The Deeper Implications of This Week’s Rescue of the First Amendment
A note to readers: this is an old post on the archive website for Promethean PAC. It was written when we were known as LaRouche PAC, before changing our name to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at
On July 4, 2023, U.S. District Judge Terry A. Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana gave us the best of presents. He began the takedown of the censorship and cognitive warfare apparatus put into its recent and historically most virulent form by Barack Obama beginning on December 23, 2016. It has ballooned since then and is now recognized, as the result of the Twitter Files revelations and the lawsuit before Judge Doughty, as an American version of George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth, something accurately described as a “Censorship Industrial Complex.”
In response to an alleged Russian “disinformation” campaign infecting the 2016 presidential election --something which never even happened and was an intelligence community created hoax-- Barack Obama signed the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act, authorizing a “whole of government” information warfare regime to prevent certain truths from ever reaching American ears. As it evolved, it also relentlessly pushed and reenforced false narratives about political reality, like the Russiagate lies about Donald Trump and Russia, ensuring through employment of a controlled and rabid press, that those questioning the fake news were socially and politically ostracized. Those expressing “correct” views were both frozen in those views and rewarded for them, becoming in essence, a very large religious cult.
The seeds for this apparatus had been planted in 2009, during Obama’s first year in office when plans were first made for a total information and cognitive warfare regime operating from NATO as a joint U.S./British intelligence enterprise. Its first target was the population of Ukraine during the 2014 color revolution coup there run by the British and the CIA. With the election of Trump, the Ukrainian operation was turned on the American people.
The 2016-2019 Russiagate attack against the American psyche, a form of menticide, was followed by censorship campaigns against anyone protesting COVID vaccination and mandate protocols, questioning the insurrectionary riots of the Summer of 2020, believing that Hunter Biden’s laptop was not a Russian psyop, questioning the validity of the 2020 election or the January 6 insurrection hoax, refusing to celebrate the emergence of the satanic Trans identity movement, or otherwise voicing support for the policies and programs of Donald Trump or opposing those of Joe Biden.
Judge Doughty, who the media denizens of the regime keep repeating, as if by magical incantation, is a Trump appointed Judge, issued a preliminary injunction barring the continued operation of this apparatus in the case of Missouri et al. v. Biden et al., a case brought by the Attorney Generals of Missouri and Louisiana.
Judge Doughty noted that the instances of social media censorship documented in his 115 page decision constituted “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history,” and that the Biden administration has “blatantly ignored the First Amendment’s right to free speech,” while almost exclusively targeting “conservative speech.”
The preliminary injunction bars officials of the White House, the Justice Department, the State Department, the Homeland Security Department, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Surgeon General, the CDC, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and various associated subagencies of these Executive Departments from contact with social media companies to censor the speech of American citizens. On Wednesday, the Biden Administration announced an immediate appeal of Judge Doughty’s order.
Our coverage of this decision will be in two posts. Today’s post will discuss the principle of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution a principle which has its foundation in the nature of human thought and the ability to discover truth and the universal principles governing our universe. These foundational ideas are lost in the legalistic and weak defenses of free speech and debate put forth by many in attacking our modern Orwellian Ministry of Truth. Nothing less than the human ability to think and create is at stake here.
As Glenn Greenwald documents, the recent assault which started with Russiagate, has put a majority of Democrats on the side of state censorship, a stunning reversal of values. He notes: “It is now common to hear Democratic members of Congress stand up and in increasingly explicit ways, look into the camera when they're being interviewed or they're appearing in front of Congress and say they think the U.S. security state, the CIA, the FBI, Homeland Security, the NSA are benevolent actors who only mean the best, who simply want to protect us and are censoring for that reason. And we ought not to be angry about it, but instead grateful for it. It's right out of “1984” – Big Brother censors because he loves you, Big Brother loves you and wants to protect you.”
The globalist elites who run these people, of course, have been seeking to enslave us all in a modern version of the British pervert, Jeremy Bentham’s social credit/social control scheme and are implementing these schemes world-wide. French President Emmanuel Macron for example, in response to the social unrest roiling that country, announced that he will shut down the internet if it continues. No plans to cure the failures of the state which led to the violence; just shut down the population’s access to any but approved information. Other countries don’t have the weapon of our First Amendment.
Next week we will detail the mechanics of this regime as revealed in Missouri et al v. Biden et al, the Twitter Files, Jacob Siegel’s splendid Tablet Magazine taxonomy of the regime and independent research by this author aimed at the British psychological warfare origins of the present regime’s attacks on the American population.
The First Amendment and Our Crisis of Mind
Historically, new ideas and discoveries of the universal principles governing reality only emerge from open public debate, dissent, and deliberation. Copernicus popularized the notion that the earth rotated the Sun for example, and not the other way around. It upset the very rigid epistemology and cosmology of the Catholic Church, so much so that his science was viewed as heresy, and he was censored and punished. But that didn’t’ change the underlying reality—the earth rotates the Sun and human understanding of our environs forever changed by acknowledging the science which corresponded to reality. Our First Amendment encourages exactly this type of dissent and debate, even if the ideas presented in debate turn out to be wrong. That is because this is the only way truth about our evolving universe ever emerges. That freedom has been and will be critical to the future of our republic as every creative new discovery powering economic and technological growth is founded on its dissent, debate, and deliberation matrix.
