2024: What will it Mean to Make America Great Again?
A note to readers: this is an old post on the archive website for Promethean PAC. It was written when we were known as LaRouche PAC, before changing our name to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on www.PrometheanAction.com. Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at www.PrometheanPAC.com.
The expression and movement “Make America Great Again” does not imply a return to a previous static situation. Rather, we need to enable an explosion of previously “impossible” capabilities, products, and services that will become facts of everyday normal industrial and family life, and will enable a previously inconceivable general prosperity here, across the globe, and on the Moon and Mars.
Of course, discussing our “impossible” and “inconceivable” future is very difficult simply because we’re heading into a domain without fixed reference points. Further, in recent decades we have been living in a world in which British Imperial cultural warfare has acted to corrupt our natural American optimism. Among the most harmful attacks upon us have been the efforts to flip word meanings into their opposites. For example, when you hear “analysts” speak of “growth,” run for the hills! When they speak of “growth” they’re generally speaking about cancerous price inflation.
So, bear with me for a few paragraphs as we “clean up our language” a bit. Once we have a framework for looking at the future, we’ll be better able to discuss some of the exciting initiatives that are already developing and what they will mean to you.
The Framework
Lyndon LaRouche established the only foolproof way to distinguish good from evil, or progress from decay. If a new idea increases the number of people who could support themselves on a square mile of territory, the idea is good. If an idea undermines the number of people who could support themselves on that square mile of territory, the idea is bad. He called this measure Potential Population Density. Since every plot of land is different, we must account for the differences, so he added the word “Relative,” so that the measure is known as Potential Relative Population Density.
CC 4.0 International License Max Roser
When human creativity is unleashed, both the potential and the realized potential begin to move upward. In terms of realized potential, the actual global human population can be represented as a hyperbolic function which seems hardly to grow at all until the 13th century, but then begins to suddenly slope rapidly upward beginning in the 15th century. Actual population growth closely follows along with the growth of potential.
And although the future has no fixed reference points, it is based upon processes that reflect a pattern. When you look into the cause of this accelerating growth of potential, you find that that hyperbolic curve is founded upon proliferating numbers of technological revolutions and innovations which are representable as S curves.
CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed by Tioisurfather
Every successful technological advance goes through a life cycle as illustrated in the S curve graph above. Pioneering research and experimentation to solve a problem finally gets to the initial solution stage—a breakthrough. The breakthrough spurs the rapid development of the first products or applications. As the technology begins to be practiced, new problems and solutions arise in a period of rapid advancement that leads to its widespread implementation. Over time the technology becomes mature, and improvements become less and less possible or significant. Eventually the technology is superseded by something better.
Despite everything which has been thrown at us by the King’s hateful minions, the measures of suppression which have long afflicted us are about to be thrown off if the MAGA movement, now growing explosively, becomes focused on the economic framework which made American great. The unique American System of Political Economy, elaborated by Hamilton, Fredrich List, Abraham Lincoln, Mathew Carey, LaRouche, and, increasingly, Donald Trump has powered wholesale economic and technological revolutions when we have employed it. Let’s take a look at an important example.
The Linotype Revolution
From the time of Gutenberg’s invention of movable type in about 1450, through the time of Ben Franklin, into the period past the Civil War, setting type and printing was a very laborious and tedious process that involved manually finding and picking out individual metal letters of type from a chest and arranging them on a composition stick. Once the lines of type had been set and the documents printed, the type had to be sorted back into their respective bins in the chest.
This involved far less effort than taking 2 years to copy out a Bible by hand, but it still meant that most people could not afford to own books other than a Bible, and periodicals were few and tersely worded.
A Linotype machine in the Houston Printing Museum Photo: Connie Carr
A young watchmaker, Ottmar Morgenthaler, who had immigrated to Baltimore to avoid wasting his life in the Prussian army, was asked to solve this problem. He undertook an iterative process whereby a series of machines solved one problem after another in the quest to build a device that could set type. Finally, by the 1880s he had designed the Linotype machine. This beautiful and complex machine allowed one typesetter to do the work of six. The compositors initially put out of work were soon reemployed by printers as the cheapened costs of printed matter exploded publishing in all formats. The Linotype machine spread across the world and became the standard solution for typesetting. At one point, this reduction in labor and cost involved in production led New York newspapers to sell for $0.01 per copy!
