A note to readers: this is the archive website for Promethean PAC, created before we changed our name from LaRouchePAC to Promethean PAC in April 2024. You can find the latest daily news and updates on www.PrometheanAction.com. Additionally, Promethean PAC has a new website at www.PrometheanPAC.com.
Class #1: Bruce Director on LaRouche's Economics
The fight to rebuild the American economy as the scientific and manufacturing powerhouse, set in motion during the first Trump administration, now enters a new phase. The incoming “Biden” administration has already vowed to return to the bad old days of the British Empire’s global dictatorship now called the “great reset”, which means big bailouts for global financial powers, takedown of U.S. productive industry, green zero-growth, and big-tech repression.
We will not let this happen. But we cannot stop this by complaining about what we don’t want. Of course, we will never shy away from exposing the corruption of the London-Wall St. centered drive for a globalist dictatorship. But LaRouchePAC is committed to continuing to lead the fight for a re-emergence of the American system and the reorganization of the world economy based on Lyndon LaRouche’s design of a New Bretton Woods system based on national sovereignty and a commitment to the increase in the productive powers of labor.
Beginning Saturday January 16, 2021, LaRouchePAC ran a 4-week course on Lyndon LaRouche’s science of physical economy taught by Bruce Director. The course is based on LaRouche’s economics book, “So You Wish To Learn About Economics” and will draw on other writings of LaRouche on science, economics, art and philosophy.
Class #2: Bruce Director on LaRouche's Economics
Two little noticed recent developments encapsulate the principles of our current fight to restore the U.S. On January 12, 2021 President Trump issued an executive order directing the Department of Defense and NASA to develop small scale nuclear reactors to supply power to existing installations on Earth and future robotic and human bases on the Moon and Mars. Also, included in the omnibus appropriation bill attached to the Covid 19 relief package, Trump signed an authorization for federal funds to be used to match private development of fusion reactors modelled on the successful NASA directed public/private cooperation that helped launch the burgeoning industrialization of low Earth orbit.
The incoming “Biden” administration has already signaled its intention to replace this policy of government promotion of real scientific achievement with ideological dogma masquerading as “science” administered by “experts”. Just think of Biden’s planned return to the Paris Climate Accords that will bind the U.S. to reducing economic progress in the name of discredited statistical theories of climate change. Or the difference between the successful application of science under “Operation Warp-Speed” and the restrictive, irrational policies of lockdowns and fear mongering in dealing with the Covid 19 crisis.
The science based American System of physical economy has been, and will continue to be, the most effective approach to fostering economic progress, which is why it has been emulated by any nation that seeks to improve the conditions of life for its citizens. Lyndon LaRouche set forth the scientific principles on which this economic system has been based. In part 2 of this 4-part class series we will explore those principles, which are summarized in Chapters 3, 4 and 5 of LaRouche’s, So You Wish To Learn All About Economics.
Class #3: Contrary to the Great Reset and Joe Biden, Humans Can't Be Replaced by Machines
This past week, the would-be rulers of the world gathered (virtually) at the Davos World Economic Forum to announce their intention to send mankind back to the Stone Age. (Read LaRouchePAC's coverage of Davos.) They seem to be in a big hurry, as does their would-be American President who is signing executive orders faster than any President in history. Perhaps their haste is being driven by the obvious—their bloated, multi-quadrillion financial bubble is about to burst, and as much as they would like to think they have the world in their hands, the 75 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump have other intentions.
In Class #3, Bruce Director discusses the fatal flaw embedded in the current global financial system from the standpoint of Lyndon LaRouche's breakthrough understanding of the inherent criminality of "systems analysis," as applied to living economic systems. In a 1981 paper (Systems Analysis is White Collar Genocide), LaRouche wrote: "If a society’s economy can be fairly described, over successive periods, by means of linear economic models, that society is very sick, and will die unless radical changes are introduced to its policies of economic practice."
The Davos/Great Reset system of today's British Empire is about to die. It's probably a good idea not to go down with it, but, rather, to master the principles necessary to replace it. This will be the focus of tonight's class with Bruce Director.
Class #4: LaRouche's Economic Breakthrough: Where Does Wealth Come From?
It's not enough to be against the assault on our economy now being carried out by the Davos/Biden Administration, under their Green New Deal/Great Reset policies. Nor is restarting a pipeline or protecting our coal industry enough.