Consider what Lyndon LaRouche had to say about creative discovery in his 1999 campaign for the Presidency and compare that, in your mind, to the current dumbed down, hedonist culture in which we live, in which we allow the perversion of our children, and in which the repeated cognitive warfare attacks against the American population have created a quasi-religious cult aligned with the Democratic Party which now openly embraces totalitarian measures against those Americans it deems modern heretics.
LaRouche wrote: “Every such discovery of principle (in science or classical art) occurs as a creative (e.g., non-deductive, cognitive) solution for what is definable as an "ontological paradox." Such a paradox is typified by the case in which irrefutably existing evidence overthrows the set of axiomatic assumptions underlying presently prevailing belief. . .
“All solutions to such paradoxes are generated solely by a method which is peculiar to the human mind; we call that method individual cognition. That method, otherwise known to Classical art and science as reason--as distinct from mere deduction, is the central principle of all competent policies and practices of education. . .
“All competent education rests upon a grounding of the pupil's power for solving real-life problems, through re-experiencing, as faithfully as possible, the original act of discovery of a validatable universal principle, whether in science or art, a discovery effected by an original discoverer, usually one from the earlier generations, even the distant past. This aspect of public education is rightly viewed as ‘the cultivation of the cognitive powers of the individual pupil's mind.’
“. . . The student learns to recognize, within the privacy of his, or her own sovereign powers of cognition, those non-deductive methods of thinking which occurred within the mind of the individual making some validatable discovery of universal principle, from the past.
“This power of cognition, which sets the individual person apart from, and above the beasts, can not be programmed into a digital computer, can not be described at the blackboard, nor by any other expression of today's notion of "generally accepted classroom mathematics. . .
“These discoveries, once known in that fashion, are what Plato defines as ‘ideas.’ The use of the term ‘idea,’ should be limited to references to validatable discoveries in the generation and application of principle. These applications are chiefly matters of scientific and Classical-artistic principles, and a political-science of ongoing history, based upon the habits of a mind which has had its cognitive powers cultivated by means of a Classical form of scientific and artistic education. . .
“All young people not only have a right to access to such qualities of public education. The republic has a right to educate them in ways which ensure the future general welfare of the republic and its posterity, an education which ensures that the future citizenship shall be one of cultivated minds. . .
“The essential passion of civilized life is that zeal for truth and justice which Plato associates with the Greek term agapē. This is the same quality of passion which the Christian Apostle Paul underlines so famously in Chapter 13 of his First Letter to the Corinthians, the Chapter from which Johannes Brahms excerpts the text for the fourth of his Four Serious Songs.
“This is the same passion we experience summoned within us, when we muster a stubborn, effective form of cognitive exertion, for discovering a cognitive solution for the type of ontological paradoxes which are characteristic of the discovery of validatable universal physical or artistic principles. Such is the passion of cognitive action; such is the verbal action which transforms our axiomatic world-outlook, our so-called mind-set, from a relatively inferior to a superior condition.
“The cultivated mind, or, if you prefer, the civilized individual mind, reacts with the greatest mustering of passion, to issues of what it believes to be validated universal principle, principles of Classical art as much as universal physical principles. These principles serve as the axioms of our decision-making. The defense of such a principle, or, in the alternative, its necessary supersession by a higher principle, is the location of the noblest mustering of passion respecting what may be termed moral issues. Here, as nowhere else, lie the life and death issues of civilization itself. Here lies the central task and purpose of public education. Here lies that passion which is the motive power of both scientific discovery and valid Classical-artistic composition. Here lies the passion of that moral faculty which sets actually moral persons in opposition to the like of empiricists, Kantians, positivists, and existentialists. This passion is the substance of ideas.
“This connection is shown most dramatically in terms of the functions of irony and especially metaphor, in all Classical art. It is precisely that quality of passion, which sets true Classical art, and morality generally, apart from what passes generally for both entertainment and education today. The person who speaks Orwellian "teleprompterese" or "informationspeak," is to be seen as symptomatic of a profound, essentially sadomasochistic--e.g., "bi-polar," moral degeneration permeating both the educational systems and other dominant features of so-called mass culture today. In such affected, intrinsically inhuman, currently popularized, styles of speaking, there is the stench of violence, which the speaker has done to his, or her mind, a brutish wont for imitative conformity to one's masters, like those victims of Nazi concentration-camps, who sought to restyle their prison garb in likeness to the uniforms of their captors.”
You can read LaRouche’s full remarks here.
In the famous early defamation case of People v. Croswell in 1803, Alexander Hamilton defended the New York publisher Harry Croswell against charges of criminal libel and sedition. The case is often quoted as exemplary of the founders’ revolutionary views of free speech and a free press and the inalienable right to open dissent encompassed in the First Amendment.
Under the reign of the Star Chamber in England, truth had been banned as a defense to a charge of criminal libel. Under that regime, libels against public officials were punished because “they tend to breach the peace, by inciting the libeled party to revenge or the people to sedition” the truth of the libel being deemed irrelevant. Until Croswell, that is also where the matter stood in the young United States
Hamilton denounced the English court in his 6-hour argument: “That is not the court from which we are to expect principles and precedents friendly to freedom," he observed. Hamilton concluded: “The right of giving the truth in evidence, in cases of libels, is all-important to the liberties of the people. Truth is an ingredient in the eternal order of things, in judging of the quality of acts” As noted by Justice Kent in his opinion in the case and by the New York legislature which enshrined Hamilton’s argument in the law: “the liberty of the press consists in the right to publish, with impunity, truth, with good motives, and for justifiable ends, whether it respects government, magistracy, or individuals.”