In turn, the proliferation of the printed word allowed for the rapid cross-fertilization of ideas. This was so important for progress that Thomas Edison called the Linotype machine the “Eighth Wonder of the World.”
In time it was superseded by phototypesetting, then later computer software composition systems. With the advent of the internet, and later small mobile reading devices and phones, the speed of publication and transmission of ideas and knowledge picked up further.
But not only that. The speed at which technologies are introduced and superseded has also accelerated.
2024—A Happy New Year!
That brings us to the subject of 2024 and beyond. Despite unbelievable acts of suppression, we find that we have numerous technologies which are right at the point of overcoming their last technical hurdles before pulling the economy along with their explosive growth up their individual S curve. This year will see the first production versions of some products once thought to be impossible dreams.
This year will see the first commercial operations of the first completely reusable and largest-ever-built rocket launch system, the SpaceX Starship/Superheavy. This is the system that makes colonization of the Moon possible, and the system that will launch the flotillas of fission and fusion space tugs that will make colonization of Mars possible.
In recent years we’ve grown accustomed to seeing humanoid robots dance and do amazing things on obstacle courses. These machines reflect the ongoing progress in computer and battery technology. However, impressive as these machines have been, they have been impracticable for the simple reason that so much effort is required to program their actions. They have lacked the spontaneity that we need from a general-purpose humanoid robot.
But what if a humanoid robot could map and navigate its surroundings, understand voice commands, and then command its own actuators in such ways as to accomplish the tasks assigned to it? Such a product could have unforeseeable benefits to the world economy. Progress in sensors, Large Language Models, autonomous controls systems for air and land vehicles, and batteries put us on the edge of the breakthrough/prototype of a humanoid robot that will rapidly propagate throughout the world and change life for the better. I expect this to be announced in 2024—perhaps by more than one American company.
2022 saw the first fusion ignition at the National Ignition Facility. 2023 saw repetition of that accomplishment, but more importantly, it saw Helion contract to sell electric power generated by fusion power to Microsoft by 2028, and it saw the beginnings of planning to build a Helion fusion reactor to power a Nucor steel mill. As icing on the cake, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission voted to regulate fusion power plants under the same regime that covers hospitals in their handling of nuclear materials (as opposed to the way that the NRC regulates fission plants to death). 2024 could see the first electrical power generation from fusion by the Helion Polaris prototype reactor.
2023 also saw Alef receive “special airworthiness certification” to allow it to begin flight tests of its Model A flying car. So, 2024 should see its first manned flights.
NASA’s X-59 experimental aircraft will begin flying in 2024 and attempt to demonstrate that supersonic aircraft can be designed to fly without creating loud sonic booms. If this can be demonstrated, commercial aircraft will be released from their effective speed limit of just under Mach 1. This could lead to the first really big revolution in commercial flight since the advent of the Boeing 747.
An array of relatively short range autonomous air taxi systems are soon to enter service to ferry passengers and freight, but one of the most interesting systems already beginning to enter service is the just revealed system for precise drone delivery of small packages developed by Zipline. It uses a delivery system which looks very much like the one used to land NASA’s Curiosity and Perseverance rovers on Mars.
Of course, these are just a few of the notable revolutions (S curves) ready to take off. There are many more technologies which still have technical hurdles to overcome before they can take off—such as quantum computing, self-driving cars, artificial human organs (we already have skin substitutes which provide synthetic structures into which skin can grow and cover a wound), etc. Many more remain in the dark or perhaps even just in the minds of potential entrepreneurs waiting to be given the opportunity to put their ideas into action.
And all of this (and more!) is happening despite the efforts of the British Empire and its Biden puppet show to sell our steel mills, kill off our cattle, and close our machine tool shops, mines, and power plants. Imagine what we can do once we have President Trump and a MAGA Congress in office!