Until we break completely with the monetarist system of Wall Street and London, and return to Hamilton's system of credit, national banking and productive investment, we will remain under the economic control of the British Empire. At the core of Hamilton's policies was the concept that wealth comes from the "productive powers of labor," not money, raw materials, land or any other physical object. Lyndon LaRouche showed that wealth can therefore only be increased by improving of the "productive powers of labor," through advances in science and technology which are driven by the unique powers of human creative reason.
Bruce Director will conclude his four-part series on LaRouche Economics by focusing on the difference between a system based on money and things, and a system based on human creativity.
More content:
Lyndon LaRouche's "The Power of Labor" - Part 2
Make It Too Big to Rig with Agenda47’s BIG IDEAS!
LaRouche's Breakthrough Class on Economics - The Power of Labor, Part 1
America's Labor Force & the Immigration Crisis
Bidens’ BS March Jobs Report: So Who Got the Jobs, and What Are They?
Welcome to the Party, Pete—The Party of Lincoln and Trump
Sinking the USA? Free Trade Brought Down the Francis Scott Key Bridge
The “Families” behind Biden’s Bloodbath of American Jobs
Does Gen Z have a future?
Worse Than a Bloodbath, Auto Industry Faces “Extinction-Level Event”
What Ben Franklin Can Teach Us about Economics
Cold Fusion, Hot on the Trail to Viability
Trump's Second Term: The Heritage Foundation or the American System
Biden's Green Energy Inflation Eating Your Paycheck!
The Success of NASA's Artemis Mission, and America's Future In Space Is Hanging By A Thread–Only A Change In Our National Priorities Will Save It
LaRouchean Economics Part 4: LaRouchean Economics is the King of Science
Humanoid Robots This Year!
LaRouchean Economics Part 3: The Coming Fundamental Breakthroughs in Science
Is the CO₂ Hoax Aimed at Our Food Supply?
2024: What will it Mean to Make America Great Again?
Boom Before Bust: "Like to buy the Brooklyn Bridge?"
Michigan Dems Trash Democracy for Green Regime
Did the Grinch Steal Christmas? Or Did U.S. Steel Sell It?
Wind and Solar Energy Will Destroy the Economy
LaRouchean Economics Class 2: The End of 500 Years of Stupidity
Ignore the Climate-Change Cultists, Mankind Improves Nature
LaRouchean Economics Class 1: Creativity Per Se
A Manufacturing Revolution in Defense Production? DEW, Hypersonics and Next Generation Interceptor
Trump's Missile Defense: Strategic and Economic Priority
President Trump Will Build War Ending Missile Defense, Igniting Economic Renaissance
Lessons of the UAW Strike: You Need Donald Trump and Agenda47
How the National Bank Will Work
The Turbulence You are Feeling Signals the End of the System
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Agenda 47 — Restoring Boundless American Creativity
The Water Revolution that Cannot be Postponed in Mexico, Thinking Big Is Key to the New Mexican-American Alliance
Biden Returns to the Scene of the Original Crime, While Committing a New One
Bidenomics versus the Economics of Production
Creating a Republican Labor Party
Mass Strike America: American Working Class shall "Rise like Lions"
At Stake in the UAW Strike: Trump's Manufacturing Superpower or Biden's Green Deindustrialization
Trump Vows to Save Auto Workers from Biden’s Job-Killing Electric Vehicle Mandates
End the Central Banking System Before It Ends Us
From High Above Jackson Hole: The Real Choice is Trump or Dope, Inc.
Have Michigan Trump Supporters Noticed that Auto Workers Are in Revolt Against Biden?
The New Moon Race; Different Context, Same Amazing Discoveries
The Irrepressible Nature Of The Human Spirit
Reply to Charles Benoit: Green Energy Is Not the American System
Donald Trump’s Message to American Auto Workers
Mussolini Joe's Bidenomics vs Trump's Agenda 47
Only Technological Attrition Will Work
The War and Economics: President Putin at St Petersburg Forum
The Future Begins with President Trump's Agenda 47
The Promise and the Limitations of the New “American System” Faction
Trump's Pivot to Development: America's 21st Century
What Do The President Of Mexico's Great Projects Mean For North America?
Biden and DeSantis Respond to Trump's Agenda 47
President Trump Makes Himself the Personal Rallying Point for the Principles of 1776
A Friendly Sputnik Reminder? Japan Aims to be First in Commercial Fusion
How Does America Deal with $90 TRILLION in Debt?
The mind-boggling Incompetence of the Debt Ceiling debate: If a Default scares you, what about a Depression?
America Needs More Than Energy Independence — It Needs Energy Advancement!
