp Gnaws Away at Divine Space Mandate; FAA/Fish & Wildlife Hold Moon Mission Hostage
The New Moon Race; Different Context, Same Amazing Discoveries
Not Seeing is Believing
The Battle Is Not What You Think - Beyond the DC Kabuki Theater
The Ax-2 Space Mission and Memorial Day: Grounds For a Bodacious Future
How and Why the American System Will Replace Imperial Poverty and Conflict
Great Expectations for a Launch Today Or the Very Near Future
President Trump’s First Term Leap Into the Future
Trump’s Triumphant Artemis Announces Crew for Second Mission
Biden's World War is Trotsky's Revenge
Trump, Reagan, LaRouche and the SDI—Then and Now
Think Big, Build Big—Building America for the 21st Century
Trump Launches and So Does NASA
Nuclear Rockets, Forging A Path To New Space Frontiers
Economic Progress: What Is It? How Is It Measured? and Why Is It Necessary?
Artemis 1: The First Step Toward A New Era of Giant Leaps In Space Exploration & Discoveries
Martian Equator Holds More Water than Biden’s Economy!
Gas Prices Viewed from the James Webb Telescope
The Key to Peace: U.S. Russia Cooperation on the International Space Station Continues Despite Growing Tensions On Earth
The Incredible Comeback of a Science and Technology Fueled Republic
New Moon/Mars Discoveries! The Human Potentials of Space Are Opening to Us!
Lyndon LaRouche and the Future
Globalists Lose Big, Patriots Look to the Future
Is the Universe Running Down?
The Lincoln Reflex: Kicking the Tory Traitors in the Arse
The Pursuit of Happiness: Artemis Will Create More of It; Faster
Our Summer Blastoff to the Moon and Mars: “In Pursuit of Happiness”
Death Cult Throws a Tantrum; Let's Build a Renaissance of Creative Life
The Real Mission of Education: Creating a Workforce for the Future
How to Build Our Way Out of Approaching Doom
2022: The Beginning of the End of the Coup
3D Printing Transforming Rocketry, Hypersonics, & Propelling Us All the Way to the Moon, Mars, & Beyond
Why Space is the Secret to Wealth
Generation Artemis Has A Mission to Fulfill, Is This Delay Legitimate?
Schumer Chicanery Pulls 14 Million from NASA For Vote Cheating Scheme
Don’t Be a Slave to Statistics and Mathematics
The Mars Vortex and the “Pursuit of Happiness”
The Spectacular James Webb Telescope—An Update
Biden And His Globalist Controllers Now Using Environmental Quackery To Sabotage Elon Musk And Artemis
James Webb Telescope Launches: A New Birth of Optimism! For Unto Us Many Galaxies Are Born!
Mars or Bust, The Real Story Behind Elon Musk’s Email
Build Back Better Tries Using NASA as a Carbon Snitch
What the Oligarchy Hates about Trump and the USA
Treason in High Places: "Build Back Better" Bill Will Destroy NASA
Will Mission Artemis Rescue Our Nation and Its Youth From the Biden Harris Horror Show?
LPAC Shorts: Human Creativity & The Inspiration of Space Exploration!
What Does Gauss Figuring Out the Orbit of Ceres Have to Do w/Politics?
What Did SpaceX Dragon CRS-23 Deliver To ISS? How Will It Benefit You?
Outright Sabotage! The Delay of NASA’s 2024 Artemis Moon Mission Is No Accident
Defeating the Drought: Control Climate Change, Don't Surrender to It
LPAC Shorts: Inspire Kids to Look Up to the Sky, Not Down in Their Pants!
Book Burners Target NASA
Class #4— Why Do We Have To Go To Mars?
Monetary Policy Won't Stop Inflation, Physical Growth Will
Incompetent Biden Attempts to Launch Rockets—Tethered to Earth—Into Space
DARPA announces nuclear rocket by 2025!
A Wright Brothers Moment of Great Ingenuity Flying On Mars
Defeat Biden's "Jobs" Boondoggle with a Space Platform
Creating a Future with LaRouche's Economics
"We're Focused on Success"—An Interview with Apollo Pilot Charlie Duke
Building a Platform on Mars, An Update on Perseverance
Don't Fear Climate Change, Master the Laws of the Universe!
Kesha Rogers Reports on the Mars Perseverance Rover Mission
NASA Works, Windmills Don't!
NASA Perseverance Rover Lands on Mars!
Celebrating Our Founder, Lyndon LaRouche
Three Nations Headed to the Red Planet Right Now
LaRouche's Economic Breakthrough: Where Does Wealth Come From?
Tell Creepy Joe: Hands Off Artemis! Don’t Let the Fake President Crash the Future
Class #2: Bruce Director on LaRouche's Economics
Make Space Great Again! LaRouchePAC Midwest Meeting
Bound For the Moon and Mars With the Artemis Generation! Giant Leaps for the Progress of Humanity
NASA’s Experiments Now Underway on ISS Prepare the Way for Moon/Mars Colonization
NASA/SpaceX Crew 1 Launched; Biden, Like Obama, Will Destroy This
Artemis and the True Science of Human Advancement
LaRouche: A 50-Year Mars Mission Determines Today's Policies
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