A note to readers: this is the archive website for Promethean PAC, created before we changed our name from LaRouchePAC to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on www.PrometheanAction.com. Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at www.PrometheanPAC.com.
LaRouchePAC hosts live Zoom calls each week:
Monday strategic orientation — Our political goals and mission orientation for the week.
Saturday in-depth classes — Addressing key historical, scientific, and cultural principles.
Recordings are available below.
The New Roman Empire and the Thirst for War
Where Globalism Goes to Die
The Prometheus Principle and Election 2024
Building Civilization Anew
This is a "Kairos" Moment
Yet Again, the U.S. is Headed into Another Mideast War
Globalism Be Damned
2024: Global Showdown
Counteroffensive! The Fight Against the Deepest State
Take Down the Blob, End the Wars, Rebuild the Nation
As Globalist System Fails, Oligarchs Go for Dictatorship
Expect the Unexpected; Enemy is in a Panic
Time to Change the World, and Give Thanks!
Biden's March to Green Destruction or Trump's Agenda47
Eyes Wide Shut, Walking into the Trap
Ghosts of Past Geopolitical Sins Threaten World War
Battle in Congress, War in Mideast; Who's in Control?
Who Can Overturn the British Chessboard in the Middle East?
The Turbulence You are Feeling Signals the End of the System
State of the Battle: Reports from California and Michigan
Bidenomics versus the Economics of Production
Mass Strike America: American Working Class shall "Rise like Lions"
Two Weeks that will Live in History
Shut Down the Injustice System Attacks on Trump and Shut Down This Ridiculous Primary
End the Central Banking System Before It Ends Us
It's Not about Donald Trump; It's about our Constitutional Republic
Who Are Financial Godfathers Behind the Empire of Dope?
A War on Drugs to Save the People of America
The Irrepressible Nature Of The Human Spirit
Stop the Prosecutions of Donald J. Trump NOW
Lyndon LaRouche, Donald Trump and the Coming Nuclear Fusion/Space Revolution!
Who are the Millions the Cartels are Shipping into the Country? No One Knows!
What is Required to Win the War on Drugs
The Future Begins with President Trump's Agenda 47
Trump's Pivot to Development: America's 21st Century
America Turns 250 — This is the New Presidency
The Battle Is Not What You Think - Beyond the DC Kabuki Theater
How Does America Deal with $90 TRILLION in Debt?
America Needs More Than Energy Independence — It Needs Energy Advancement!
It's Not Just the Banks That Are Failing
Down with King Charles — Let the Globalists be Damned!
Trump's New GOP; Biden's War and Censorship
Path to Trump's Victory Lies Through Great Art and Philosophy
Donald J. Trump’s Meaning in the Long Reach of Human History
Nazi Bragg Queen Story Hour vs American People
Globalists Panic, Banks Tremble, Trump Rallies—Build the 21st Century!
Right on Target and Taking Flak
Bank Runs, Insane in Ukraine, and Dems Go Full Goebbels
Trump Launches Ultimate Flank vs Globalists: Progress and Beauty
The Collapse of an Empire in the Graveyard of Ukraine
Who Is Sinking Joe?
The Myths That Died in 2022 & The Movement That Came Alive
We Need the Truth!
Why Was Fusion Blocked Until Now?
Twitter Dee, Twitter Dum—Ending the Tyranny of Globalization
It's Time — Kill the Beast
Donald Trump, The Visionary, Can Build The US Nuclear Renaissance
Edgar Allan Poe and the Science of President Trump's Third American Revolution
Trump Declares for 2024, Globalist Cabal Declares All-Out War
Take Back the Nation for MAGA and for the Future
The Midterms and the Path to Restoring the Republic
How to Win an Election and Defeat the Enemies of Mankind
The Third American Revolution: November 8 and Beyond
A Coalition for Victory, A Campaign to Build the Future
Crimea Bridge Bombed, But It's the London Bridge That's Falling Down
Putin and Trump: Why Nations Rise and Ideologies Fall
The Science Behind President Trump's Leadership
God Killed the Queen, It's Time for a New American Revolution
Escalated War with Russia Provides Nazi Cover for Man-Made Energy Collapse
Biden Goes Full Brandon, Europe Jumps Off a Cliff
Globalists Lose Big, Patriots Look to the Future
Will Republicans Blow the Midterms, or Fight Like Trump?