It's Not Just the Banks That Are Failing
Can Agenda 47 Save Our Youth?
Vivek, the Fed, and the Octopus in the Room
How and Why the American System Will Replace Imperial Poverty and Conflict
Why Does Trump's Agenda 47 Terrify the Bankster Globalists?
An Alternative to the Confidently Forecast Collapse of the Dollar System
Trump’s Nation Transformed: New “Freedom Cities” to Inspire our Nation
The View from the Other Side of the Crisis
The Principles We Must Use in the Banking Crisis—Starting with “People First!”
A Quantum Leap in American Standards of Living
Banking Collapse Caused by Federal Reserve. We Need a National Bank Now!
Trump’s “Freedom Cities”—A New Frontier
A Collegial Reply to Robert Atkinson
Donald Trump’s Bold Challenge: The Future Belongs to the Beautiful City Builders
Jump Starting a Recovery with America's Hidden Store of Skilled Manpower & Manufacturing Pt. 2
Economic Crisis Will Be Solved with Culture, Not Money
Mastering LaRouche's Four Laws—The Qualification for Leadership
House “Debt Ceiling Fight” Threatens Wall Street and London; Not Social Security
California—Flooded Amidst Drought
Anti-Entropy: The Only Sustainable Path for Planet Earth
Biden’s Greenies Attack the TVA
Economic Progress: What Is It? How Is It Measured? and Why Is It Necessary?
Message to the Freedom Caucus: The past is dead. Stop fighting the economic battles of 40 years ago.
A Sight For Sore Eyes: Helion Energy’s Exciting Approach to Fusion
LaRouche's Principles of Physical Economy
Eureka! Fusion Ignition! Now Let’s Realize It in a Crash Program
We Have Ignition: At the Threshold of Fusion Energy!
Twitter Dee, Twitter Dum—Ending the Tyranny of Globalization
Science is Proving the Way "Everybody" Thinks Is Wrong
Attention! The Western States Drought and Water Crisis Is a National Emergency
Project Prometheus: Building Hundreds of Nuclear Power Plants to Make America Great Again
Visit to a Farm on the High Desert Plains: A Lesson in Greening the Desert
COP 27—No Joy at Sharm el-Sheikh
The LaRouche-Riemann Approach to History
For the Federal Reserve, Failure is the Only Option
Southwest Megadrought Threatens Human Survival; “Now” Generation Politicians Respond—What Crisis?
British Economy Crashes; Bank of England Pleads Insanity
California's Governor Newsom Threatens the Nation with His Insane Energy Policy
Power to the Grid: Unleashing the Energy to Grow
Who Will Rescue Us When the Economy Falls off the Cliff?
Our Future Without the Federal Reserve
United States At Last Announces Commitment To Build 6 New Nuclear Plants — In Poland!
Escalated War with Russia Provides Nazi Cover for Man-Made Energy Collapse
The Drought Isn't Man-Made, The Solutions Are
A Reflection by Lyndon LaRouche On Our Present Circumstance; Or, Why, Both LaRouche and Trump Are Ruthlessly Suppressed
Won’t Power the Economy: Computer Chips & Cow Chips
In Wake of Primary Victories, Fight Over Fed and Economy Emerges
Steve Bannon Calls for Fed Abolition at CPAC; Is a Third National Bank Next?
Current Economic Legislation—Criminal or Lunatic? Or Both?
Lying ‘Biden’ Administration Continues to Cook Employment Figures
Trojan Horse: The Schumer–Manchin “Anti-inflation Act of 2022”
Biden’s "Jobs" Figures Are Pure Fakery, there is No Growth in Full Time Employment
Summertime and the Livin’ Is Brutal
What The Heck Is Really Going on With Texas Energy?!
