Stop Mussolini Joe Biden's "Build Back Better" Infrastructure Scam - Part 1 of 2
A note to readers: this is an old post on the archive website for Promethean PAC. It was written when we were known as LaRouche PAC, before changing our name to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at
As of this writing the Biden Collective’s $1.2 trillion “hard infrastructure” bill will pass the Senate sometime early in the week. President Trump has repeatedly denounced the content of the “bipartisan” bill and the 18 RINO Senate Republicans who made the bill possible, including the jowly tortoise, Senator Mitch McConnell. The bill includes $550 billion in new spending over five years. Previously authorized amounts for the Highway and Surface Transportation programs kick the cost up to the $1.2 trillion figure.
Right after the bill passes, the Senate will take up Biden’s $3.5 trillion budget and “human” infrastructure proposal, which the Democrats plan to pass through reconciliation without Republican support. This has been the open plan from the beginning, and President Trump has loudly protested that the Republicans have allowed themselves to be “played.” That is true, but the RINOs are witting accomplices in this theatre of the absurd. In defense, they claim that Biden does not have the votes to pass his $3.5 trillion “human infrastructure” package and that their cooperation on the “hard infrastructure bill” will prevent passage of the $3.5 trillion monstrosity. That, of course, remains to be seen.
Those Washington Republicans actively opposing the bill are doing so for the wrong reasons. Instead of opposing what is clearly a utopian globalist plan to destroy the remaining productive powers of the United States, as we discuss more fully below, they whine that it costs too much, that it is evil “big government,” or, in many cases, that its “Buy America” provisions are a waste of taxpayer money because foreign goods and foreign ownership are cheaper. After Senate action, the bills will go to the House for passage.
Rather than creating the modern infrastructure platform the nation desperately needs to reindustrialize and heal its polarized and shattered population, this exercise is all about positioning for the 2022 midterms, while genuflecting to the supernational elites who run both Biden’s collective and much of the Republican “opposition.”
The Democrats are overtly courting the Trump working class and rural base with a jobs program and cash handouts aimed at gaining their participation in and acquiescence to the Great Reset and Green New Deal—globalist programs ultimately aimed at destroying the very same working class and rural base. Washington’s RINOs are onboard because their survival depends on defeating Donald Trump by fragmenting his base of support. The “bipartisans” serve the same master, to wit: the world’s globalist financial oligarchs operating from Wall Street, the City of London, Davos, and locally in Washington, D.C., through such funding troughs as the Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable.
In 2002, Lyndon LaRouche wrote his masterpiece, Science and Infrastructure. In it he notes that any recovery of the United States depends upon returning to the unique American System of political economy invented by Alexander Hamilton, a system “totally unlike the so-called capitalist and socialist systems of Europe. The great German-American economist Friedrich List named Hamilton’s outline, ‘The National System of Political Economy.’”
From the time of Franklin Roosevelt’s death, LaRouche says, “the utopian financier circles of the U.S.A. and the far-flung British Empire” have been “obsessed with the idea of building a post-war, English-speaking world empire, a utopians’ empire ... modelled on the ‘open conspiracy’ design presented jointly by the utopian nuclear weapons fanatics H.G. Wells and Bertrand Russell and their followers.” That utopian world empire is the core idea of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset embraced by the Biden collective today.
LaRouche locates two major turning points in the destruction of the U.S. productive economy. The first occurred with the U.S. entry into the war in Indochina and the assassination of President Kennedy. The second occurred when Richard Nixon took down the Bretton Woods system. In the process, the U.S. “turned away from its tradition as the world’s leading agro-industrial nation to become an increasingly decadent culture, to become what has been called a ‘post-industrial’ or ‘consumer society.’” Like imperial Rome, it “relied increasingly on looting those populations which it subjugated both within its empire and on the Empire’s borders.” The Bretton Woods system had “organized the great post-war economic buildup of 1945-1964.” In its stead, the predatory floating exchange rate system was introduced along with the financialization of everything.
“The collapse of many of the former industrial centers of the U.S.A., the collapse of the technologically progressive family-farm system, and the collapse of the U.S. rail system, are leading markers of a decadent United States driven now, like the fabled lemmings to the waiting brink of the cliff,” LaRouche notes. He stipulates that the problem will not be solved by “weeding out the bad apples,” as most believe. “The problem is not the apples; the source of the rot in these apples is the tree. The rot is the decadence built in, axiomatically, to the consumer society as a species of political economic system and legal philosophy.”
LaRouche and his American System predecessors regard the doctrines of “the neo-Manichean Cathars, as echoed by Locke, Quesnay, Mandeville, Adam Smith, et al., as intrinsically evil, since those doctrines define a social order in which the prosperity of a few, is premised upon the subjugation of the many to the status of dumbed down virtual human cattle.”