FBI Raid on President Trump Signals Political and Cultural “Total War”
In Wake of Primary Victories, Fight Over Fed and Economy Emerges
A Tale of Two Presidencies: Profiles in Courage and Senility
Build a Political Army—Armed with Ideas, Founded on Principle
Our Universe Is Changing and Our Enemies Are Not
The Lincoln Reflex: Kicking the Tory Traitors in the Arse
Liberal World Order or System of Sovereign Nations
Death Cult Throws a Tantrum; Let's Build a Renaissance of Creative Life
As Biden and Fed Fail, Our Fight to Replace Fed Advances
Reality Steals The Show, As Jan. 6 Reruns Tank
Global Feudalists Panic, as Nation Builders Advance
Trump Takes on War Party; Time to Take on "Deeper State"
How Stupid Do They Think We Are?
Biden's Breakdown: Uniparty Makes Sandcastles, as Tsunami Looms
Globalist System is Failing Fast—What Will Replace It?
The Nation-State Strikes Back
Defeating the Empire's Strategy of War, Drugs & Usury
The "C'Mon Man" Economy
There is No Justice in the Globalists' Climate Justice
The Rising of American Genius
Biden's 'New World Order' Looks More Like Orwell's 1984
Purge the Neo-Cons, Dropkick the Dwarf Kings
The War is Against the Globalists, The Future is Defined by Patriots
Americans Aren't Buying It
The Fog of War is Manufactured, Will It Go Nuclear?
Globalists' Expansion of NATO Stopped by Russia; Now, Break The Imperial Grip on the U.S.
Scratch a liberal, you get a fascist; scratch a fascist and you get the British Crown!
Biden, the Empire and the Bat Queen in a Panic
Central Banking is Satanic!
Drive the Barbarians Out of Washington!
End the Central Banks, Restore American Economic Sovereignty
Was COVID Just a Trial Run?
2022—The Year That Will Save The Nation
How to Make the RINOs Extinct
As Globalist System Collapses, It's Great to be an American!
Why the Elites Hate People—And Why We Need More
Republic or Totalitarianism—What is True Freedom?
The Strategy for Total Victory
We Will Overthrow This Regime ... Then What?
Election Victories & Durham Indictment:Time to Advance—Before the Globalists Regroup
The State of Empire and the Fight for the Republic
Now That We See the Evil, How Should We Define the Good?
BLM Attack on Nuclear Family Goes Live, with FBI in Starring Role
As Mussolini Joe's Agenda Fails, British Empire Plans Next Assault
DC Swamp is Losing and That Makes Them Dangerous
Death By Globalization or A Renaissance of Our American System?
Lessons of the California Recall Fight
Newsom Recall Fight Intensifies
Afghanistan and California: Beginning of the End for Empire?
The True Meaning Of What It Means To Be A Citizen
Death Panels, Recalls, and Revolt? Time to Unleash the True America
COVID: How Satanic Policies Destroyed Science
LaRouchePAC Pulls Rank in Fight for American System
Biden, Pentagon Implode; Admit Military Coup and White House-Directed Censorship
How to Recruit the Next Generation of Americans to Victory
While Dems are Outright Traitors, Patriots' Ignorance Can Also Kill Us
Renewed Fight Demands Higher Qualities of Leadership
January 6th: Orchestrated by Globalists for Further Surveillance?
Joe the Avatar at G7; Rejoins British Empire
Financial Cartels Assault Progress and National Sovereignty
The British Crown, COVID and a Web of Lies
What is the Nature of Man According to Washington, DC?