Whipping Inflation: National Banking or Reap the Whirlwind
Support the Dutch Farmers; Their Protest is Our Own
The Pursuit of Happiness: Artemis Will Create More of It; Faster
The Real Mission of Education: Creating a Workforce for the Future
Battle Report From the Texas Republican Party Convention: Abolishing the Fed; Establishing the Third National Bank
The Western States Megadrought is About to Blow Up the Nation's Food Supply
Candidates Endorse Call to Replace Fed with Third National Bank
Using National Banking to Secure Our Food Supply
Why National Banking Will Save Our Families and Revive the American Dream
LaRouche PAC On the Ground At Texas Republican Convention
Biden and Fed Fail: To End the Breakdown Crisis, You Have to Pop the Bubble, End the Sanctions, and Extend Credit to Expand Production
Reality Steals The Show, As Jan. 6 Reruns Tank
How to Build Our Way Out of Approaching Doom
REPORT—For a U.S. Economic Recovery: A Third National Bank Now Indispensable
It’s Here! Our Report on the U.S. Physical Economy: How to Build Our Way Out of Approaching Doom
The Fed’s Façade is Crumbling
Stop Freaking Out: Learn the Principles & Practice of National Banking
President Vladimir Putin at the Eurasian Economic Forum: National Sovereignty, Resistance to Imperial Rule, and the Pathway to Economic Development
Biden Bizarrely Declares "Hands Off Fed" As Major Cure For Inflation
Amber Waves of Grain -- To Feed the Nation; You Need a Third National Bank
World Economic Forum 2022: Arrogance Fades as Elite Panic Begins
How Stupid Do They Think We Are?
Inflation, Shortages, Breakdown ... How Can We Survive?
Our Saturday “Hot Takes” on This Week’s Developments
Crypto Mining + Heat Waves Causing Major Power Grid Failures in Texas
How to turn the Federal Reserve into a National Bank
Fed Tinkers When Transformation is Needed
Yes, Governor Newsom, There is a Reality
Spreading Western Drought Threatens Food and Electrical Supply
Why is the Economy Not Working? Don’t Just Kick the Tires, Look Under the Hood
Identifying The Fed’s Central Role in the Current Blowout is Not Sufficient
Defeating the Empire's Strategy of War, Drugs & Usury
Echoes of 1860: Saturday’s Lincoln-Like Transformation of the Michigan Republican Party
3D Printing Transforming Rocketry, Hypersonics, & Propelling Us All the Way to the Moon, Mars, & Beyond
The "C'Mon Man" Economy
Yoda’s Evil Deluded Twin, Janet Yellen, Declares World Bankers’ Dictatorship
The New Oil Hoax: Globalists Swindle U.S. and Europe With Rigged Oil and Gas Shortage
1 Million Barrels of Oil Per Day, Biden's Energy Scheme Before the Midterm Election
The World Economic Forum’s Plot to Murder Detroit
Trump in Michigan: Giving the Country Back to a People Who Are Ready to Keep It
Biden's Sanctions & the Climate Agenda Destroying the United States
Saving America, Part 2
Saving America
The City of London’s Murderous Sanctions Policy: Targeting the American People!
Hamilton & the 1st National Bank of the United States: An Act of Genius
What is National Banking? Why is it Mandatory for Human Economic Development?
Why Space is the Secret to Wealth
US Inflation Hits 40-Year Record— Technological Leaps Needed NOW!
"We are the fire bringers!"
Grasping Alexander Hamilton’s Intention
Lyndon LaRouche: End Imperial Central Banking; Bankrupt The Fed
LaRouche Excerpt: LaRouche Declared Fed Bankrupt in 2009; Bury it Now
Central Banking is Satanic!
What A Third National Bank Can Do
The Birth of Central Banking
Central Banking: An Imperial World Order
Fed’s Predicament Demonstrates That Central Banking is a Failure
Taking Back Control Over Our Economic Destiny
Making America Great: Notes on Steps Needed Now to Re-Americanize the Real Economy
The Fed’s Perfidies: A Recent History
Put the Fed Through Bankruptcy, Create the Third National Bank of the United States
End the Central Banks, Restore American Economic Sovereignty
Freeing America’s Productive Powers from the Grip of the Lilliputians
Was COVID Just a Trial Run?
All Energy Is Not Equal: Lessons from Donald Trump and Lyndon LaRouche
Only LaRouche's Discovery Can Defeat Monetarism and Globalism
How Did LaRouche Discover the Measure of a Human Economy?
What Did The Young Lyndon LaRouche Discover?
The Only Rational Response to Green Insanity: Others Go Nuclear, What About the United States?
COP-26 Overview: Nation States say “Nyet” at Glasgow, while British Imperialists demand Mass Murder
Will We Now Rescue the US Economy by Re—Americanizing It?
Will National Sovereignty Exist After COP26?
Class #4: Who Remembers How to Think BIG?
Will the Halloween Climate Summit Trigger an Economic Heart-Attack Even Before it Opens?
Class #3: It Ain't Supply Chains, It's What We Don't Produce!
Machine Tools—Key to Rebuilding U.S. Manufacturing
Death By Globalization or A Renaissance of Our American System?