“The American System is premised upon efficient sharing of participation in a system based upon increasing the productive powers of labor, an increase effected through fostering and employing increasingly capital-intensive investment in scientific and technological progress through fostering the universal increase of the productive powers of labor.” Exemplary, LaRouche says, is the space program in which Americans determined to go to the Moon. During that mission, they discovered fundamental principles about the universe, brand new technologies, and created new products advancing the economy.
If one generation does not advance the economy for the next, technological attrition takes over and the economy begins to rot. As LaRouche put the fundamental idea, it is “progress or die.”
The American System has three leading components: basic economic infrastructure, which is the economic responsibility of government; economic entrepreneurship, the economic function contributed by the individual proprietor; and culture in the Classical sense of that term, all of which are expressed in the Constitution’s Preamble.
We will examine the cultural and individual components more thoroughly in Part II of this report, examining Biden’s “human” infrastructure proposal (as if building new hard infrastructure is somehow inhuman). We note here that Biden has been consistently touting a “blue collar recovery” which requires “no more than a high school diploma.” This would be supplemented by free community college and apprenticeships.
By contrast, LaRouche insists on the opportunity of a full Classical education for everyone. He notes, “the British ... liberal model prefers not to cultivate excessively the mental powers of the human herd. It prefers to degrade the mental powers of the many into a condition which the rulers have selected for each victim as his or her destined, future economic role and station in adult life.” This is not to denigrate community colleges or apprenticeships. They are vital to any economic recovery. Just don’t expect that Biden will accompany this with access to or emphasis upon Classical education for everyone or emphasis on a grand mission of exploration, like the Moon/Mars mission set in motion by President Trump, in which everyone is invited to engross themselves in fundamental scientific discovery. Instead, it is all about racial equity and dumbing down the population to achieve what the Biden collective calls “equity.”
In the final portion of his piece, LaRouche takes up his sketch of Moon/Mars colonization as the organizing premise for thinking about developing new infrastructure systems and cities on earth. If we can figure out how to establish populated colonies on the Moon and Mars, he notes, we can figure out how to green and populate the deserts, and the stark challenges to our assumptions will probably result in better design.
How Does This Monstrosity Stack Up?
Putting the raw midterm political objectives aside, many provisions of the Senate bill are useful. No one would disagree that lead pipes which carry drinking water in many locales should be replaced, or that potholes and collapsing bridges should be repaired, or that ports and airports need modernization and repair.
The American Society of Engineers estimates that at least $2.6 trillion in new spending is required for repairs and upgrades to existing basic infrastructure over 10 years to keep the economy competitive. Thus, the planned new spending is only a fraction of what ASE says is required. LaRouche goes even further. He says that to build our way out of this mess more than 50% of the federal budget should be dedicated to rebuilding and modernizing infrastructure.
Aside from being cheap and largely wasteful, as detailed below, the Senate bill violates the most fundamental metric for transformative infrastructure building: creating internal improvements which increase the productive power of labor in the economy as a whole.
This standard was defined and met by Alexander Hamilton in the early days of the Republic, Abraham Lincoln in building the transcontinental railroad and the industrial economy which won the Civil War, and Franklin Roosevelt through his Reconstruction Finance Corporation projects including the great Four Corners infrastructure projects. Their policies created new infrastructure and new higher density, more efficient power sources. Their policies were dedicated to creating a new and more productive infrastructure platform for themselves and their posterity, as the Constitution’s Preamble specifies.
To launch these transformative platforms, they created credit mechanisms outside the purview of private bankers or their central banks. Hamilton created a national bank for this purpose. Lincoln created his Greenback system. Roosevelt used the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Because transformative infrastructure produces wealth, any debt incurred was repaid many times over.
By contrast the Senate bill retrofits and repairs extant infrastructure at a minimal level, and creates massive debt, while sending the entire economy back centuries by denying it sufficient power, water, and transportation infrastructure through which to operate and expand. It is a slow roll of the Green New Deal under different branding. Just read the White House’s description of the bill, rife with descriptors like these: “Helps us tackle the climate crisis by making the largest investment in clean energy transmission and EV infrastructure in history; electrifying thousands of school and transit buses across the country; and creating a new Grid Deployment Authority to build a clean, 21st century electric grid.”
Each outlay in the Senate bill is infected by the myth of imminent catastrophic climate change and that myth’s requirement that human existence be driven back to deindustrialized feudal forms of society. In these communitarian enclaves, the unwashed working and middle classes will be overseen by technocratic “experts” employed by the super-rich. Ultimately, make-work projects, guaranteed incomes, and endless consumer-driven “entertainment” will keep the masses “happy”—although they will own nothing and their every move will be surveilled and directed by an all-encompassing surveillance state. This is the intention governing the Green New Deal and the ongoing deployment of the security state against the American population.