Kissinger & Silicon Valley: The Artificially Intelligent
Biden and the World Economic Forum: A Conspiracy of Satanic Morons
Trump's Movement Comes Alive
Reindustrialize the United States or Let Biden and the Fed Destroy You
Curtain Falls Down on Pathetic Wizard Mussolini Joe
"Fascism with A Democratic Face"—That's Mussolini Joe's Plan
JoeBama's Jobs Bill: Brought to You by BlackRock
Obama-Biden Channels Kissinger, Plots Demise of Nation
The Antidote to the Biden Collective's Foreign Policy Fiascos
The Border, Drugs & Educational Menticide—Stopping the Destruction of the Future
The Biden Collective's Imperial Poison—The Lincoln Reflex, Mobilized, Can Defeat It
Trump Takes Charge of Political Fight, LaRouchePAC Must Lead Policy Fight
Hands Off Trump! The Fight for the Country is On
To Win the Republic Back, Resurrect Our True History
Elites Push Fake Impeachment; We Organize the Constitutional Countercoup
The Culture Necessary to Defeat Biden's Fascist Charge
Make Impeachment Drive Backfire, Build Movement to Rescue Republic
Empire Overreaches in Attack on President, Nation; Time to Outflank Them
Addressing the President's Question, "Who Has the Courage to Save the Republic?"
Load more
Lyndon LaRouche's "The Power of Labor" - Part 2
LaRouche's Breakthrough Class on Economics - The Power of Labor, Part 1
The New Frontier and Fusion Rockets
We are Living in a Time of Breakthroughs: Take Fusion Energy
We are the Firebringers — Shut Down the Financial Dictatorship
What You See is Not What You Get — The Lessons of Thomas Starr King
What Ben Franklin Can Teach Us about Economics
Creating Republican Citizens Part 2
Creating Republican Citizens
Replacing Endless Wars with Endless Frontier
Why Did We Choose Promethean for Our New Name?
Biden's Green Energy Inflation Eating Your Paycheck!
The Enlightenment versus The Renaissance: The Case Study of Benjamin Franklin
LaRouchean Economics Part 4: LaRouchean Economics is the King of Science
It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents
LaRouchean Economics Part 3: The Coming Fundamental Breakthroughs in Science
LaRouchean Economics Class 2: The End of 500 Years of Stupidity
LaRouchean Economics Class 1: Creativity Per Se
The Obama-British War Against Your Mind
Blessed are the Peacemakers
How Dante Rescued Europe and What this Means for Us Today
Why Is Dante Critical to the MAGA Movement? Part 2: Dante's Divine Comedy
Why Is Dante Critical to the MAGA Movement?
Plato's Republic: Cornerstone of Western Civilization
Benjamin Franklin, The American Prometheus
A Promethean Vision for the Future
Putting the "Republic" Back into Republican
Trump, MAGA and the Lincoln Revolution
How the Oligarchy Rules: Foundations and Non-Profits
The Injustice Department on Steroids — Not Our First Rodeo
Rise Like Lions after Slumber—America Responds
Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain
Not Seeing is Believing
Plato Looks at the Candidates and Their Consultants, Part 2
Plato Looks at the 2024 Presidential Candidates
The Culture that Shaped Our Republic, Part 2
The Culture that Shaped Our Fight for Independence
Metaphor: What Only Humans Can Do
Our Founders' Republic vs. Biden's Wannabe Dictatorship
The "Rule of Law" Triumphed in Nazi Germany — Is That What They Are Setting Up Today?
The Meaning of the Bond Between Trump and the American People
Beethoven's Triumph Over Death, Part 2
Beethoven's Triumph Over Death
Americans versus the Globalists (not Republicans versus Democrats)
LaRouchePAC Houston - Trump's Agenda 47: A Plan Yielding a Prosperous Future
Trouncing the Oligarchy Can be Fun — Look at Poe!
