A note to readers: this is the archive website for Promethean PAC, created before we changed our name from LaRouchePAC to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on www.PrometheanAction.com. Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at www.PrometheanPAC.com.
We are the Firebringers — Shut Down the Financial Dictatorship
What Ben Franklin Can Teach Us about Economics
The Enlightenment versus The Renaissance: The Case Study of Benjamin Franklin
Davos 2024—Oligarchs Waiting for the Shoe to Drop
It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents
A Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents: Part 5—The British Kill John F. Kennedy
A Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents: Part 4—The British Kill William McKinley
A Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents: Part 3—The British Kill Abraham Lincoln
A Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents
Looking Back to the “Ballot Exclusions” of 1860; or the Democratic Party’s Old Bag of Dirty Tricks
COP28: The Coming Fall Of Babylon
Giving Thanks this November of 2023
A Month of Satanic Oligarchical Conspiracies
How Dante Rescued Europe and What this Means for Us Today
Why Is Dante Critical to the MAGA Movement? Part 2: Dante's Divine Comedy
Why Is Dante Critical to the MAGA Movement?
Benjamin Franklin, The American Prometheus
Debt or Development?
Trump, MAGA and the Lincoln Revolution
Creating a Republican Labor Party
Know Thy Enemy: The Modern Oligarchical Democracy - Part II
Know Thy Enemy: The Modern Oligarchical Democracy
Who Are Financial Godfathers Behind the Empire of Dope?
The World Economic Forum versus Donald Trump’s Agenda 47
What is Required to Win the War on Drugs
The Promise and the Limitations of the New “American System” Faction
Winning the War on Drugs
President Trump Makes Himself the Personal Rallying Point for the Principles of 1776
How Does America Deal with $90 TRILLION in Debt?
The mind-boggling Incompetence of the Debt Ceiling debate: If a Default scares you, what about a Depression?
Americans versus the Globalists (not Republicans versus Democrats)
Can the Approaching Dark Age be Reversed?
The Zombie Apocalypse: How Adam Smith was Raised from the Dead. . . Again. . . and Again. . . and Again
Tragedy, Economics & Leadership
Russia and America:—Shall it be War or Peace?
A Collegial Reply to Robert Atkinson
Behind Biden's Drive for WWIII: Britain's Hatred of U.S.
Concerning MTG’s Divorce: Victory is the Only Option
Economic Crisis Will Be Solved with Culture, Not Money
Panic in Davos: The Coming Ukraine Disaster Can Sink the Whole Utopian Project
The American Principle of National Sovereignty
The Future Belongs To Sovereign Nations
Message to the Freedom Caucus: The past is dead. Stop fighting the economic battles of 40 years ago.
Washington's Republic
The Plot Against Washington
On Thanksgiving: The Birth of Freedom, The Pilgrims and Our Founding
The British Empire's "French Revolution"
COP 27—No Joy at Sharm el-Sheikh
The Real Conflict: Washington and Hamilton vs. Jefferson
Washington and Hamilton Forge a Nation
Climate Change: the Zombie that would not die
How the New Political Majority Can Save the Nation
Washington's Republic: Science, Progress and Human Freedom
Washington and Franklin: How Our Constitution Was Created
Washington Creates the Nation
President Trump Evokes President McKinley
The danger when patriots lose their minds: We are American Citizens, not British Subjects
MAGA without Trump? Think again!
Pt. 2: George Washington as Military Leader, Strategic Genius
George Washington as Military Leader Today
Trump and “Schedule F”: What is Freaking Out the Oligarchy?
Rediscovering the Soul of America
Why National Banking Will Save Our Families and Revive the American Dream
Stop Freaking Out: Learn the Principles & Practice of National Banking
President Vladimir Putin at the Eurasian Economic Forum: National Sovereignty, Resistance to Imperial Rule, and the Pathway to Economic Development
World Economic Forum 2022: Arrogance Fades as Elite Panic Begins
Inflation, Shortages, Breakdown ... How Can We Survive?
How to turn the Federal Reserve into a National Bank
Identifying The Fed’s Central Role in the Current Blowout is Not Sufficient
Did George Orwell Know the Minds of Our Present Oligarchs in 1944?
Stop the WEF Plot to Murder Detroit
There is No Justice in the Globalists' Climate Justice
The World Economic Forum’s Plot to Murder Detroit
Are You Fool Enough to Support the Bankers’ “Convention of the States”?
LaRouche's Economic Revolution
Hamilton & the 1st National Bank of the United States: An Act of Genius
What is National Banking? Why is it Mandatory for Human Economic Development?
Grasping Alexander Hamilton’s Intention
Lyndon LaRouche: End Imperial Central Banking; Bankrupt The Fed
The Birth of Central Banking
Central Banking: An Imperial World Order
Taking Back Control Over Our Economic Destiny
Davos 2022—Why are Sovereign Governments Still Listening to these Imperial Failures?
Indomitable Leadership, Part 2: Washington Must Die!
Indomitable Leadership
It’s Time to Learn Real American Economics Part 7
It’s Time to Learn Real American Economics Part 6
It’s Time to Learn Real American Economics Part 5
It’s Time to Learn Real American Economics Part 4
It’s Time to Learn Real American Economics Part 3
It’s Time to Learn Real American Economics Part 2
It’s Time to Learn Real American Economics
COP-26 Overview: Nation States say “Nyet” at Glasgow, while British Imperialists demand Mass Murder
The State of Empire and the Fight for the Republic
The Oct. 30-31 G20 Meeting in Rome: Rome Fiddles While the World Burns
Will National Sovereignty Exist After COP26?
Lessons of the California Recall Fight
For a Future, Recall Newsom
Why Californians should vote to recall Newsom
Will the California Recall Election be the Turning Point for our Republic?
Why Abraham Lincoln is Needed to Save Our Nation Today
Lincoln Series #9: With Malice toward None, with Charity for All
Lincoln Series #8: Abraham Lincoln vs. The British Empire
Lincoln Series #7: Fables as Facts
Lincoln Series #6: The American System in Action
Lincoln Series #5: Greenbacks and National Banking
Lincoln Series #4: Free Speech, Free Soil, Free Men—How Abraham Lincoln Created the Republican Party
Lincoln Series #3: Education and Self-Improvement
Lincoln Series #2: Free Labor and the “Right to Rise”
Lincoln Series #1: Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln
How Not to Live One’s Life - Philip Mountbatten (1921-2021)
Class 5: Defeat British Empire's Chokehold on U.S. Economy, Finish American Revolution
Class 4: America's Unique Role in the Fight Against Empire
Class 3: Defeat Britain's "Empire of the Mind" with Human Creativity
Class#2: What is the Modern British Empire?
Class 1: Human Discovery and the Commonwealth Principle
Davos, 2021 —The Oligarchy Frets as the Crisis Deepens
The British Empire’s ‘Great Reset’
How to Organize a Revolution
What It Means to Be an American, LaRouchePAC Southwest Activist Meeting with Bob Ingraham
“We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident. . . .”
A Nation Built on Discovery
Franklin in Paris: December, 1776—July, 1785 The Power of Patriotism
Franklin’s Deplorables
Leadership at a Time of Crisis
1774: Franklin in the Cockpit—Face to Face Against Empire
Midwest Meeting — On the Cusp of a New American Revolution
A Vignette Concerning Benjamin Franklin
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