The climate myth mandates the abandonment of fossil fuels at a point where, if we wish to again be a sovereign developing modern industrial economy, we should be using these fuels fully as we transition to higher intensity energy sources, such as advanced nuclear and fusion power. Coal and natural gas have been developed to be clean energy sources and have absolutely no impact on climate changes. Yet, in support of their climate idolatry, the Biden collective is moving to rapidly decommission all fossil fuels, replacing them with wind and solar power. In the Senate Bill, “clean energy funding” is dominant with only a small nod given to new nuclear and hydrogen power sources. Fusion power, which would place the entire economy on a much more developed economic platform, is not even mentioned. Nothing, of course, is said about space exploration as an organizing principle for economic thought.
While heavily funding unreliable wind and solar power sources, the Senate bill puts billions into electrifying all transportation, from cars, to trucks, to buses, and setting up charging stations for these vehicles throughout the nation. An executive order signed by Biden in early August set a goal of 50% of American cars being zero emission by 2030. These cars will not be within the price range of most Americans and so subsidies are going to be created to allow them to be purchased. Deficient power sourcing will almost certainly result in this “innovation” making basic transportation even more expensive and difficult. The electricity grid is to be rebuilt to make it compatible with wind and solar power sources.
Batteries and computer chips are otherwise envisioned to be the main goods produced for America’s version of the globalist Industrial Revolution 4.0, a revolution which has little to do with industry and everything to do with increasing Silicon Valley and related Tech monopoly power over society. The taxpayer will subsidize the build out of rural high-speed broadband so everyone can be on the Internet and subject to state surveillance.
In the Senate bill, more funds are spent on carbon capture than on development of advanced nuclear power sources. Touring West Virginia with Senator Joe Manchin, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm told coal workers, who will be out of a job, that they can find a new one capping defunct mines and oil wells, producing steel for an offshore windfarm in Virginia, or creating storage facilities for “carbon” capture, a technology not perfected yet and of zero actual societal value. Huge amounts of taxpayers’ money will be allocated to studying how solar or wind power plants can be located on abandoned mining sites. Section 11403 of the 2,701-page bill requires states to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from highway transportation by developing state “carbon reduction strategy” plans that must be approved by the Federal Government and updated at least every four years.
Creating a true American industrial renaissance also requires significant amounts of water, the source of life also required by the modern farming techniques which provide us with our food supply. The bill does allocate funds for clean water and sewage treatment, and some flood control—those aspects of water management deemed most relevant to individual consumers and businesses.
Yet, the entire Western United States is in extreme drought conditions threatening the ability of a water management system put into place during the Roosevelt Administration for a much smaller population to deliver any water or power at all. Last week, farmers in California’s Central Valley, a key agricultural hub for the nation’s food supply, were told to stop drawing water from the state’s rivers. This is a product of long-term cycles in the American West and has nothing to do with present mythical climate change scenarios.
The huge fires now raging in California, similarly, are a product of the drought, non-existent forest and water system management, and in some cases the transmission systems and equipment of the deregulated public utility PG&E.
The only solution offered by the Senators is a massive water recycling and storage program along with some forest management assistance. A true American infrastructure approach would expand extant technologies to change the weather, creating more water from the “rivers of water” in the atmosphere as well as re-routing existing rivers to serve populations more efficiently. Large-scale desalination, fired by modular nuclear reactors, would provide additional sources of water.
Finally, in his piece, LaRouche emphasizes the role of a modern rail grid as essential to economic progress. “The ability to offer the assured delivery of passengers and freight, from any locality within the nation to any other locality in the nation was a principal source of the growth of national productivity.” He says that the cannibalistic looting of everything by Wall Street and London’s parasites coupled with deregulation destroyed an integrated railway system whose net contribution to the physical economy far exceeded its cost. He notes that long-range trucking costs are far more expensive to the physical economy. Of course, even that mode of transport is now under threat through the Senate’s electrification plan.
The Senate bill subsidizes the maintenance of Amtrak’s present decrepit system along with freight rail, without any investment in the type of high-speed rail functioning in an integrated national transportation grid capable of servicing a new industrial superpower.
It is here that the Senate bill’s claim to being a means to “catch” China reveals its emptiness most clearly. China premised its modern manufacturing platform on an integrated high-speed rail backbone. Because Biden et al. have no intention of reviving the U.S. industrial economy or abandoning the present globalist system, they will leave rail infrastructure in its current crippled configuration nationally while making some improvements in the higher traffic Northeast corridor.