Trump Was Right! Again? — How Does He Do It?
The Resilience of the Human Spirit
Tragedy, Economics & Leadership
Lessons in the Art of War from Plato, Class 2
Lessons in the Art of War from Lyndon LaRouche and Donald Trump
Political Mind Control: It Only Accelerated against Trump
The American Principle of National Sovereignty
Anti-Entropy: The Only Sustainable Path for Planet Earth
LaRouche's Principles of Physical Economy
Science is Proving the Way "Everybody" Thinks Is Wrong
Washington's Republic
The Plot Against Washington
The British Empire's "French Revolution"
The Real Conflict: Washington and Hamilton vs. Jefferson
Washington and Hamilton Forge a Nation
Gas Prices Viewed from the James Webb Telescope
The LaRouche-Riemann Approach to History
For the Federal Reserve, Failure is the Only Option
Washington's Republic: Science, Progress and Human Freedom
Washington and Franklin: How Our Constitution Was Created
Washington Creates the Nation
Power to the Grid: Unleashing the Energy to Grow
Lyndon LaRouche and the Future
The Drought Isn't Man-Made, The Solutions Are
Pt. 2: George Washington as Military Leader, Strategic Genius
George Washington as Military Leader Today
Current Economic Legislation—Criminal or Lunatic? Or Both?
The American Philosopher You Don't Yet Know
Edgar Allan Poe: Another American Genius Hated by Empire
The Edgar Allan Poe They Don't Want You to Know
Rediscovering the Soul of America
The Real Mission of Education: Creating a Workforce for the Future
Using National Banking to Secure Our Food Supply
How to Build Our Way Out of Approaching Doom
Stop Freaking Out: Learn the Principles & Practice of National Banking
Inflation, Shortages, Breakdown ... How Can We Survive?
Cooper's Mission: Equipping Americans to Defeat Empire
James Fenimore Cooper: Antagonist of Oligarchy and Champion of Republics
To Rescue America, We Must Restore Its Promethean Culture
Deploying Classical Tragedy to Avert a Real-Life Tragedy
Know the Ironies of History, Not Just the Facts Part II
Know the Ironies of History, Not Just the Facts
It's Trump's Patriots versus Biden's Suicidal Sanctions
Saving America, Part 2
Saving America
LaRouche's Economic Revolution
Hamilton & the 1st National Bank of the United States: An Act of Genius
What is National Banking? Why is it Mandatory for Human Economic Development?
Why Space is the Secret to Wealth
US Inflation Hits 40-Year Record— Technological Leaps Needed NOW!
Free Yourself from the Narrative, Know the Universe
The Republic As Metaphor—If You Grasp It, You Can Keep It
Be American Again, Think Like a Genius, Act Like a Warrior
Don’t Be a Slave to Statistics and Mathematics
Fight Lies with Classical Poetry, Not "Facts"
Only LaRouche's Discovery Can Defeat Monetarism and Globalism
How Did LaRouche Discover the Measure of a Human Economy?
What Did The Young Lyndon LaRouche Discover?
How to Create an American Renaissance, Part 2
Escape from Astroworld: How to Create an American Renaissance, Part 1
Only the American System Can Rescue the U.S. from Hyperinflation
Why Climate Models Fail—The Truth About Climate Change
Malthusian Origins of the Climate Change Scare
Will National Sovereignty Exist After COP26?
Class #5: A Renaissance of the American Family
What Does Gauss Figuring Out the Orbit of Ceres Have to Do w/Politics?
How the American System Defeated Fascism
Replace the Green New Deal with High Physical Productivity
The Future Belongs to Fusion
What Controls the Climate? (Hint: Not Your CO2)
Defeating the Drought: Control Climate Change, Don't Surrender to It
Trump is Right about the 'Green New Bullsh*t'
Class #2: Plato's Pursuit of the Good or Adam Smith's Pursuit of Pleasure?