Welcome to the Party, Pete—The Party of Lincoln and Trump

A note to readers: this is an old post on the archive website for Promethean PAC. It was written when we were known as LaRouche PAC, before changing our name to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on www.PrometheanAction.com. Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at www.PrometheanPAC.com.
At the end of March, Pete Hoekstra, the new state chair of the Michigan GOP (MIGOP) traveled to Mar-A-Lago to meet with Donald Trump. Hoekstra reported that Trump was very focused on Wayne County (home to Detroit and a large blue-collar population) and urged MIGOP to focus on Black voters in Detroit, and other “traditional Democratic voters.” (Hoekstra was accompanied by the chairmen of the Oakland and Macomb County parties, which, while not Wayne County, are part of the Metro Detroit area. Maybe the next time, the boys could find someone from Wayne County.)
Well, fellas, welcome to the party. That is precisely what LaRouchePAC has been doing for over a year. I recently covered Trump’s February 17 speech in Waterford, MI in which he declared, “We’re like a new party, by the way. We are getting the workers, we’re getting the manufacturers. The guys that make the products.”
LaRouchePAC organizers have been out at auto plants, acting on Donald Trump's marching orders to organize "traditional Democrats."
With his focus on workers and minorities, Donald Trump is reviving the original Republican Party, the party of Abraham Lincoln. Trump’s revival of American System policies, which Trump calls “economic nationalism,” including tariffs, protectionism and support for domestic manufacturing and energy production, captures much of the economic content of Lincoln’s policies. (What is missing. and what will become vitally necessary as the globalist-run financial system begins to crumble, is a return to national banking.)
Understanding the elements of that “new party,” both in terms of policy and in terms of audience is why—almost alone—LaRouchePAC has been carrying Trump’s Agenda47 platform out to broad, new layers in Michigan and especially in Wayne County. During the 2023 UAW strike, we visited the picket lines and plants in Wayne, Macomb and Ingham counties in Michigan and in Toledo, OH. We leafleted with Trump’s Message to Auto Workers and other statements, and rapidly discovered deep support from these “traditional Democratic voters.” We continue to organize at shift-change at auto plants, with updated leaflets on Trump’s latest warning, Auto Industry Faces Extinction-Level Event.”
LaRouchePAC organizers have been out at auto plants, acting on Donald Trump's marching orders to organize "traditional Democrats."
We have also been demanding party leaders, delegates and activists get out of the barracks of internal fighting. :
On January 18, 2024 we wrote:
LaRouchePAC has also issued a challenge to all “sides” in the fight, to get out of the barracks and onto the battlefield, and to join us in organizing every concentration of industrial workers in the state, with Donald Trump’s Agenda47 proposals to save auto jobs and make the U.S. a manufacturing superpower.
And as far back as August 2023, in a post entitled Have Michigan Trump Supporters Noticed that Auto Workers are in Revolt Against Biden?, we concluded:
The ruling elites, who are indeed masters of social engineering, are well aware of how easy it is to keep idled soldiers, sitting in their barracks, at each other’s throats. The technique seems to be in full swing in Michigan. The antidote to that is the sergeant’s rather salty demand to “drop your (rhymes with clocks) and pick up your socks.” LaRouchePAC is throwing out a wide dragnet to delegates and other MAGA activists to pick up their socks and join us in building a force which is unstoppable in Michigan and the nation.
So, pull up your Trump socks and give us a call. Rather than photo ops and fundraisers, join us out in the streets of Wayne County and the other battleground counties which Trump has identified, like Saginaw and Kent.
Susan Kokinda
Wayne County