A note to readers: this is the archive website for Promethean PAC, created before we changed our name from LaRouchePAC to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on www.PrometheanAction.com. Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at www.PrometheanPAC.com.

In a document written many decades ago, entitled "Secrets Known Only to the Inner Elite," Lyndon LaRouche said that the imperial enemies of mankind and of our Republic have maintained an understanding of the fundamental prinicples which underlie the conflict between oligarchism and republicanism. But they have succeeded in burying or obscuring that knowledge on our side.

This class series will bring that knowledge back to light.

NB: The entire class series on George Washington can be found on this page. 

July 9, 2022 — Rediscovering the Soul of America, presented by Robert Ingraham and Bruce Director

We are unique among nations. Many Americans understand this, almost instinctively. But what is it that truly makes our Republic unique?

That deeper knowledge has been stripped away from us and has been buried. In its place, the imperial elites have planted the dangerous and criminal notion that the American Republic is based on British liberal philosophers like John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Adam Smith—all of whom derive their image of man and their concept of government from Aristotle. NOTHING could be further from the truth.

Here are references used during the class:

1. Works by Benjamin Franklin:

Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion, 1728

On the Privdence of God in the Government of the World, 1732

2. Alexander Hamilton, Report on Manufacturing, readily available on-line

3. Robert Ingraham author page on Amazon, included recently published, National Banking


July 16, 2022 — The Edgar Allan Poe They Don't Want You to Know, presented by Daniel Leach and Tony Papert, Class #1

His name is well-known, but not his lifelong battle against against the cultural warfare waged by the European oligarchy against the young republic. Was Poe a secret agent of an intelligence network headed by LaFayette? Was he murdered, as many have long believed? And why did his enemies go to such extremes to slander and vilify him?

Poe was a threat because he understood and taught, through his stories, that to control people’s behavior, you control not so much what they think, but HOW they think. We will look briefly into some of his stories, and explore what they might mean for us today.


July 23, 2022 — Poe: Another American Genius Hated by the Empire, presented by Daniel Leach and Tony Papert, Class #2

Our enemies have adopted two approaches to obscuring the profound ideas which created and shaped the American Republic. They either write out of history those individuals whose ideas were vital to our founding, or they belittle or slander them, as they have done with geniuses like Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and James Fenimore Cooper. 

Edgar Allan Poe falls in that latter category. In this week's class, they will examine Poe's poetry and what he himself had to say on the subject. For background here is a link to Poe's essay, "The Poetic Principle."


July 30, 2022 — The America You Don't Yet Know, presented by Charles Park

We began our series on "Rediscovering the Soul of America," with a discussion that attacked the dangerous notion, peddled by Mark Levin, among others, that John Locke and Adam Smith were the intellectual "rockstars" that shaped the thinking of our forefathers.

In this installment, Charles Park reveals the real "rockstars." Benjamin Franklin mentor, James Logan, was instrumental in defending and promoting Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, whose philosophy shaped the fundamental concepts underlying our founding documents (and the philosopher who most influenced Lyndon LaRouche).



Park's recent article on James Logan

The Anti-Newtonian Roots of the American Revolution, by Philip Valenti (PDF version)

James Logan's Translation of Cicero's Cato Major

August 13, 2022 — George Washington as Military Leader Today, Part 1

We are at war. The unprecedented raid at Mar-a-Lago, and now the traitors’ threat to falsely indict President Trump for espionage, place us in a pitched battle to save this Republic. George Washingon's military leadership exhibited qualities are are critical to understand and emulate, if we are to win this war, against the same enemy he fought.

August 20, 2022 — George Washington, Strategic Genius, Part 2

Leadership in moments of crisis require courage. Yet, it also requires sacrifice, judgement, intelligence, and most importantly a dedication to higher principles which make all the sacrifices and risks a mandatory undertaking. In this concluding part of the class "Washington as a Military Leader" we examine both the battles and the morality of Washington's military service.

September 25, 2022 — Washington Creates the Nation, Part 3

The American Revolution did not end in 1783. That Revolution lasted from 1775 to 1796 and ended with George Washington's Farewell Address. Throughout those 21 years, it was George Washington who led the fight for the creation of the American Republic. 

Washington was never just fighting against the British. He fought for the creation of a sovereign Republic, committed to human progress and grounded in the principles of the Declaration of Independence.

October 1, 2022 — Washington and Franklin: How Our Constitution Was Created, Part 4

Forget all the falsified nonsense of James Madison as the "Father of the Constitution." The founding of our Republic flowed from a decades-long partnership between George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. They shared a joint commitment to creating a Republic based on National Sovereignty, Scientific Discovery and Human Progress, and it was Washington, Franklin and their allies who crafted the Constitution adopted in Philadelphia in 1787.

October 8, 2022 — Washington's Republic: Science, Progress and Human Freedom, Part 5

In 1787, George Washington and his close allies created a sovereign Republic and ground it in a commitment to science, manufacturing and technological progress. 

In this concluding part of the current series on Washington, we shall focus on three things:  Washington's sponsorship of inventors and revolutionary technologies;  the fight at the Constitutional Convention against Slavery;  and the establishment of a National Government with broad powers to act on behalf of the General Welfare.

November 5, 2022 — Washington and Hamilton Forge a Nation, Part 6

With the inauguration of George Washington in April of 1789, the American Revolution entered its third phase. The military victory was final, and the Constitution had been secured.

Now Washington and Hamilton embarked on the task of creating a Republic based on economic sovereignty and committed to the rapid economic, industrial and scientific advancement of the nation; a Republic dedicated to the upward progress for all of the people. This is the subject of this week's class.

November 12, 2022 — The Real Conflict: Washington and Hamilton vs. Jefferson, Part 7 

Many historians claim that the policy fight between 1789 and 1796 was between Hamilton and Jefferson, but that is a lie. The battle was one of Hamilton and Washington versus Jefferson and Madison.

Hamilton and Washington were inseparable partners in creating and building the nation. The trust between them was impregnable. Together they created the greatest political revolution, as well as the greatest and most successful economic revolution, in history.

November 19, 2022 — The British Empire's French Revolution, Part 8

We live today in a revolutionary period. But we must ask ourselves, what are the guiding principles of our revolution? Tonight, we shall look at the French Revolution, a phenomenon that is often described as a "failed" American Revolution, a noble effort that went wrong. In reality, what occurred in France flowed from principles absolutely hostile to the intention of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the effects of the French Revolution were used by the London financial oligarchy to target and destroy what Washington and Hamilton were building in America.


November 26, 2022 — Insurrection: The Plot Against Washington, Part 9

Within weeks of George Washington's inauguration on April 30, 1789, a conspiracy was hatched to destroy the newly created Republic, to kill it before it could even take root.  Led by Thomas Jefferson {freshly arrived from Paris where he helped organize the French Revolution) and Jefferson's lap-dog James Madison, this treasonous enterprise aimed to overturn the Constitution ratified by the states only one year earlier.  They came close to succeeding and were stopped only through the efforts and courage of Washington himself.


December 3, 2022 — Washington's Republic, Part 10

George Washington not only won the War for Independence.  By the end of 1796 he had established a Constitutional Republic, and secured that Republic—and its mission—for future generations.  A sovereign nation, the likes of which had never before been witnessed, committed to freedom and upward human progress.