Act now, by mobilizing your fellow citizens on these two flanks:
1. Boycott the “woke” corporate fascists. Don’t support them, make them hurt financially. If this boycott becomes national, as advocated by President Trump, you will begin to see an immediate change in attitude. It is already happening. Companies associated with the attack on Georgia’s voter integrity laws have withdrawn their support for new attacks, citing “blowback” from citizens.
2. Let your elected officials, at the local, state, and national level know that they must defend the nation from the economic and political fascist policies of the global and corporate elite. That includes protecting the right to vote by implementing strict ballot security measures and banning large-scale private funding of state election officials and procedures. Put the responsibility for such solely in state legislatures as mandated by the U.S. Constitution.
Support this statement and pledge to circulate it to elected officials and other citizens:
On April 12, 2021, in Brooklyn Center, MN, a veteran and well-regarded black city manager was fired because he said “due process” was required for the veteran white female police officer involved in the killing of Duante Wright, a young, unarmed black man. Forget about due process, let alone any search for truth or justice. The brainwashers of our national media have decreed that race and/or sex, as defined by them, and the decrees of woke/cancel culture are now the only determining factors for society.
Whether it is the Brooklyn Center City Council members stating that they went along with the firing because they feared for their personal safety, or the effect this will have on the Derek Chauvin trial next door in Minneapolis, this nation is staring down the face of mob justice and fascism.
That mob is being fed by almost every large multinational corporation linked to Joe Biden’s Great Reset. The “Reset” is a plot of the imperial oligarchical financiers operating under the brand of the Davos World Economic Forum. They are hell-bent on remaking the United States and on imposing here and globally a new, more insidious form of Benito Mussolini’s fascism, having learned much from their deadly experiment in Italy following World War I.
We are not fighting Chinese or Russian communists. That is a sideshow for the credulous. We are fighting a modern oligarchical elite, centered in Wall Street; the City of London; Davos, Switzerland; and other European locations. They have chosen Joe Biden to implement a modern form of Benito Mussolini’s fascism here. It comes complete with Mussolini’s black shirts, deployed since the spring of 2020 into the streets, their burning and looting and mob violence amplified and replayed over and over, supported by Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the media, sports figures, and Democratic party leaders.
Whether the corporations supporting this sedition do so because they are consciously on the other side, or out of fear, they are selling out the United States for a fast buck and hoping they will survive in the cartelized corporativist slave economy Mussolini Joe is imposing on our country.
Seventy-five to eighty million Americans rejected this in the last election. It is time for that majority to step forward now, to focus and to fight. If you look at the situation calmly, you will realize that our enemy constitutes a small, well-organized minority and that their chief weapon is the perpetual assault on the attention span and thinking capacity of the majority. To regain the necessary focus, do as our founding fathers did: look to the great minds of history—Plato, Dante, St. Augustine, Shakespeare, Schiller, Cusa, Kepler, and Leibniz. These were the friends of our founders. Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Henry Carey, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt—walked in their footsteps in founding and maintaining our unique republic against the imperial oligarchical predators constantly at our doorstep. Martin Luther King and Lyndon LaRouche defined who these enemies are and figured out the means to flank them.
Act now, by mobilizing your fellow citizens on these two flanks:
1. Boycott the “woke” corporate fascists. Don’t support them, make them hurt financially. If this boycott becomes national, as advocated by President Trump, you will begin to see an immediate change in attitude. It is already happening. Companies associated with the attack on Georgia’s voter integrity laws have withdrawn their support for new attacks, citing “blowback” from citizens.
2. Let your elected officials, at the local, state, and national level know that they must defend the nation from the economic and political fascist policies of the global and corporate elite. That includes protecting the right to vote by implementing strict ballot security measures and banning large-scale private funding of state election officials and procedures. Put the responsibility for such solely in state legislatures as mandated by the U.S. Constitution.
These are our opening salvos in a battle through the state legislatures to win the country back. These legislators must serve as a Constitutional cudgel on Washington, aiming to totally defeat Mussolini Joe’s program by combined state and federal action, while reviving our economy by resort to the American System of political economy.
I support this statement and pledge to circulate it to my elected officials and other citizens.
A PDF of this statement can be found here.