We are circulating the following statement for endorsement by candidates, organizations, elected officials, and constituency leaders, Third American Economic Revolution: Abolish the Federal Reserve and Restore our Sovereignty with National Banking. The statement opens,
If the United States is not soon liberated from the criminal system of private central banking which has occupied our nation since the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in 1913, and returned to the principles of national banking, our people, our economy, and the U.S. dollar will not survive. Inflation, the danger of hyperinflation, supply chain breakdowns, deindustrialization, the illegal drug epidemic, food, energy, and water shortages--all are the ultimate consequence of surrendering our economic sovereignty to a consortium of global financial interests, headquartered in London and Wall Street, which uses its monetary power to control nations and parasitize economies. The United States is uniquely positioned to do this, being the only sovereign republic in the world to have twice established a system of national banking for the purpose of promoting the general welfare and advancing the productive powers of its population...
Click the button to read the full statement and endorse our campaign.
See the list of candidates, former candidates, and elected officials who've endorsed our resolution.
Read Brian Lantz's detailed report, "For a U.S. Economic Recovery: A Third National Bank Now Indispensable."
Click here for already concluded classes: The Principles and Practice of National Banking, which started on June 4, 2022.
Here are the most recent posts pertaining to our campaign:
Did the Grinch Steal Christmas? Or Did U.S. Steel Sell It?
The Promise and the Limitations of the New “American System” Faction
How Does America Deal with $90 TRILLION in Debt?
The mind-boggling Incompetence of the Debt Ceiling debate: If a Default scares you, what about a Depression?
Vivek, the Fed, and the Octopus in the Room
Get Out the Pitchforks—It is Time to Clean House!
The Principles We Must Use in the Banking Crisis—Starting with “People First!”
Banking Collapse Caused by Federal Reserve. We Need a National Bank Now!
A Collegial Reply to Robert Atkinson
Jump Starting a Recovery with America's Hidden Store of Skilled Manpower & Manufacturing Pt. 2
Project Prometheus: Building Hundreds of Nuclear Power Plants to Make America Great Again
For the Federal Reserve, Failure is the Only Option
Who Will Rescue Us When the Economy Falls off the Cliff?
Our Future Without the Federal Reserve
Battlefront: Michigan - Lessons in Making a Revolution—Know Your Mission and Fight Like Hell
What the Enemy Knows About 2022 and 2024: It’s More Than Elections — It’s the End of Their System
Won’t Power the Economy: Computer Chips & Cow Chips
Steve Bannon Calls for Fed Abolition at CPAC; Is a Third National Bank Next?
Trojan Horse: The Schumer–Manchin “Anti-inflation Act of 2022”
Biden’s "Jobs" Figures Are Pure Fakery, there is No Growth in Full Time Employment
Summertime and the Livin’ Is Brutal
Whipping Inflation: National Banking or Reap the Whirlwind
Battle Report From the Texas Republican Party Convention: Abolishing the Fed; Establishing the Third National Bank
Candidates Endorse Call to Replace Fed with Third National Bank
As Biden and Fed Fail, Our Fight to Replace Fed Advances
Using National Banking to Secure Our Food Supply
Why National Banking Will Save Our Families and Revive the American Dream
LaRouche PAC On the Ground At Texas Republican Convention
REPORT—For a U.S. Economic Recovery: A Third National Bank Now Indispensable
It’s Here! Our Report on the U.S. Physical Economy: How to Build Our Way Out of Approaching Doom
Stop Freaking Out: Learn the Principles & Practice of National Banking
Inflation, Shortages, Breakdown ... How Can We Survive?
How to turn the Federal Reserve into a National Bank
Campaign to Replace the Federal Reserve with a National Bank Gains Big Support
Why is the Economy Not Working? Don’t Just Kick the Tires, Look Under the Hood
Identifying The Fed’s Central Role in the Current Blowout is Not Sufficient
Yoda’s Evil Deluded Twin, Janet Yellen, Declares World Bankers’ Dictatorship
Saving America
LaRouche's Economic Revolution
Hamilton & the 1st National Bank of the United States: An Act of Genius
What is National Banking? Why is it Mandatory for Human Economic Development?
"We are the fire bringers!"
Grasping Alexander Hamilton’s Intention
Lyndon LaRouche: End Imperial Central Banking; Bankrupt The Fed
LaRouche Excerpt: LaRouche Declared Fed Bankrupt in 2009; Bury it Now
Central Banking is Satanic!
What A Third National Bank Can Do
The Birth of Central Banking
Central Banking: An Imperial World Order
Fed’s Predicament Demonstrates That Central Banking is a Failure
Taking Back Control Over Our Economic Destiny
Making America Great: Notes on Steps Needed Now to Re-Americanize the Real Economy
The Fed’s Perfidies: A Recent History
Put the Fed Through Bankruptcy, Create the Third National Bank of the United States
End the Central Banks, Restore American Economic Sovereignty