A Fitting Birthday Present for Lyndon LaRouche: Put That Woman On Mars
LPAC Shorts: The World Runs on Steel, Coal and Oil
Replace the Green New Deal with High Physical Productivity
LPAC Shorts: How to Rebuild American Supply Chains
The Future Belongs to Fusion
A Production Supply Chain Rebuild: Saving the Crumbling US Economy
INTERVIEW: What’s Happening w/the Texas Energy Grid & Climate Insanity
LPAC Shorts: How the US will Become an Industrial Superpower Again
Historic Drought Calls for Historic Action, We've Done It Before
While Dems are Outright Traitors, Patriots' Ignorance Can Also Kill Us
Bring Back Coal! Bring Back Steel!
Can NASA Launch Humans to Mars Under A Crashing Green Agenda?
Inflation Explodes: Time for LaRouche's Firewall
What is the "Machine Tool Principle?"
Why Green Energy = Population Reduction
Defeat Biden's Hyperinflation—Class#1: What is an economic 'platform'?
Infrastructure For Creative Minds – Lessons Of The Erie Canal
How *Not* to Make the US a Manufacturing Superpower
On the American System: Is David Brooks that Clueless?
Defeat Biden's "Jobs" Boondoggle with a Space Platform
Special Thursday Event—Defeat Biden's "Jobs" Boondoggle with a Space Program
Cap and Trade: Blue States Financialize Nature for Plunder
Why the Oligarchy Hates the Atom: Nuclear Energy and Science
First Principles for Taking the Nation Back: LaRouchePAC's Citizen's Primer
Secure the Border and Build the Sovereign Nations
Towards a Producers’ Alliance, How To Rebuild the U.S. Economy
A "Builders Party" Could Fix the West's Exceptional Drought
Trump Takes on Wall Street Journal—Now Take on Wall Street Economics
The Household and the Physical Economy: Lyndon LaRouche’s Heuristic Bar Diagram of the Physical Economy
Build on the Trump Presidency: COVID Did Not Shut Down the Real Economy
LaRouche's Economic Breakthrough: Where Does Wealth Come From?
Class #3: Bruce Director on LaRouche's Economics
The Avatar President Arrives: Cookies for Human Props; Pure Hell for the Economy
Class #2: Bruce Director on LaRouche's Economics
President Trump Issues Major Executive Order Promoting Nuclear Power
Class #1: Bruce Director on LaRouche's Economics
Families and Making America Great
Isn’t It Time to Return to the Real American System? The COVID Bailout Bill vs. LaRouche’s Four Laws
Part 5: World Energy Needs
Part 4: USA—Successes, Failures, & Potential
Part 3: Zero Growth Kills Millions
Part 2: Defining ‘National Economic Energy Flux Density’
Part 1: What Is Energy Flux Density?
Stop Studying Flea Markets, Create Space Markets
A response to Michael Cernovich: The secret to making America great again, understanding true source of wealth
LaRouche Addresses Coronavirus Crisis in 1998
Pro-Nuclear CO2 Reduction is a Terrible Policy, With Deadly Results
The Four New Laws to Save the USA Now! Not an Option: An Immediate Necessity
America's Labor Force & the Immigration Crisis
The “Families” behind Biden’s Bloodbath of American Jobs
What Ben Franklin Can Teach Us about Economics
Is the CO₂ Hoax Aimed at Our Food Supply?
Boom Before Bust: "Like to buy the Brooklyn Bridge?"
LaRouchean Economics Class 1: Creativity Per Se
LPAC Short: Real infrastructure—Not Biden's B.S. Would Have Made Hurricane Ida Manageable
U.S./British Incompetence, Not Putin, is Out to Destroy the Dollar
An Alternative to the Confidently Forecast Collapse of the Dollar System
America's Hidden Store of Skilled Manpower & Manufacturing
Think Big, Build Big—Building America for the 21st Century
Trump Launches and So Does NASA
The Myths That Died in 2022 & The Movement That Came Alive
Twitter Dee, Twitter Dum—Ending the Tyranny of Globalization
It's Time — Kill the Beast
Visit to a Farm on the High Desert Plains: A Lesson in Greening the Desert
California's Governor Newsom Threatens the Nation with His Insane Energy Policy
United States At Last Announces Commitment To Build 6 New Nuclear Plants — In Poland!
Lyndon LaRouche and the Future
The Drought Isn't Man-Made, The Solutions Are
Current Economic Legislation—Criminal or Lunatic? Or Both?
What The Heck Is Really Going on With Texas Energy?!
As Biden and Fed Fail, Our Fight to Replace Fed Advances